Deathwhisper Player ![]()
Level 213
24th September 2024 07:31:05 (Last edited 24th September 2024 17:49:08)
Game Economy
I would like to start this topic by addressing the issue of inflation in our beloved game. It is no secret that item prices have been increasing exponentially. I believe this drastic rise began after the implementation of Loot Boost passives on items and the ability to increase drop rates through creature boosts in the Bestiary. Items that used to cost around 15 to 20kk are now easily priced at 100 to 120kk, such as the Noble Zezenian Amulet, among others. To help control this inflation, I suggest we consider increasing the cost of the Bestiary's Loot Boost by 25% and reducing the drop rate provided by this boost by 50%. This way, we could contain item inflation while still offering an advantage to those willing to invest in this system. Additionally, this will encourage players who want to increase their profits to invest more in passives like Loot Boost on their items. Premium Cards In almost the entire history of Zezenia, Premium Cards have been used in most cases as a medium of exchange. Today, with the implementation of the card store within the game, this has increased even more, as our Premium Cards are almost exclusively used as a currency. Why not make this official? I suggest that we transform the Premium Cards into an official currency, with the possibility of renaming them to Zezenian Card. Additionally, it would be interesting to implement a balance system for these cards, similar to what happens with Tibia Coins in Tibia. However, we could add the functionality for withdrawing and depositing the cards, allowing players to receive the physical item in their inventory when they withdraw. This would facilitate exchanges between players, just as it happens currently. The balance of Zezenian Cards could be used by any character on the account, including those on other servers. This balance would be linked to the new card system implemented on the website, which could potentially increase purchases on the platform and reduce the number of cards accumulated in players' accounts within the game. By decreasing the number of cards in circulation, we could increase the demand for purchasing the cards on the website, contributing to the movement of the game's economy. Website Store 1. Tradable Items in the Game: Currently, items like Outfits and Pets can be traded within the game, as their purchase generates a Scroll for the buyer. It would be interesting to expand this system to other features, such as subclass swaps, training dolls, and cauldrons. 2. World Character Transfer: Another valuable addition would be the option to transfer characters between worlds. Although this task involves many variables, an automatic system, similar to that used in seasonal servers, could facilitate this process. I propose that this transfer only occurs from PvP worlds to Non-PvP worlds, as transferring in the opposite direction could lead to advantages and abuses of the system. For example, a player could create a character in Elysium, where they face no risk of being defeated by other players, and then transfer it to Pharos with significant advantages. To balance this transfer, I suggest that when moving characters from Pharos to Elysium, a fixed adjustment to Skills be applied, according to the increased speed in Pharos, along with a fixed experience adjustment considering the XP rate increase in Pharos, with an additional 20% on the total experience. This logic is based on the fact that high-level characters gain more experience than low-level characters, making this differentiation reasonable. 3. Character Transfers Between Accounts: Finally, it would be interesting to allow players to transfer characters from one account to another for a fee on the website. This could be done by adding a unique ID for each account, visible when accessing the site. Thus, when transferring a character, the player would only need to enter the destination account ID, and the character would be moved. These last two options would not only increase the economic movement within the game, making transfers more common, but also provide more useful options for us players. Everyone benefits! 😉 Pet System 1. Pet Skin: I suggest that instead of selling various individual pets, you consider offering a base pet with a simple skin and the option to acquire additional skins for that pet. For example, when purchasing the base pet in the store, it could come with the skin of a common animal, such as a dog or cat. Later, players would have the freedom to choose alternative skins, like that of a Dragon, Chicken, or Spellweaver. This approach aligns better with the new pet evolution system, as the progress to level up is slow. Thus, players could customize the appearance of their pets without needing to evolve a new pet each time. 2. Pet Passives and Bonuses: Although the new leveling system for pets is interesting, I believe some improvements can be implemented. One proposal is to remove the temporary and random buffs that pets offer to players, allowing them to have their own talent tree, just like players. The buffs could become fixed, with pets earning a talent point every 5 levels, totaling 10 points at level 50. In the talent tree, it would be possible to include buffs such as increased damage, evasion, speed, and critical hit chance. The increase of these attributes doesn’t need to be significant to avoid unbalancing the game, but should be useful enough for players who invest time in leveling up their pets to feel rewarded. Examples of buffs could include +5% magic resistance, +5% life steal, or +5% dodge. Dungeons 1. Parallel Dungeons: I suggest adding at least 2 clones for each dungeon. This would allow another team to access a different room in the same dungeon if one team or player is already occupying it, without having to wait for the first team to finish. 