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20th September 2013 12:14:36 K-Zodron View post »

20th September 2013 12:14:36

Zaza, I responded to your e-mail related to this issue. There's definitely something wrong in the network at our host's end.
Elder Sage

Level 275
23rd October 2013 17:43:06

Same issue has come up. Will email the MTR report shortly

Level 17
22nd December 2013 08:42:14



Level 252
26th October 2014 21:50:37 (Last edited 26th October 2014 22:13:17)

Could any1 help me with my situation?

All servers are hosted on the same host, right?
Then why do i lag on everath but not elysium...

ive tracert my ping like this "tracert everath.zezeniaonline.com > c:\pingtest.txt"
same way to other 2 servers.

so ive did some research on my and found out that my elysium/platon are the EXACT same compared to Everath.
Elysium takes 15 (location?) to get to that adress, but everath 11.

After ive hit the 10th(15max) goal on Elysium, i got above 100 ping, end up on 105 ping at the 15th spot. (ELYSIUM)
After ive hit the 7th(11max) goal on Everath, i got above 100 ping, end up on 216 ping at the 11th spot. (EVERATH)

Now ive found it strange it takes so many more time to get to elysiums adress compared to everath, also that it went from 11ping to 112 in just 1 spot... and in elysium it got from 18 to 94, im not that geek to tell whats the real difference between it.. but i do know i cant simply share the full tracert on here.. but as i can tell, they dont even get close to the same (but it is the same host) ?

Please help me, so i can make everath peaceful again! XD


edit; 100-120 ping is normal to european players.
edit; i only get this problems around 18:00 and keeps going all night at Amsterdam timezone.
Lazzoa Ruthless

Level 239
25th February 2015 16:25:30 (Last edited 25th February 2015 16:34:48)


Great slapstick this .. are returning death to the great players who die of natural death I quote, Gruppenfuhrer Wolf and Ninjanaja hammer among many others, which died naturally in the game and received their compensation ... in short the game only benefits those who they think must return, I'm waiting for my compensation for the last death, and left already said, not spent a penny in that game while do not return my. bought 2000 cards in 10 months, and I no have some support when needed, and this revolting.
Idi Amin

Level 104
14th January 2016 03:01:28

im having a lot of freezes, they seem to be random. Sometimes i can play really smoothly. I tried pinging the server, but it says that couldnt find the host.
My brother plays with the same internet but suffers a lot less from this freezes.
I dont think its my computer cause i used to play a lot of this game and never had this issue, at least not until this last update, when i started playing again.
i reinstalled the game and downloaded the lag fixer, none of them worked.
Im currently playing on everath, i live in brazil and im experiencing mostly freezes.
i wont post screenshots since the pinging didnt work.
My FPS is between 30 and 60.
hopefully someone can help me, i cant play right now.
Nagato Niru

Level 223
15th January 2016 18:29:56

Yeah, i've got the same problem here.
I've been playins smooth for 3weeks of playin this game and in all of the sudden i start to get massive lag/freezes.

I've tried to ping "ping everath.zezeniaonline.com" but it didnt seem to work, same goes for platon/elysium).
I've got my rl to confirm that it's not my net since he could hear me clearly thru those freezes i've had ingame.

That way i didn't die yet cuz he's a shaman.
Sadly i cant see if anyone else on my net would have the same problem cuz i play alone... but my teamspeak worked fine for me.
Please help me?!

Level 231
23rd January 2016 01:30:52

Quoting Nagato Niru:
Yeah, i've got the same problem here.
I've been playins smooth for 3weeks of playin this game and in all of the sudden i start to get massive lag/freezes.

I've tried to ping "ping everath.zezeniaonline.com" but it didnt seem to work, same goes for platon/elysium).
I've got my rl to confirm that it's not my net since he could hear me clearly thru those freezes i've had ingame.

That way i didn't die yet cuz he's a shaman.
Sadly i cant see if anyone else on my net would have the same problem cuz i play alone... but my teamspeak worked fine for me.
Please help me?!

Same, did the IP's get changed? Host name can't be found.
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