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8th May 2024 13:08:39 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 13:18:44 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 14:13:48 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 14:42:54 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 14:50:03 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 16:43:09 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 17:02:02 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 17:26:25 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 17:39:06 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 17:45:22 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 23:04:11 CM Mercury View post »
10th May 2024 12:48:16 CM Mercury View post »
10th May 2024 13:02:13 CM Mercury View post »
10th May 2024 13:45:32 CM Mercury View post »
10th May 2024 14:56:09 CM Mercury View post »
10th May 2024 15:26:59 CM Mercury View post »
20th May 2024 03:33:28 Administration View post »
27th May 2024 05:57:55 Administration View post »
31st May 2024 22:17:27 Administration View post »
2nd June 2024 18:03:10 Administration View post »
3rd June 2024 16:09:19 CM Mercury View post »

Level 255
8th May 2024 23:26:35

Quoting Oso Ikci:
Quoting King Healer:
Quoting Sanoman:
Quoting CM Mercury:
Quoting Sanoman:

Hello, I don't understand you, you destroy a class and then want to fix the mess you made... seriously, it seems like you don't take this game seriously, now another nerf for mages....


What was the problem here? If you could specify it more clearly so we can try to fix the issue. The idea of the Test Server is to try changes and act based on player feedback. These changes are just for testing purposes currently.

Quoting Tokan Sado:
Buffing sweeping indirects buffs barbarians, buffing holy sword dosen't solve any of paladins currently problems, I dont even know what was the intention on doing this lmao

Would barbarians still use the sweeping swipe though?

e. Seems like this is not the way to go. We will remove the sweeping swipe boost and boost cleave instead.

Possible changes to test as an example:
Lowering the health steal effect of Barbarians frenzy from 5% to 2 or 3%
Boosting Paladins Fortification from 6% to 8%
Changing Pyromancers Fire shield from 12% / 16% to 14% / 14%

Feel free to voice your opinions here and we will act accordingly if the majority agrees. That's what the TS is all about.



I have to agree, every class that has evolution in the game receives nerfs.

I admit that I got tired of asking for new things, challenges for high levels, 2 new responses were recently added, which was very good. However, I believe it could have a bit of the media touch. Places with access, example:

For you to be able to hunt in the new area, you need to form factions, that is, to hunt in the new possible areas, you need quests or tasks for specific animals.

As was actually said, I personally played with all the classes, I play practically all the seasons and I study the defects of classes from low to high level and I always give my opinion based on facts.

Paladin is nowadays a class that no one uses after 500, why? Why can the barbarian block like a paladin and barb solo does 3x the paladin's exp, what was my suggestion? Barbarian does not use shield and paladin has a weaker area magic than the barb, a middle ground. What was done? they snorted a spell that barbarian uses and increased the single target spell. Do you understand the error? Why not try to do what 90% of the population points out as a mistake instead of trying to change on your own and receiving negative feedback?

Please try the following changes:

Place a paladin spell in area, ancient desolation with lower damage than the barbarian.
Remove the barbarian's shield.
Put the shaman on when choosing the damage talent, instead of just increasing the damage of the hailstorm and tik it again, do the same with the straight hurricane.
Set the buffs to be used only once and, if necessary, press them again to remove them.

100% agree

Dark Cross

Level 101
9th May 2024 00:27:14

CM Mercury

Shamans need some love too.

They have a forgotten wave spell, Mortal Melody (their 'musical wave' instant spell). Its damage is good for a wave, but the problem is that the wave only deals damage 2 square meters in front of the caster, which makes it practically useless for a mage. Of course, increasing cooldown from an instant spell to 5 up to 10 seconds.

Wave spell as it is today:

Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot

Proposed change:

Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot

Level 763
9th May 2024 00:31:19

Quoting CM Mercury:
Quoting Necromanncer:
PALADINO: the only way for him to resurrect again is to have desolution again and reduce its damage, and have an ability that pulls monstrous creatures towards the paladin

Barbarian: not being able to use a shield, reduce damage area skill

WARLOCK: reduce damage from the cross

SHAMAN: food holostorm damage

1 QUESTION: Is there a chance that one day you will create a system for buying and selling dolls on Zezenia, similar to the Tibia bazaar?


Will look into resurrecting desolation :)


Desolation shouldnt never be gone.. Also all class should have new habilities..

