Godzilla Player ![]()
Level 576
12th December 2022 19:13:10 |
Fox Taime Player ![]()
Level 184
12th December 2022 19:38:53 Quoting Necromancer: Shaman: Mortal Melody - Proposal to remake this spell because it's useless nowadays even at low levels. I'm considering a shaman as support class for PVE and without a function to do a high damage. So the suggestion is change it to a disable spell which reduces monsters damage (physical and magic damage) between 3% and 5% (debuff limit). Features: > AOE 5x5 sqm around the caster; > Shaman's magic level / 15 = % debuff; > Keep the old and cool sprite; > Unable to debuff players; > This spell don't inflict any damage just debuff the monsters. Example: A shaman with magic level 45 = 3% debuff, magic level 60 = 4% and finally magic level 75 = 5% debuff. -> Magic level 45+ required to the spell. Mana usage = 200. Cooldown 30s. Warlock: Mass Curse - suggestion to create a new spell with similar description of current Curse spell debuffing all monsters to receive more damage up to 10% (debuff limit). I think a new debuff can help warlocks a lot to be more requested to party hunts and fill the gap that exists in pve of warlocks doing bad exp/h and hunt mainly solo for being single target casters. Features: > AOE 5x5 sqm around the caster; > Warlock's magic level / 8 = % debuff; > Unable to debuff players so current Curse spell will continue to be useful against players in pvp; > This spell don't inflict any damage just debuff the monsters. Example: A warlock with magic level 40 = 5% debuff, magic level 64 = 8% and finally magic level 80 = 10% debuff. -> Magic level 40+ required to the spell. Mana usage = 250. Cooldown 30s. +1 |
Draken Striker Player ![]()
Level 289
19th December 2022 05:31:18 (Last edited 19th December 2022 17:13:51)
For now, I'm not considering things that were said before but >>>Lowering the respawn time of bosses from 12 to 6 minutes<<< is a hell of a service. I was retired from the game and when i came back, i literally dropped my warrior and started playing ranger cuz of the 12min resp, bosses were the thing i enjoyed the most in this game, i'm a rare lotter myself so i like the thrill of hunting bosses and dropping my own rares.
For the future Adding new arrows to different bows e.g stop just making every mid to high end game bow emerald arrow. Could use some vanguard arrow for the Vanguard Set, as well as other arrows for other bows that are already in the game and future distance weapons. Maybe adding atk/stats to arrows, using the same things the bow already have e.g crit arrow for ravens eye bow, lifesteal bolt for hellish crossbow, dodge arrow for vanguard bow or anything like that. (could also solve the dmg problem for rangers) A new AoE ammunition or weapon for rangers could also solve part of the problem; Creating paladins a identity Since the two handed weapon patch for barbarians, paladins are still the old model of character we had back in the days, where you equip a weapon+shield and that's it, while barbs can still do the same AND use 2h weapons with crit set or lifesteal set. Consider something like my old post about the Death Knight Set, when itens used to have no status, so paladins could have an identity inside the game, like barbarians do with 2h weapons (I'm not talking about freaking cleave, ffs, let it rest); https://www.playzezenia.com/forum/thread/19634 Problems with new monsters/hunts We all know zezenia is not the most active game in the world and we don't have alot of updates and stuff so, the one idea to ease this problem is to use the same monsters we already have in the game, increasing their overall status, with some power variations, like Colossal Golem, Ice Colossal Golem, Volcanic Golem maybe(?), Lizards, Demon/Demon lord/Fog Demon/Mad Demon and etc. This would save you alot of job and money (administrative problems) and hunting problems for players that are killing same stuff for YEARS nonstop. Give us a purple devil with some crazy necromantic name, a murderous crab/armadillork on some random collors i don't know, thats on you guys hahah Could use pets models for new monsters as well, just increasing their size, another money saving method and solving hunt problems :] Also, I think ppl would love to have a Grag hunt outside of invasions/dungeons (easier to implement); New usage for Premmium Cards ASAP P cards are expensive as hell and there's almost no use in the game nowdays, make it so ppl would be interested again on buying/selling em, making the economy active again (inside the game and making it interesting to real life buying it again); Ask your playerbase for weekly/monthly events Create polls every now and then for players to vote the best events they want to have, but making it so they can't choose always the same option, for example, not having double exp every single event, or just once per month; New brewing potions Brewing potions are always good to have and make the economy alive, as well as gathering plants. Game could use some dodge potions, reflect potions, atk speed potions, spell crit potions and alot more, just use your creativity. If needed, new plants for those pots and also make it class and/or subclass exclusive so people have a reason to play different classes other than barb/pyromancer on PvE server, and creating even more identity to each one of em, making them optimal at something; New market tab por containers