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Level 397
17th September 2024 12:27:01

Quoting Mue Asyixlou:
in dungeon Baphomet's Residence, remove the need to light basin to invoke bafome, just sacrificing an item is already cool.
It's very frustrating lure fire being all dungeon and miss the basin, in my opinion it's not a cool mechanic.


cant kill a fkn fire being at the right spot, and come here to cry. thats the new generation! >:(

Level 397
17th September 2024 12:36:14

Quoting Mue Asyixlou:
in dungeon Baphomet's Residence, remove the need to light basin to invoke bafome, just sacrificing an item is already cool.
It's very frustrating lure fire being all dungeon and miss the basin, in my opinion it's not a cool mechanic.

cant believe in this, frustating to miss the basins.... omg!! your bad thats it. deal with it! train! get better! omg!!!!

the game turned into this, a level 500 that cant kill fire being in the right spot.

i will make some proposal here, for those "new generation" players.

> create teleports to all quest, so they dont need to explore the game.
> create the auto fishing system, so they dont need to click.
> .....

stop facilitating the game at extreme levels. go explore. go grind for fishing skills. go gather plants. go brew potions. thats the game main line, to grind and explore. stop asking for quest spoilers, all the time i see ppl asking to be caried at quests, without ever reading the quest log, not ever trying to solve any quest line.

Level 973
18th September 2024 12:59:00

Quoting Mue Asyixlou:
in dungeon Baphomet's Residence, remove the need to light basin to invoke bafome, just sacrificing an item is already cool.
It's very frustrating lure fire being all dungeon and miss the basin, in my opinion it's not a cool mechanic.

in my opinion, every content in the game needs some sort of specific characteristic, the dungeon you mentioned has its own characteristic. Its is frustating to miss fire being kill, i know, iv missed lots of then ( tukinouu quest, golden shield quest, and even baphomet residence). But its part of the game, thats the challenge.
One small tip i could give you is, bring a friend to lock the fire being at place, then you kill it.

PS: at 24th June 2024 15:40:28, you made a post here, asking to enter dungeons alone. kill those fire beings alone is hard, indeed. Try with a friend.
Remember when dungeons had 1 hour cooldown? We made it, and lost some fire being kills as well, but never gave up.
Buster Bunny

Level 400
18th September 2024 19:54:41

Quoting Sasaki Kojiro:
wtf??? you guys just want a game with no challenges!! try playing those iddle games at google store. better for you.

blablabla, no basins...

soon they gonna ask to have teleports to all quest access...

Why don't use your real account? What are you scared of man? We are here just asking proposals, maybe you think that this is all "stupid" and "unnecessary crying of the new generation" , but I challenge you to make a poll with the players opinion. Who like to stay looking for hours on the screen doing absolutelly nothing while the character is fishing. Many "older generations" players that you are saying, actually have used macro to get the fishing, it's obvious and everybody knows. If there is a mechanic that nobody likes, it's not hard , its just BORING there is no reason at all to maintain the way that is now adays.
Everything changes, everything evolutes and this game can't be an exception.
Lone Knight

Level 231
18th September 2024 22:08:03

The fishing system needs to be updated.

Level 202
18th September 2024 22:42:11

In the past, the fishing system of clicking on the water and waiting made sense. Today it no longer does. This needs a revamp.

— Vovó da Penha

Level 28
18th September 2024 23:23:22 (Last edited 18th September 2024 23:54:46)

Please note all numbers I use are examples

Would be cool to do more with items even while enchanted. Doesn't need to be legendary either. But possibly adding 3 Tiers to them, with a new gathering system like mining to be implemented to support this.
Tier 1- +1% to item stats
Tier 2- +2% to item stats
Tier 3- +3% to item stats

Another idea would be to add more gatherable herbs like clovers and such throughout the world of Zezenia and not just in particular areas. Expand more on the brewing system and bring "elixirs" in. These can be potions similar as to what we have now but "better". Could add a completely new gatherable or two to the game.

I see a lot of people talking about dungeons and how it doesn't feel as rewarding as it should. And how it is sort of behind buying premium cards to even do them. Here's a suggestion I thought of that can maybe meet in middle?
-discontinue the actual need of a dungeon ticket to enter any dungeon just make it level required only
-add dungeon tokens to the game, which are obtained upon completion of a dungeon and can be traded at a NPC for high end items (new items) or unique very rare pets, training scrolls, herb bags whatever you choose
-if you use a dungeon ticket you have a 90% chance to obtain a dungeon token at the end of the dungeon if completed
-if no dungeon ticket is used, you have a 10% chance to obtain a dungeon token at the end of the dungeon if completed
-increase the dungeon completions needed for item rewards if dungeon tickets were not needed to enter the dungeons anymore
-dungeon tokens can also have different tiers to them according to what level or dungeon you completed, to trade for different to better items each tier.

Dungeons are a huge part to any MMORPG, we should be able to do them without the need to pay.

These are all opinion based ideas, feel free to add, hate, love, whatever you feel to it.
Take care <3

Level 956
19th September 2024 13:13:44

Your proposal about dg sounds interesting, however I really don't like this one :

Quoting Swayze:
increase the dungeon completions needed for item rewards if dungeon tickets were not needed to enter the dungeons anymore

Reason : most (but hopefully not all :D) dg are both boring and offering a non interesting reward.

Level 180 dg is useful to gain silver ores, and Grylith is to obtain sparklers : in my opinion this is the way to go, and your suggestion is more or less to generalize it with "tokens". However your 10%/90% "example" turns entire system to a pay to win, and it won't really change anything.

I agree that having to pay (card or ticket) to enter dg is annoying. I suggested elswhere we could have an option to pay with collects (but on another hand, it seems fair enough that game owners need a way to get some funds :P)

I'm sorry to write those words, but I feel new dg lvl 400 pushes this idea up to scamming : I did that dg 17 times so far, and got only 4 times the "reward" allowing to enter Cerberus room. Paying 17 tickets just to be able to face a boss 4 times, well .... we are pretty far from MMORPG spirit you appeal :/ (and to be clear, this is not the grinding part that I don't like, but only the paying one)

Another suggestion I repeat here (it isn't mine, but it's an old one I saw on forum a long time ago and I can't remember where) : add an option to choose the difficulty of the dg. Current dg could be "easy", and there could be "hard" and "hardcore" difficulties, with more and more monsters and better and better rewards.
Buster Bunny

Level 400
19th September 2024 15:24:42

Great Ideas with the dungeons, I liked the dungeon token idea. Would be necessary a balance study but the initial idea is cool.

Quoting Askja:
Your proposal about dg sounds interesting, however I really don't like this one :

Another suggestion I repeat here (it isn't mine, but it's an old one I saw on forum a long time ago and I can't remember where) : add an option to choose the difficulty of the dg. Current dg could be "easy", and there could be "hard" and "hardcore" difficulties, with more and more monsters and better and better rewards.


I really like this idea, it would be great to just let the option to the players, do the "short circuit" if they just want to get the achievments dungeon numbers or if want to face a hardcore dungeon to better rewards.
It would be nice if hard or bonus dungeon were worth 2 on "dungeon counter" too .

Level 202
19th September 2024 17:35:01 (Last edited 19th September 2024 17:36:31)

This idea of being able to make dungeons more challenging is very interesting. I, for example, don't have a patient to do the Dragonia or the Demonic Passage. Its fucking boring. And if increasing rewards is a problem, in the neighbor game, the dungeon brings your character back to the dungeon level.

— Vovó da Penha
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