Troll Patroll

Level 113
9th January 2025 13:56:05

Firstly, I would like to praise the good work on updates and building respawns on the new maps.

It is important to constantly creating new map content and new areas to explore, hunts etc.

Problem: Old hunts, and old HC hunts.

The old HC hunts have a bad structure that is the way hunts were done in the past, but nowadays they are almost useless. Have you seen DK in lyedel? Nobody hunts in the place, besides the map being horrible, the mix and composition of creatures in the hunts does not guarantee a good hunt. Another issue in HC is that some contain two types of creatures, such as werebears.

They could review the old HC, open the map more, and in these with 2 creatures of the same type, for example: mighty werebear, add 1 floor, place 1 floor with more creatures of one type than the other and on the second floor respectively in the same way.

This way we will have more hunting areas, more places to hunt, as well as maps that accommodate the current style of play in zezenia.

P.S. Adding specific creatures to respawns to increase difficulty is always valid, "evil eye", to reduce hunting speed, add another creature to the cursed, etc.
Dark Berserker

Level 1001
9th January 2025 15:23:23

Without a doubt, we are living in the best era of Zezenia, with constant updates. I spent 5 years hunting mighty werebears, and nowadays I have more hunting options. Whoever is mapping is truly doing an amazing job. I miss the live streams they used to do.

Level 562
9th January 2025 15:31:23 (Last edited 9th January 2025 15:32:13)

I'm going to take advantage of this topic to give my two cents:

I've been off from Zezenia for some years and the way the game has been planned and designed recently caught my attention and interest again. Some other players are coming back aswel and there are even new players incoming, so I would like to congratulate staff for the good work on new quests and dungeons design, mapping, new creatures, items and also events, like Xmas we've just had and active ones within calendar.

The game feels like another one right now and there are such a lot of things regarding quality of life that staff has implemented that made the game even more enjoyable. Of course there are more desirable things, but it feels like we are going on the right direction, with constants changes and updates.

Balancing subclasses and respawns is a challenge that I wish the new staff the best to work on it. Revisiting old respawns is always a hard and necessary thing that MMOs needs from time to time to adjust old content to the current state of their game, and ZZ is indeed included.

I like to face games like a challenge to explore and adapt and not my personal garden. I see some really good proposals and some crazy stuff, which only delays any good work due to its inapplicability in any instance of the game. At the end, I got the feeling that players can now trust more on the current team and ZZ development.

In addition, I understand that any MMO needs constant changes, to gather new players and satisfy old dedicated ones. Hunting nowadays feels like a mix of a mess and joy, with a lot of stuff going on and considering new meta respawns seems necessary due to the number of high level players ZZ's got. We can expect this issue, related in other topic, to increase if game catches even more players, what we all should want. On the other hand, I do believe that there are other stuff to do and that also matters in a MMO besides powergaming on Exp. Those experience attributes on sets feels like a lot to me. We got stamina and refills, experience scrolls and experience potions that adds a small boost percentage, and at the same time a 20-30% passive bonus increase within those attributes. I can understand more defense and attack power on set bonuses, but experience just seems too much for me. Some years ago we were hunting the top tier hunts, all boosted and in the best comp, and still happy to make like 10-12kk exp per hour and fast leveling (average 2-3h), and now we are complaining and getting the felling that 70kk exp per hour is "boring". Character level needs to matter. With the current formulas the game will be just harder to balance more and more. Anyways, all those things compose a challenge to the current staff and I can only wish the best.

Just one more thing, and important one to me. The current life steal mechanic on ZZ is completely broken and is a crucial part on balancing everything on the game. People are claiming for new respawns where you can lure like 20-30 mobs, playerbase doesn't even care about shamans and paladins and many things could be balanced if the current state of life steal on game is reworked. It feels great to spam offensive spells and get life fully recovered and just keep going, specialy when the HP recovered is much higher than your heal power and because of that you are able to perform well on higher stage hunts, but this is also what makes paladins irrevelant at some point in the game, shamans totally undesirable (I'm talking from a non-pvp player perspective) or even mages just willing to group up if they are really lazy to make exp.

I can only wish the game a great year! And once again, good work on new respawns.