Create a new market tab for us to sell class bags (warriors rucksack/rangers satchel/magicians purse) and quivers, for gods sake, its been like 50 years since they were introduced in the game and ppl still struggle to sell those things; Old known itens that "aren't in the game" yet If you scroll thru the Create Buy Offer tab, theres a ton of itens that you can create buy offers but you can't actually obtain those or they are somewhere in the game for no reason yet like Steel Warsword, Wolf Hunter Set, Aspen etc. Make them obtainable before throwing new itens in the game; Spells/itens atk formula We all know that people won't consider both PvP and PvE situations when they create proposals for balances in this game. My idea is: Either duplicate all spells in the game namming those PvP and PvE with different dmg applications, obviously making it in a way one cannot use PvP stuff on mobs nor PvE stuff on players (shitty solution, but does the work) OR implement the same idea on the already existing spells. We all know this is possible since we have potions with reduced effect on PvP. Those are all rusty ideas that could use some polishment, feel free to adjust em as you'd like CM Mercury |
Ever Est Player ![]()
Level 20
20th December 2022 00:43:23 Quoting Necromancer: Shaman: Mortal Melody - Proposal to remake this spell because it's useless nowadays even at low levels. I'm considering a shaman as support class for PVE and without a function to do a high damage. So the suggestion is change it to a disable spell which reduces monsters damage (physical and magic damage) between 3% and 5% (debuff limit). Features: > AOE 5x5 sqm around the caster; > Shaman's magic level / 15 = % debuff; > Keep the old and cool sprite; > Unable to debuff players; > This spell don't inflict any damage just debuff the monsters. Example: A shaman with magic level 45 = 3% debuff, magic level 60 = 4% and finally magic level 75 = 5% debuff. -> Magic level 45+ required to the spell. Mana usage = 200. Cooldown 30s. Warlock: Mass Curse - suggestion to create a new spell with similar description of current Curse spell debuffing all monsters to receive more damage up to 10% (debuff limit). I think a new debuff can help warlocks a lot to be more requested to party hunts and fill the gap that exists in pve of warlocks doing bad exp/h and hunt mainly solo for being single target casters. Features: > AOE 5x5 sqm around the caster; > Warlock's magic level / 8 = % debuff; > Unable to debuff players so current Curse spell will continue to be useful against players in pvp; > This spell don't inflict any damage just debuff the monsters. Example: A warlock with magic level 40 = 5% debuff, magic level 64 = 8% and finally magic level 80 = 10% debuff. -> Magic level 40+ required to the spell. Mana usage = 250. Cooldown 30s. Nice idea for both of them. |
Draken Striker Player ![]()
Level 289
20th December 2022 03:46:22
Vanguard bow is the only ranged weapon non-consumable that has 0 defense, is this correct/suposed to be like this?
[00:29:34] You are looking at vanguard bow (attack 23.9, defense 0.0, +3 distance skill, 2% dodge chance). Only a ranger is able to wield it. The ammunition is emeraldarrows. |
Aquaplay Player ![]()
Level 106
21st December 2022 11:51:39
any update news?
Ht Savage Player ![]()
Level 385
27th December 2022 10:38:47
I got some suggestions;
#1; Get rid of the current boss system. No one wants to just sit there and kill 3-4 bosses per hour and this for weeks to get their best item in slot. You could make it daily bosses, bosses what can only be done once a day, and everyone gets loot (i know, copy like tibia). #2; Get rid of the current training system. Bring in like offline training (alot slower that active training what you have to reset every 24h so you cant just leave your character online 24/7). Make like training weapon wich can be bought in game but also through the website (yes, pay to win). Right now there is zero chance a newcommer can get himself up the ladder (skillwise) any faster than some dude who randomly logs in to train or keeps his char online. (no offense Jojo ![]() #3; Balancing spawns, alot of spawns are not being hunted because its simply too small of the monster is just bad in general. few examples; *Yahgan Occultists (too small illogical route what makes it bad) *Orc Commander, great monster, nice exp, nice mechanic aswell.. But horrible loot and even a spawn such as wojatupp castle is too small. *Crystal Dragons; Crystal dragons is kinda only know as "north spawn". Other than that its a HUGE area which is poorly decorated. I know its a mid teir monster but 2 level 200 rangers could outkill that spawn with ease. *colossal golems, honestly who hunts these? even if you kill the biggest spawn 1by1 you have no spawn. *Kidamru's, a great low level monster what had a nice spawn south of leif.. But since the Grag Castle that spawn is deleted. *Hellish Archangels that spawn is okay for lower levels but higher levels cannot hunt there with a shooter and some classes outkill it already. Maybe make new hardcore with hellish+maguss+gladiators? Or a second floor for our higher level players. *Dark knights, yes there is a hardcore spawn but thats it. Someone who purely wants to hunt dark knight of some decent level is forced to go hardcore spawn since the normal spawn is kinda bad for it. *Devastator, also a nice monster but bad spawn. I havent seen anyone hunt these at lower levels. *Mighty Magician Werebear and Mighty Werebear, The existing spawns are good but once you get to some higher levels or with a team the spawn is way too small. *Volcanic Golems, once again, great for solo. but if you bring one or maybe two shooters, the spawn is too small and you have to make an illogical route to have enough monsters. For tasking purposes fine, but hunting for exp, never in Volcanics. *Geck'zard, again, nice solo spawn at higher levels. Great monster, bad loot but nice exp. The spawn is simply too small for a even a blocker and 1 shooter. This is some monsters I could think of without taking the time for it, maybe after some time or other players we could come up with more. |
