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24th April 2024 15:27:35 CM Mercury View post »
24th April 2024 17:29:54 CM Mercury View post »

24th April 2024 07:05:31

A Zezenia Online game update has been released! As always, your client will automatically update and you may download the game again at any time. Steam users may need to restart the Steam client to update.

Here's a peek at what's new:

Upgraded Buff Display

Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot

The buff bars have been upgraded to show an icon and countdown for each ongoing spell & potion buff. Toggle between the new and old buff bar style in the game options.

Pet Leveling

Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot

Adopted Pets now have their own level and gain experience while hunting. Keep your loyal companion well fed to level them up and enable buffs. Unlock new secret magical buffs at level milestones starting at level 5. Reaching the maximum level of 50 will enable a toggleable glow on the pet to signify your companionship.

Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot

Pet lovers of the highest order can compete to level up the most pets to win the Pet Levels high score on the Zezenia website. Magical buffs only apply in PvM combat.

Item Library

Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot

The Item Library provides a comprehensive record of nearly all items in the game world. Organized by item and equipment type, the library makes browsing items easy.

Players can easily toggle automatic looting for specific items, including enraged & elite drops. Currently disabled automatic loot can be found in the "Loot disabled" section.

Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot

Dynamic Quivers

All quivers in the game can now receive Dynamic Stats on top of their base stats. In addition, bags and quivers can now be listed on sale in the Market. Empty your container/quiver of any items before trying to list it on sale.

Season Six coming soon

The sixth season of Zezenia Online begins next month! Stay tuned for all the details, and for further updates!

Full Changelog

Quoting Changelog:
- Added the new Icon style buffs & potions display. Toggle between icons & classic buff bars from the game settings.
- Added Pet Leveling with the ability to level pets up to level 50. Pets gain experience by eating and hunting. Leveling up pets will grant players new magical buffs.
- Added the Item Library, a comprehensive guide to all items in the world of Zezenia Online.
- Added the ability to toggle automatic loot for each item.
- Added Dynamic Equipment stats to new quivers.
- Updated the right click menu for NPC's.
- Bestiary boosts are now one hour long with a 30 minute cooldown. The price of boosts has been halved accordingly.
- Changed cooldown of Hellish Volley to two seconds.
- Replaced the Bestiary "Show merchants" feature with a link to the Item Library.
- Pearl oysters can no longer be placed in the pet food slot.
- Starting offline training as a Premium player and running out of Premium Time during will no longer slow down training.
- Fixed hellish archangel head not appearing in loot boost.
- Fixed Templar Priest spell causing insta kills.
- Fixed vanguard boots Level to High.
- Fixed client crashes.

See you ingame!

Zezenia Staff

Level 627
24th April 2024 08:38:05

Great update :D
I'll help a little :smartass:
- The item library in the collectible tab is a mess, there are items such as backpacks, helmets and shoes.
- the library lacks items such as a falchion and a pavise of Bloody Rose Order.
- The equipment and other tabs are unavailable
Questions about new game mechanics.

- I would like to point out that the game has a lot of experience boosters for 2 hours, can they be divided into one-hour ones?. :/
- Will the 1 hour experience be available for purchase?.

I will let you know if I find any more errors in the new interface. :smartass:
Phill Mason

Level 505
24th April 2024 09:17:01 (Last edited 24th April 2024 09:34:43)

I would make the 1h monster boosts as OPTION instead of permanent feature.
About the pet leveling, Id make it matter what you are feeding him. For example Purple Crayfish/geltharian discuss and more "special" kind of fish should give the pet more experience while hunting AND enable it to use its "magical abilities" more often once reached lvl 5.
Make quivers enchantable.

Ohh yeah and the game is crashing when you are trying to sell anything to NPCs.

Level 416
24th April 2024 09:34:45

Quoting Phill Mason:

Ohh yeah and the game is crashing when you are trying to sell anything to NPCs.

Is it a crash or is the server unstable? I get kicked out every 5 minutes

Level 627
24th April 2024 09:37:55

yes, it's an error that when you buy or sell an item from NPC, it causes the server to restart

Level 416
24th April 2024 10:20:08 (Last edited 24th April 2024 10:56:09)

Quoting Administration:
- Added Dynamic Equipment stats to new quivers.

A quick run to valks and I noticed that quivers have only the xp, loot, gold boost enchantments available:

[07:54:16] You are looking at a quiver in the Ordinary tier (attack 0.0, defense 1.5, 1% stamina boost). Only a ranger is able to wield it.
[07:54:16] You are looking at a quiver in the Ordinary tier (attack 0.0, defense 1.5, 1% gold loot boost). Only a ranger is able to wield it.
[07:54:17] You are looking at a quiver in the Ordinary tier (attack 0.0, defense 1.5, 1% experience boost). Only a ranger is able to wield it.

Other 1 stars ordinary equipments usually have 2 enchantments:
[07:55:28] You are looking at a steel buckler in the Ordinary tier (attack 0.0, defense 11.8, +2 melee skill, 1% loot boost). Only a warrior is able to wield it.
[07:55:30] You are looking at yahgan pants in the Ordinary tier (attack 0.0, defense 4.5, 1% dodge chance, 1% experience boost).
[07:55:32] You are looking at a composite bow in the Ordinary tier (attack 16.2, defense 1.6, 1% hp steal, 1% loot boost). Only a ranger is able to wield it. The ammunition is arrows.
Edy Brutto

Level 233
24th April 2024 13:21:23

cool update, i liked, in my opinion is only one thing missing... the class buff like frenzy need lasts at least 10 minutes, is annoying keep activating it each 2-3 minutes...
Super Man

Level 362
24th April 2024 14:35:49

Very good update, I liked many points, but they should make the paladin viable again, maybe by putting a weaker magic in the area!
Tokan Sado

Level 1039
24th April 2024 14:37:58

Quoting Phill Mason:
I would make the 1h monster boosts as OPTION instead of permanent feature.

Yeah, that would make me play zezenia almost everyday, I hardly have 2 free hrs to play, but 1h would be doable.

Quoting Edy Hood:
cool update, i liked, in my opinion is only one thing missing... the class buff like frenzy need lasts at least 10 minutes, is annoying keep activating it each 2-3 minutes...

Every Class buff should minimum 5 minutes, but 10 would be a dream, or at least if we could renew without cooldown, 90% of time my buff runs out while im fighting monsters.

I haven't been into the game yet, but I loved the changed in special the buff icons, great job guys, can't wait for season 6 to come.

Altought it was a great update, I'd like to reinforce my pledge on making cleave a full box skill, now even rangers can do that and paladins can't.

Also we have many spots to hunt as high levels now, but im still missing a soulharv HC, its a pain when I get a soul harvester task and i cancel 100% of the collect tasks because nobody hunts there.


Level 787
24th April 2024 14:50:27 (Last edited 24th April 2024 14:51:16)

Quoting Waldemaro:

- I would like to point out that the game has a lot of experience boosters for 2 hours, can they be divided into one-hour ones?. :/
- Will the 1 hour experience be available for purchase?

I agree, there are a lot of 2-hour exp boosts that will now become unfeasible, because you'll only get 1.5 hours out of it if you boost the same monster again, and you'll get half an hour without a boost, since now it'll be 2.5 hours if you boost the same monster twice!

Still, a good update, despite no new monsters!
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