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Level 970
30th August 2024 23:24:54

Quoting Nerve:
Quoting Unlimitted:
Quoting Nerve:
Quoting Unlimitted:
The fact that you don't know how to play ranger is another thing, the rangers right now are doing almost the same exp as the magicians and so they want to be improved? lol crazy thing and they don't even play, just maker and low lvl asking them to improve a subclass, because it's better not to ask the high lvl (Rangers) to teach them how to play or ask how about the ranger if he has a good exp now or if he stays the same ?? XDDDDD

I would be willing to make a bet, get a ranger and a warlock/pyromancer of the same level to stream and I will bet the pyromancer/warlock will be far higher.

Of course the mage exp has to be better, but what is meant is that the rangers are good enough that they already have almost the same exp as the mage, not knowing how to play ranger is something else, I only see like 3 people commenting on this forum all the time and all in maker and warrior/mage xddd I still don't see any (Rangers) high lvl here saying to improve the ranger again lol

Well first of all thats not a very good argument when the community is so small and the number of "high level" rangers is tiny. But rather than sit here and you as a mage saying they're good and me as a mage saying they're bad why not get this person who will show everyone how to play a ranger show us by streaming/recording a hunt and then you as a mage doing the same?

Rather than going backwards and forwards you and your friend could easily shut everyone on the forum up.

Nobody was born learned like this like my "friend" or whatever you want to call him, he learned like that you can learn, ajuro is not just (Improve the subclass) wtff, shaman and paladin is the subclass that makes the least exp in the game, much less than a ranger and They still bother to publish so they can improve the ranger more lol, how easy of a game do you want haha

Level 970
30th August 2024 23:28:11

Just listen to those who say that ranger does almost the same exp as wl, if they tell you it's because they've already seen it or already checked it, no one will say something they've never seen or something that isn't :D

Level 243
30th August 2024 23:35:31 (Last edited 30th August 2024 23:40:04)

Quoting Unlimitted:
Just listen to those who say that ranger does almost the same exp as wl, if they tell you it's because they've already seen it or already checked it, no one will say something they've never seen or something that isn't :D

So you are trying to tell me there is no one that would lie? :D:D

The burden of proof is on you, as you said there are no high rangers here only 3 people saying they're bad.
So to reverse what you just said "Just listen to those who say that ranger does a lot less exp as wl"

Level 124
31st August 2024 00:54:44

Quoting Hellsinner:

1) spread shot could get a second wave -> 50% of first dmg.

2) arrow volley could be reworked to be a target spell instead of be trown on 4 sqm from the caster and its area could be expanded to help to slow down more creatures so marksman can use their wave spells to hit them. Cooldown stays in 5s and slow down effect on targets reduced from 5s to 3s.

Something like that:

Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot

Useful change proposals. They fit well into the marksman' gameplay.

Level 970
31st August 2024 00:55:03

I'll just tell you something...
LEARN TO PLAY, and stop COMPLAINING about trying to improve a subclass that has already been improved and makes much more exp than before, I will say it again, LEARN TO PLAY XDDDDDD

-Unlimitted ;D

Level 243
31st August 2024 01:38:32

Quoting Unlimitted:
I'll just tell you something...
LEARN TO PLAY, and stop COMPLAINING about trying to improve a subclass that has already been improved and makes much more exp than before, I will say it again, LEARN TO PLAY XDDDDDD

-Unlimitted ;D

As I expected just words, nothing of substance as usual.
A person from a guild who has a bot owner in it telling others to L2P is hilarious.
Ruthless Execution

Level 111
1st September 2024 23:50:43

Rogue changes:

I - Remove Ruthless Execution - It's useless. Barbed Arrow is a much better and more useful single target spell for pvp and pve. Put Hellish Volley into Ruthless Execution place as a rogue subclass spell and reduce its mana cost.

II - Ice Traps (special talent) - Traps damage shouldn't be decreased, but increased by 10%.

Marksman changes:

I - Change the spell Meditation to be another buff only for marksman subclass that grants between 20% and 30% of critical chance based in level and magic level which can be activated together with offensive imminence, similar to warlock's absorbing aura and dark gathering.

II - Change the area of Arrow Volley to be equal the area of Hellish volley and to be casted by target, continuing to reduce mobs speed at least those hit on the middle of the spell. Decrease cooldown of Arrow Volley to 2s like Hellish Volley.

Level 10
3rd September 2024 00:26:15

Quoting Ron:
Rogue changes:

I - Remove Ruthless Execution - It's useless. Barbed Arrow is a much better and more useful single target spell for pvp and pve. Put Hellish Volley into Ruthless Execution place as a rogue subclass spell and reduce its mana cost.

II - Ice Traps (special talent) - Traps damage shouldn't be decreased, but increased by 10%.

Marksman changes:

I - Change the spell Meditation to be another buff only for marksman subclass that grants between 20% and 30% of critical chance based in level and magic level which can be activated together with offensive imminence, similar to warlock's absorbing aura and dark gathering.

II - Change the area of Arrow Volley to be equal the area of Hellish volley and to be casted by target, continuing to reduce mobs speed at least those hit on the middle of the spell. Decrease cooldown of Arrow Volley to 2s like Hellish Volley.

Agree, in pvm terms, marksmen deserve a decent improvement compared to rogues. Rogues are really balanced now but marksmen' range and damage of wave spells is undeniably bad, far behind of rogue's traps ease of use and 'dps'.
Alexi Laiho

Level 152
6th September 2024 20:05:43

[too short yahooooow]

Level 956
7th September 2024 08:48:11 (Last edited 7th September 2024 08:51:29)

Quoting Mafu:
.......I believe that allowing rangers to use shields will be a very good thing, rangers with shields and spears or boomerangs can tank well ...........
.....cast the trap spell on your own foot............
........change the duration of the trap .......currently the cooldown of the trap is VERY high.

Come on, stay serious, or at least more subtle ! It appears clearly you just want to stand still in the middle of a big pack of monsters, and spam traps+hellish volley without moving : this is *not* a ranger's gameplay, and if you aim this, just play barbarian !

I don't say there is no problem with ranger's exp (although I tend to think there isn't at least with rogues), to be honest I have no clear idea about that.

But please, supposing they need more buff, try to propose something coherent with gameplay !

For example, your proposal to aim traps on rogue's feet is definitively counterproductive in most *normal* situations, where a rogue needs to protect himself (standing on a protected tile, or gently kitting near traps), or in party where he needs to center the trap on the blocker.
Needless to say it would be also a danger for rogue to slow itself while needing to run away ! And if on the contrary you can afford to tank, you definitively can afford the effort of walking 2 supplementary steps :P

An example of slight buff we could think for marksman, coherent with gameplay : make piercing shot hitting aimed monster and AoE armor debuffing 4x4 square around that monster. It would make the spell far easier to use, it would make marksman's ricochets hit stronger, and in party it would permit tanker to autoattack slightly stronger *whatever monster* of the box.
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