
Level 957
14th March 2024 11:30:49 (Last edited 14th March 2024 11:31:59)


This is a bug I already mentionned almost one year ago, but I just figured out that far from being fixed, it is still worst than I thought :D

The bug as I originally stated it :
As a matter of example, if your training bar is at 100% and you are premium during 2 hours left :
- at logout : you get "you will training during 8h"
- at login back (let's say 13h later) : you get "you trained during 12h" (and training refill shows it's true)
- what you should have : "you will training/trained during 11h" (first 2 hours should value 3, +9remaining hours)

My conclusion was :
A) if you loose premium during *theorical total premium training time*, you loose ALL benefit of premium training

The worst bug as I just catched it this night :
Being non premium anymore, I bought 12h of premium time, and a few minutes later I consumed a training scroll to refill bar to 100%. Then I clicked doll and logout for the night (let's say during 13h):
- at logout : I got "you will training during 8h"
- at login back : I got "you trained during 12h" (and training refill shows it's true)
- what I should have : "you will training/trained during 8h"

The conclusion is pretty weird, I see 2 hypothesis, which I can't decide between without further tests.
B) if you loose premium time during *theorical total non premium training time* (see the few minutes I took to consume scroll) you loose ALL benefit of premium training.
C) if you loose premium time before login again, you loose ALL benefit of premium training.

Conclusion A was already pretty unfair, but well, after all, not so ununderstandable.

Conclusions B or C are completely unfair, and that bug should definitively be fixed.

Cheers :D

Level 957
20th March 2024 10:13:29 (Last edited 20th March 2024 10:16:35)


I made further tests, first one invalidating hypothesis B (good thing), second one probably validating hypothesis C (real bug) :


Test 1 (all working correctly) :
- training bar 100%
- premium time left 11h
- expected training time 8h
- login back after 9h
Result : trained 8h.

Test 2 (non working correctly) :
- training bar 5%
- premium time left 2h
- expected training time 24mn
- login back after 2h30
Result : trained 36mn. Althought I had enough premium time to cover entire premium training, the fact I login back too late cancelled premium training advantage.


To summarize the bug : it seems that to benefit from premium offline training time reduction, you need to be still premium at relogin

So weird. Staff, do you hear me ? :P