Henricus The Loner

Level 215
28th April 2024 22:15:44

I really hope that you guys have listened about pvp enforced and experience for kills, obviously though a high level shouldn’t gain nearly anything for killing a low level, but a low level killing someone much higher than him should give him quite a large boost im talking several levels and if your not ready for this commitment atleast give us players some type of enhancement for killing people and keep the pvp enforced no matter what.

Also no more 1 city is pvp, it’s ridiculous and super annoying, if you must make 1 city non pvp on rotation with no bonus on exp and loot, if you want to keep the bonus then leave the bonus on all pvp cities.
Henricus The Loner

Level 215
28th April 2024 22:24:03

This will keep a bunch of players from getting the pet scroll and the outfit at end of season from camping non pvp for 3 months what is the fun in that ?

You could also give a special outfit this season and a nice pet considering they will be harder to achieve.