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15th May 2024 10:26:23 CM Mercury View post »

15th May 2024 07:22:23 (Last edited 15th May 2024 08:24:38)

This week’s Server Save includes the following changes:

Balancing Updates

The balancing changes made for Zezenia Season Six are now live on all game worlds. The public Test Server remains open for the time being, but players will have to redownload the newest client.

Update Changelog

- Added missing clickable keywords to all shop/trade NPC's.
- Added Ammunition, Potion & Empties (potions) item categories.
- Monsters are now sorted in the Battle Window by their absolute health instead of health percentage.
- Monster spawns located on other levels can now be seen in the World Map's ground level view.
- Removed superfluous protection zones in Culthan Ruins spawn.
- The Home Training Doll now grants a 5% skill bonus compared to regular training.
- The Home Brewing Cauldron now grants a random chance to yield extra potions while brewing.
- Fixed looted, purchased or conjured ammunition going to loot bag over the equipped quiver.
- Fixed Quest Log text not updating if the first quest in the quest list has been updated.
- Fixed hovered Battle Window monster blinking when moving.
- Fixed a client crash.

Zezenia Staff

Level 1381
15th May 2024 07:31:11

Good job, I would like you to increase the range of Pyromancer's heat wave to 3x3 similar to Shaman's mortal melody
Ruthless Execution

Level 111
15th May 2024 07:32:56 (Last edited 15th May 2024 07:37:35)

Can we still test other changes on the test server or is balancing test now closed by staff?

I noticed that the HP steal of Frenzy was reduced from 5% to 3%, but it wasn't included in the changelog.

Level 956
15th May 2024 09:05:28 (Last edited 15th May 2024 09:06:59)

Ok, once again ...

First, it seems Cleave had a +10% buff, not +15% as announced on 6th season launch post.

Holy Sword addition is nice visually, but it won't solve any experience issues (too long cooldown, misplaced, not enough damage).

All those together will raise paladin exp by something like 6-8% (10% on a spell representing 60-80% of damage - I don't count anything for Holy Sword ... because it won't add anything :D). Way not enough to balance anything compared to classes having at least 2x more exp.

What you did on Holy Sword, simply do it on Shield Slam (with some tweaks) : problem solved.

More precisely, in what follows you have a complete reasonable way to go, offering a combination of medium AoE (by medium, I mean not great), single target boost, all those together defining a very different caracteristic gameplay. (Moreover, it's just a matter of modifying existing spell, not huge work to implement :D)

- Buff cleave at least 25% (to at least cancel unjustified 20% nerf of last year : 1/0,8=1,25)
- Keep Shield Slam the same on aimed target (and 6 sec cooldown untouched), and add to it 60% pve only damage on each 3x3 tiles *around player*
- Holy Sword 12 sec cd, adding pve only DoT damage (lets say 6 hit of 10% each second), adding also pve only armor debuff during 5-7 seconds

Finally, I just did a test this morning on best place for me. I barely obtained a 3% more exp. Why so few ? Because I was pretty unlucky with numbers of elite. What it means : buff is *so low* that I may even get less exp now (being unlucky) than before (being lucky) !

To conclude, let's give a very original and audacious idea I just got this morning inspired by my test : give paladin a permanent boosted enraged/elite rate. It would buff their exp *better* than this last "balance", and it would make them desirable again in party.
CM Mercury
Community Manager

15th May 2024 10:26:23 (Last edited 15th May 2024 11:02:14)

Quoting Ron:
Can we still test other changes on the test server or is balancing test now closed by staff?

I noticed that the HP steal of Frenzy was reduced from 5% to 3%, but it wasn't included in the changelog.


Will fix the changelog.
The test server will stay open and new changes will be announced for testing soon. This is just the first introduction of minor changes.

Quoting Askja:

First, it seems Cleave had a +10% buff, not +15%

Holy Sword addition is nice visually, but it won't solve any experience issues (too long cooldown, misplaced, not enough damage).

All those together will raise paladin exp by something like 6-8% (10% on a spell representing 60-80% of damage - I don't count anything for Holy Sword ... because it won't add anything :D). Way not enough to balance anything compared to classes having at least 2x more exp.

What you did on Holy Sword, simply do it on Shield Slam (with some tweaks) : problem solved.

More precisely, in what follows you have a complete reasonable way to go, offering a combination of medium AoE (by medium, I mean not great), single target boost, all those together defining a very different caracteristic gameplay. (Moreover, it's just a matter of modifying existing spell, not huge work to implement :D)

Finally, I just did a test this morning on best place for me. I barely obtained a 3% more exp. Why so few ? Because I was pretty unlucky with numbers of elite. What it means : buff is *so low* that I may even get less exp now (being unlucky) than before (being lucky) !

To conclude, let's give a very original and audacious idea I just got this morning inspired by my test : give paladin a permanent boosted enraged/elite rate. It would buff their exp *better* than this last "balance", and it would make them desirable again in party.

Askja These are just the first baby steps towards a better balance. The goal is not to have all sub classes do the same experience / hour nor have the same hunting strategy but to rather keep them different from each other yet maintaining a fair experience / hour gain between each other. There is still a lot of work to do and new changes will be tested.


Level 956
15th May 2024 11:32:50

Quoting CM Mercury:
....The goal is not to have all sub classes do the same experience / hour nor have the same hunting strategy but to rather keep them different from each other yet maintaining a fair experience / hour gain between each other.

If you look carefully at my proposal, you will catch it's precisely my goal : different gameplay, and according to my calculation, a pala exp roughly equalling 70% of barb exp. To be tested ofc. But well, enough on that.

Could you please check Cleave buff ? Is it 10% or 15% ? I obtain 10% according to my morning hunt.
Reido Brick

Level 671
15th May 2024 12:49:06

Home traning doll does not work for offline training. Is that right?

Level 416
15th May 2024 13:43:49


Nice volley damage! :D

Quoting Administration:

- Fixed looted, purchased or conjured ammunition going to loot bag over the equipped quiver.

Was this an issue before? I am used to conjure enchanted javelins and I expect them to go where they already are in my inventory, not my quiver (since that is not the way to use them)

Level 125
15th May 2024 14:22:07

Shamans are still trash solo exp

Make hailstorm like cross ( on target is bad )
Increase damage mortal melody 5%%
Draken Striker

Level 289
15th May 2024 14:43:14 (Last edited 15th May 2024 14:50:38)

Archer was good now, however I don't understand some of his cooldown spells

Hellish Voley I hit approx 600 with a cooldown 2 sec
Barbed Arrown i hit approx 1300 with a cooldown 12 sec

it would be more useful to use more area magic, my thoughts and at least it increases 15% over the Barbed arrow
Marks, there's a lot to comment on, your magic is useless, there isn't even a good aoe magic like rogue

Please, make sure that some quiver can be enchanted, and increases the stats of the "Areal Arrow" bonus, which to this day I don't know what it does, Maybe this can change the archer or himself marksman
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