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Level 497
10th June 2024 18:48:03

Another thing to note, when casting rage it cancels my expertise flask wasting it. Casting rage also clears my speed boost and pet speed boost rather than before I just couldn't cast speed boost while it was active but if casted before I could have both up at the same time.
Super Soaker

Level 200
10th June 2024 21:01:49

Quoting King Healer:
-I would like to ask for a change in the mortal melody for testing, I would like the mortal melody to be the same as the hailstorm, so the shaman in a hunt would be able to stay further away and in a possible solo hunt the exp would be good. I'm just asking for a test with people's opinions on it.

I think this would promote macroing too much.. If you want to only heal, you can step back and relax... If you want to deal dmg while healing? put some efforts in...

You cant have both mate. That would be OP.
Wyhual Apelao

Level 1104
10th June 2024 22:10:27

Quoting Frostitude:
Quoting King Healer:
-I would like to ask for a change in the mortal melody for testing, I would like the mortal melody to be the same as the hailstorm, so the shaman in a hunt would be able to stay further away and in a possible solo hunt the exp would be good. I'm just asking for a test with people's opinions on it.

I think this would promote macroing too much.. If you want to only heal, you can step back and relax... If you want to deal dmg while healing? put some efforts in...

You cant have both mate. That would be OP.

What would be OP for you? Combining the shaman's two spells, it would give more or less the damage of the warlock's cross (since the walorck has life steal) I think there would be no problem with this option, but that's another discussion, I was talking about you can stay away from a box for example healing the paladin and hitting, meaning there is no need to stay positioned, since the idea of ​​a good shaman is for you to stay away so as not to take hits from the monsters and not interfere with your healing of the paladin.

Level 576
10th June 2024 22:32:02

Quoting King Healer:
Quoting Frostitude:
Quoting King Healer:
-I would like to ask for a change in the mortal melody for testing, I would like the mortal melody to be the same as the hailstorm, so the shaman in a hunt would be able to stay further away and in a possible solo hunt the exp would be good. I'm just asking for a test with people's opinions on it.

I think this would promote macroing too much.. If you want to only heal, you can step back and relax... If you want to deal dmg while healing? put some efforts in...

You cant have both mate. That would be OP.

What would be OP for you? Combining the shaman's two spells, it would give more or less the damage of the warlock's cross (since the walorck has life steal) I think there would be no problem with this option, but that's another discussion, I was talking about you can stay away from a box for example healing the paladin and hitting, meaning there is no need to stay positioned, since the idea of ​​a good shaman is for you to stay away so as not to take hits from the monsters and not interfere with your healing of the paladin.

god forbid that there are features in the game that require some "skill". The game is already too easy. With a ranged AoE spell that heals the tank just screams macro, big no no in my opinion.

Level 416
11th June 2024 00:57:16

Did anyone noticed the "Precision Buff"? Seems the same to me

Level 343
11th June 2024 01:35:37

Hi, I really liked the buff duration upgrade, it solves the problem with having to spam Fortification every couple minutes, so it improves the quality of life of the game by a lot.
Also the info displayed when you hover the cursor over enemies or players is very interesting, good move there too.
In regards of the Cleave spell, I think we took big steps in the right direction but is still lacking. The idea of asking for the spell to deal damage in a 360° radius was that paladins could hunt without having to always have our backs toward a wall. Having the spell deal damage in all directions BUT having 3 of the 8 tiles deal such low damage beats the purpose. Hunting with the back on the wall went from mandatory to highly advisable, and people (myself include) will realize the change wasn't good enough. I'd recomend buffing the back damage from 25% to at least 50% for starters, and see how it goes from there.
Overall nice update, but it will be much better if the Cleave issue is fixed.
Wyhual Apelao

Level 1104
11th June 2024 02:07:37

Quoting Godzilla:
Quoting King Healer:
Quoting Frostitude:
Quoting King Healer:
-I would like to ask for a change in the mortal melody for testing, I would like the mortal melody to be the same as the hailstorm, so the shaman in a hunt would be able to stay further away and in a possible solo hunt the exp would be good. I'm just asking for a test with people's opinions on it.

