Bardledo Player ![]()
Level 151
11th March 2024 20:05:14
1. Have a share range on the party so level 40's cannot boost level 400's etc.
2. Make monsters retarget if there is more than 1 person, this would make hunting a little more complex, you could then add a monster res for paladins (adds a little bit for paladins). 3. Add a wave spell for druids which does damage to monsters and heals players within it(or only heals party members etc). 4. Make heal friend 2s cooldown, but it auto has a heal a second later for 35% of the initial heal and 100% with the talent. (will stop the boring spam heal on harder hunts) 5. Make hailstorm a wave too (Having spells which you need to heal helps with bots and the fun of playing X class) 6. Bring deso back for paladins. 7. Reduce arrow volley cooldown to 2s and make it have a heal as base too. Add a spell called rapid fire which shoots 3 arrows at a 0.5 interval for X damage with a 4 second cooldown. 8. Give a use to challenge points and make the weapon obtainable from something else ( or split the points where you get X challenge point and X store point per task ). 9. Change gathering nodes spawn randomly around the map but have 3 tiers which give a lot more the higher tier (this will also help a little with the bot gatherers). 10. Make a boss task give a daily token once finished or make all bosses a 5 man daily with a highish chance to drop like Tibias. 11. Make all boosts personal, for enraged and elite you could make it so it rolls when a monster dies to spawn an enraged or elite (same as current rate) you could make the health reduction and damage increase against boosted monster (the health reduction could be for events). |