Btw, nice to see that pets now will have skills as well.. its need to be encrease to help on pvp/hunt..
Cadeirudo Apelao

Level 1008
9th May 2024 00:59:32

Hello everybody
Srry for not posting before, i've been out all day long, couldn't reply before

I only read the designed changes and ideas... Here's my opnion:

I dont enjoy much the nerfs because many players had paid to change their classes, and lvling with less exp then before is very unpleasent, i can understand it, but still dont like the idea

In fact we have a lack between classes, so this is I have in mind:

First, I've posted before an idea for adding reflect dmg in paladin because of many beneficts, but got no answer on it. I understand for a fast change its not viable, in that case, i think a best aoe on paladin like some players said here is a good alternative but for while..

The best way I see to solve 2 problems (paladins and shaman) is adding some monsters that hits really hard, making possible only for high lvl paladins solo hunt with a huge exp per monster (balancing the lack of aoe dmg) and making possible for barbarians only hunt with a shaman together, making both (shamans and paladins) useful again.
And I understand that new monsters arent the focus now, but u could improve the blockness of paladin aiming on this new monsters, and buffing shamans dmg somehow for hunting while the new monsters dont come, and being useful on the begining of the new server aswell

For the first part of the balancing, i agree with King Healer's ideas, but still focusing on a second part

This way no class needs to be nerfed, and no extraordinary changes needs to be done

The only thing I would like to really highlight is the need of removing the life steal nerf on Pyro.. In my opnion this is responsible for like 90% of his unefectiveness nowaday, and I strongly agree with the radial dmg buff, and that in my opnion still could be 100% of the dmg all around inferno

Srry for the long text, but i hope i've explained well.. Im open for discussions and further explanation

Thx u all
Cadeirudo Apelao

Level 1008
9th May 2024 01:22:25

And complementing my previous post.. I didnt gave any Rangers idea because I've never played them, so I think mynideas wouldnt agregate well, I trust the community ideas, better rangers players then me!

Other benefit from my previous post is that we could have new contents like quests or bosses that could insta kill any classes but Paladins with Shaman support, making then necessary for the comunity again

That ideas only puts every class in their places, paladins as tanks, barbs as solo / aoe hunters, shamans as main supports and others as shooters

Level 200
9th May 2024 03:05:22

Quoting Ron:
CM Mercury

Shamans need some love too.

They have a forgotten wave spell, Mortal Melody (their 'musical wave' instant spell). Its damage is good for a wave, but the problem is that the wave only deals damage 2 square meters in front of the caster, which makes it practically useless for a mage. Of course, increasing cooldown from an instant spell to 5 up to 10 seconds.

Wave spell as it is today:

Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot

Proposed change:

Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot

I forgot about the other completely useless shaman spell lol. A higher cd wave would be cool to see added in place of that.

Level 958
9th May 2024 03:21:30 (Last edited 9th May 2024 03:28:43)

Quoting Blackmoor:
Quoting Askja:
First few test, that 10% cleave bonus acts as 7-8% more exp. To be continued/confirmed tomorrow.

Quoting Zeek:
The only issue with this is it still doesn't fix the fact when a paladin is boxing 8 monsters the row that is normally missed by cleave would still be missed by holy sword. Why not just make holy sword a 3x3 around the player that way we can box 8 monsters and effectively damage them all.

Thinking about pvp issues (?) (and also ending a running back mob) we could imagine Holy Sword to hit :
- aimed mob 100% damage, even at distance, with 2s delay (exactly right now)
- and moreover 3x3 50% instant damage around player, *hitting only on PVE*
That means 150% damage on aimed mob if it is close to you, which is not overpowered at all (my level 700/skill 180ish Holy Sword hits 1400 xd), and once again could help a lot with elite/boss

This 50% 3x3 would act as so much asked supplementary AoE for paladin, without being overpowered (again, with lvl 700/skill 180, 700 damage, right between Sweeping 470 and Cleave 1300 (or 1430 now)

Ofc we need to decrease seriously this 20s cooldown.

Askja is the smartest guy in this discussion.


It's very kind of you, I'm not completely sure of that to be honest :D, but maybe I'm the only one who is trying to do some maths ?

Speaking of maths, I may have to take my words back here : it seems complicated to find a convenient cooldown for my idea on Holy Sword (it needs to be pretty long coz very specific distance aspect, need to be short if we want add decent useful AoE).

Here is the solution : do it with Shield Slam !! (or merge it with Desolation if you prefer, no need to create a "new" spell in urgency).

My recommandation :
- Buff cleave at least 25% (to at least cancel unjustified 20% nerf of last year : 1/0,8=1,25)
- Keep Shield Slam the same on aimed target (and 6 sec cooldown untouched), and add to it 60% pve only damage on each 3x3 tiles *around player*.