Godzilla Player ![]()
Level 576
27th December 2022 11:08:01 (Last edited 27th December 2022 11:14:03)
I'd like to propose something towards the balancing issue, there is one big factor that cause a big imbalance between classes. This is;
- Pyromancers I would like to propse the following; Balancing classes gets harder and harder the more subclasses there are. If you really think about it and be honest about it, AoE meta turned the game into its current state, too high level too quick. That being said, i strongly believe deleting the subclass Pyromancer is the most benificial thing to do. Every other class is somewhat balanced in comparison to another vocation/class. In my opinion the gap in xp/hr should never get bigger than 10%. I think its fair to say the following; Damage subclasses; Barbarian and Marksman middle subclasses; Warlock and Rogue Supportive subclasses; Paladin and Shaman Damage classes should never make more than 10% xp per hour then a support class. If you keep pyromancer i think youll never be able to reach that without nerfing it to a point where its a pointless subclass. Every mage needs their AoE spells removed and replaced with a single target spell. Give both mage subclasses the same sort of AoE spell/rune (whatever fits) in their own unique style. (warlock = death, shaman = holy) In the future you can extract this into death monsters are weak to holy spells and godly creatures are weak to death spells. This would easily fix the imbalance between mages. - Godzilla |
Kirasath Player ![]()
Level 677
27th December 2022 15:40:59
I believe they will never take the pyromancer out of the game, but I believe the following changes would be good for the game:
Changing the spell from 4s to 2s and from 2s to 4s, also changing their damage, with that, it would nerf hell, nerfing the pyro's xp and making it more interesting for him to hunt in a group than solo, that is , put the inferno a little stronger than Advanced Soulfire |
Fox Taime Player ![]()
Level 184
27th December 2022 17:16:43 (Last edited 27th December 2022 17:19:03)
Yeah, the real problem about Inferno spell is its damage which scales as other spells with the level so a pyromancer deal a good damage on a huge area.
There're only 2 solutions for it. Raise the cooldown or nerf the damage to bring some balance. Quoting Kraante: I believe they will never take the pyromancer out of the game, but I believe the following changes would be good for the game: Changing the spell from 4s to 2s and from 2s to 4s, also changing their damage, with that, it would nerf hell, nerfing the pyro's xp and making it more interesting for him to hunt in a group than solo, that is , put the inferno a little stronger than Advanced Soulfire Interesting. Changing Inferno to hit a bit more than advanced soul fire seems fair considering the perspective damage per sqm x sqm number x cooldown. Quoting Godzilla: I'd like to propose something towards the balancing issue, there is one big factor that cause a big imbalance between classes. This is; - Pyromancers I would like to propse the following; Balancing classes gets harder and harder the more subclasses there are. If you really think about it and be honest about it, AoE meta turned the game into its current state, too high level too quick. That being said, i strongly believe deleting the subclass Pyromancer is the most benificial thing to do. Every other class is somewhat balanced in comparison to another vocation/class. In my opinion the gap in xp/hr should never get bigger than 10%. I think its fair to say the following; Damage subclasses; Barbarian and Marksman middle subclasses; Warlock and Rogue Supportive subclasses; Paladin and Shaman Damage classes should never make more than 10% xp per hour then a support class. If you keep pyromancer i think youll never be able to reach that without nerfing it to a point where its a pointless subclass. Every mage needs their AoE spells removed and replaced with a single target spell. Give both mage subclasses the same sort of AoE spell/rune (whatever fits) in their own unique style. (warlock = death, shaman = holy) In the future you can extract this into death monsters are weak to holy spells and godly creatures are weak to death spells. This would easily fix the imbalance between mages. - Godzilla I totally agree. No subclass should be able to gain more than 10% more exp/h in comparison with another one. About removing pyromancers and give them a free pass to change their subclass to warlock or shaman, that's a interesting idea if we're considering to divide the mobs into death x holy elements. A new game mechanic for sure. Maybe Zezenia needs something like this. |