Troll Patroll

Level 113
16th January 2025 17:18:08

Currently the task system works based on a range of levels.

for example, level 80 characters receive tasks to kill different creatures than a level 200 character.

So far it makes sense, but when the system was implemented it took a long time to level up, and thus we accumulated a lot of creature product, and collection tasks were used better.

currently when we level up we go up so fast that collections have become a problem.
We accumulate hundreds of collects of a single creature or a few, and in a short time they become obsolete.

so a reformulation of the task system would be viable.

we could choose between kill and collect tasks, and after that select which specific task we will do, whether collect or kill. If the player intends to use random, it can be within a category of tasks, and have an increase of 10% and not 20%.

an example;
chellenge >>collect >> yeti
challenge >>kill >> dragon
challenge >> kill >> random

This way, collects would make sense again, and we would stop accumulating hundreds of collects without purpose or use.