I think this would promote macroing too much.. If you want to only heal, you can step back and relax... If you want to deal dmg while healing? put some efforts in...

You cant have both mate. That would be OP.

What would be OP for you? Combining the shaman's two spells, it would give more or less the damage of the warlock's cross (since the walorck has life steal) I think there would be no problem with this option, but that's another discussion, I was talking about you can stay away from a box for example healing the paladin and hitting, meaning there is no need to stay positioned, since the idea of ​​a good shaman is for you to stay away so as not to take hits from the monsters and not interfere with your healing of the paladin.

god forbid that there are features in the game that require some "skill". The game is already too easy. With a ranged AoE spell that heals the tank just screams macro, big no no in my opinion.

I disagree a little with your opinion, but thank you for expressing it.

I believe that making gameplay easier for players is not a bad thing, that's why Tibia continues to grow more and more, unfortunately people have less time and less desire to kill themselves in a hunt. The evolution of a game is to make life easier for the player, do you want to continue hunting with the energy ball, getting loot in your hand? I understand your point, but I believe that giving more comfort to the player is something good for the game.

You agree with me that shaman is probably the class that does the least solo exp/h, right? You've already tested putting two spells in this area (even healing you) and you'll see that it still won't be 70% of the other classes, but the difference will decrease a lot.

Level 638
11th June 2024 04:24:30

I agree with King Healer. shaman is so weak that I don't want to play, I have a question for the administration - is this the shaman balance??? because I don't know if I should stop playing now or wait???

Level 501
11th June 2024 05:19:17 (Last edited 11th June 2024 05:23:55)

staffs about paladin.......

I saw video on twitch of briareu hunting as barbarians and as paladin,

barbarian one spell 8x 2400-2500dmg and additional second spell 3-5x 2200, (high mele dmg and nice buff boosting dmg i guess was no added)

as paladin 5x 1900 3x 470,
we need bost back of cleave to 75% !!! if we boost cleave back damage to 75% of briareu damage from 1900 to 1450 and do you think the paladin will be too powerful then?

barb main aoe ,8x 2500 = 20000,
paladin cleave before boosts, 5x1900 +3x470 = 10910 , after boosts back cleave to 75% ---> 13700 dmg
ok u can tell we have swipe 8x-400 = 3200, but u have frontal aoe hits minimum 3 mobs 3x2200 = 6600

I repeat minimum because you can hit much more, which ultimately gives 26,600 dmg per turn for the barbarian and 14,100 for the paladin
of course I omitted the weapon attack which is much stronger for the barbarian,
I omitted the additional barbarian buff where you destroy everything, which would ultimately give us 50% less damage by the paladin and even more after the buff.
And you still think that a paladin would be too strong, exping half as fast as a barbarian after upgrades?

Back wave of cleave like now its not enough paladin still would stand behind the walls and thats not enough increasing of our damage , its still to low, 75% seems ok it would be still barb 26.600 to 16-17k paladin would be ok after boosting cleave to 75% back wave

your improved cleave used to be a necessity but is still not enough, damage from behind needs to be increased to 75% damage

Level 958
11th June 2024 06:28:10

Thank you Mamrot for the effort of giving numbers, I feel suddenly less alone.

From more than one year I'm shouting in the desert telling the gap between barbs and paladins is *HUGE*. Most people just try to argue with *ideas*, but almost nobody have a look at *numbers* : ideas are empty if you don't link them with numbers.

I did much maths like yours and tried multiple times to explain them, but for some reason I can't catch, staff is incredibly timorous with the idea of buffing seriously paladin's damage (and I'm not talking about silencious barbs never taking part in that discussion, or even a few paladins claiming there is no problem ... before turning barbs themselves a few moment later).

Nevertheless, I still keep an hope in that balance round, waiting for a "balance III" then a "balance IV", etc .... :D
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