I made calculations with my char, this should raise my dps against a box around 40% (to be tested ofc)(feel free to ask for detailled numbers). Roughly, it has the same effect as buffing Sweeping Swipe damage by 70%, but with more interesting gameplay when you have to rotate aimed target instead of just spamming unaimed spell.

Some may find 40% overall buff is too much, but starting from actual roughly 1/2 ratio (pala vs barb), it would push pala at 70% of barb (1,4/2), and barb at 143% of pala (2/1,4). Very decent imho.

And concerning Holy Sword, I would rework it a bit to help both with boss/elite, and also to kill running mobs easier (just think my actual lvl 720 Holy Sword may kill a running icy terror, but must often don't by lack of damage !!) :
- cooldown 12s (perfect for a good spell rotation)
- add pve only DoT damage (lets say 6 hit of 10% each second)
- add pve only armor debuff during 8 sec (to insure 5 hits) or 7 sec (4 hits)
We obtain a very original interesting spell, more efficient against running mobs and together against boss/elite

All those together would give pala a decent AoE, and also help with single target (remember actual paladin is bad in BOTH xd).

Please also note that increasing Shield Slam role in gameplay is very coherent with the existence of its special talent.

Level 159
9th May 2024 04:09:06

Dont nerf good classes
Buff the weaker classes

Warlock and barb dont need nerfs
Rangers/paladin/shaman(shit) need good buffs.

Its simple, dont complicate.

Hear the good buff suggestions of community.
And thats it.

You are trying to rebalance just because the seasonal is coming, while all of us were asking for rebalance all of these months. You have to look with more passion who plays on permanent servers.

Level 200
9th May 2024 11:34:51

Quoting Guiza:
Dont nerf good classes
Buff the weaker classes

Warlock and barb dont need nerfs
Rangers/paladin/shaman(shit) need good buffs.

Its simple, dont complicate.

Hear the good buff suggestions of community.
And thats it.

You are trying to rebalance just because the seasonal is coming, while all of us were asking for rebalance all of these months. You have to look with more passion who plays on permanent servers.

Trying to get a gm to answer anytime other than when a seasonal is on the way is impossible. A couple weeks into the seasonal and they will be silent again. They only open these seasonal servers to line their pockets. Permanent servers don’t make them any money because there is already an abundance of items and money in all those servers.. Nobody buying cards on those servers. This is a reoccurring issue. I couldn’t imagine trying to play a permanent server. Good luck getting any changes after this server starts!
Super Soaker

Level 200
9th May 2024 12:51:38

Quoting Zero Damage:
My few class suggestions.


A new spell called rapid fire(think of wows rapid fire) it will do 3 additional hits of 75%->50%->25% with a 5 second cooldown ( this would hit 25%->25%->25% in PVP).
Dex/Lethal ambush would be on a 2 second cooldown but have a second hit for 100% 1 second after the initial hit.
Remove spread shot
Taunt should be 25% of their MAX mana instead of 33% of their current mana.
Split arrow (the 300 talent) should be replaced to reduce the cooldown of rapid fire by 1 second and add another hit for 25% OR reduce the cooldown by 2 seconds.


Barbed arrow should reset if the target dies with barbed arrow active.
Traps 300 talent shouldn't reduce the damage it does.
Ruthless execution should reset if the monster dies due to that attack (could be within 1 second of casting that attack)
reduce Vengence to a 1 minute 30 cooldown.

To make it so rangers dont need level 600 to actually have some OK talents add multistrike and expertise together OR weapon boost and multistrike.


Change heal friend to 2 seconds and make it heal the initial 100% and a second heal 1 second later of 50% (this could be boosted to 125% for the level 300 talent)
Add a wave spell where it will hit all monsters in it for the damage of current hailstorm but heal anyone inside it for 200% of the damage done.

Make Life steal less OP in AOE by making it heal for the initial % and any other monster hit by 20% of your current life steal
for example if you have 20% life steal you will get 1 hit of 20% and all other monsters hit you get 4% from each
So currently having 20% and hitting 10 monsters for 100 will heal for 200 overall, with the changes you would get 56 overall.

I don't seem to have any characters on my account on the test server.

Maybe you should reduce the boosts some as they're now all personal. Because of it all being personal it will still be a massive gold sink compared before as a team hunts now will need 3-5x the amount of coins (I assume it will be based on last hitting for the ones that happen on respawn)

Honestly, I think most idea's stated above could work!

IMO shaman should get a wave spell aswell what will deal dmg to the monsters and the same dmg will heal the partymemeber. TO be usefull aswell besides just standing there and press healfriend.

Perhaps we can try to see what would happen if rangers bow's atk are allinged with barbs? Since they lack the current AEO meta they should be compensated in some sort imo.
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