2. Safe Zones Near Levers: While safe zones after exiting the dungeon are helpful, it would be even more beneficial to implement safe areas near the dungeon levers. This would ensure the safety of characters while they wait for the reentry timer to expire. 3. Anti-Blocking: I acknowledge that this may seem like a complaint, but I have experienced negative situations during dungeon events where players position themselves on the platforms to block access after completing their dungeons. This prevents other players from activating the dungeon lever. It would be advantageous to implement a restriction that prevents players in cooldown from occupying the dungeon platforms, allowing access to the levers only when their cooldown has finished. Marksman Upgrade! Recently, with the changes implemented in various classes of the game, I noticed an excellent balance between Warriors and Mages. Although some may disagree, I believe that Paladins and Barbarians are well-adjusted, fulfilling their designated roles: Barbarians are brutal and deal high damage, while Paladins offer moderate damage and excel as excellent tanks. Mages are also in a good position, especially with the reduction of area damage from Warlocks and the enhancements made to Shamans. However, I feel that Rangers are somewhat forgotten, and their mechanics seem confusing. Allow me to explain further: as a player with many years of experience, I have always participated in discussions about the Rogue and Marksman subclasses. Historically, the Rogue class has been quite useful in PvP situations, while the Marksman was more recommended for players focused on PvE. Unfortunately, the current situation is somewhat confusing. We observe that many Rangers are opting for the Rogue class, and this is due to a simple reason: the Rogue class stands out in almost every aspect. Rogues have two camouflage abilities, can remove the target that is attacking them, and have the ability to drastically increase their attack speed, dealing large amounts of damage in a short time. Ruthless Execution allows them to deal significant damage to creatures with low health, and their traps deal continuous damage to enemies that cross their path. Additionally, they have options in their special talents to add poisoning (effective against bosses and single targets) or increase the size of their traps (excellent for PvE). On the other hand, the Marksman seems to be a "bland," neutral, and irrelevant subclass, where the player hardly has fun and has few gameplay options. Their special talent focuses only on increasing the size of "Piercing Shot," but armor breaking remains restricted to the central arrow. The option to extend the duration of "Critical Continuum" is not very useful unless the player is focusing on gear that provides "Critical Boost." The only viable option for Marksmans to hunt with lure creatures is the spell "Hellish Volley," which, besides not being very effective, is not exclusive to Marksmans, as Rogues can also use it. What is the point of this? Why make the Marksman such an insignificant class? Isn’t it time to take action regarding this? Here are some suggestions for improvements that, while not exhaustive, could bring a little more attention to Marksmans: 1. Enhance the special talent "Split Arrow": Increase the damage of "Piercing Shot" by 10% and allow all arrows (not just the central one) to break the armor of creatures. 2. Increase the duration of "Critical Continuum": Extend the standard time to 30 seconds and, in the special talent, increase it to 45 seconds, in addition to adding a +5% buff to Distance Skill based on the player's skill. 3. Reduce the cooldown of the spell "Spread Shot": Decrease it to 2 seconds and increase its damage by 10%, allowing for continuous combination of "Hellish Volley" and "Spread Shot," increasing the effectiveness of Marksman players with blockers. 4. Make the spell "Hellish Volley" exclusive to Marksmans: Remove this ability from the Rogues' arsenal. I believe that these changes could significantly contribute to improving the experience of players who choose the Marksman class. EDIT 1: Enchanting System It would be interesting to add the option to remove enchantments from items to the Enchantment system, along with the removal of level restrictions for using them. This would allow good items to have their enchantments removed, making them reusable by new characters, and enabling them to be enchanted again in the future. Additionally, I believe it's valid to remove the limit on status locks during the enchantment process. Currently, it costs 50 noble coins per lock, so allowing more than three locks would be useful for minor refinements, such as when only one status is missing to optimize an item. This would also encourage greater spending of noble coins, helping to reduce the accumulated wealth in the server. I spent a few days collecting suggestions and dedicated some hours to elaborate on this topic. I hope the Zezenia team can consider the ideas presented here. I thank you in advance for all the recent changes in the game, it is truly evolving in many aspects, and you all deserve congratulations! "When the light fails and hope fades, my whisper brings the truth of the inevitable farewell." ~~Deathwhisper |
Pelaios Player ![]()
Level 157
24th September 2024 11:16:46 Quoting Deathwhisper: Game Economy I would like to start this topic by addressing the issue of inflation in our beloved game. It is no secret that item prices have been increasing exponentially. I believe this drastic rise began after the implementation of Loot Boost passives on items and the ability to increase drop rates through creature boosts in the Bestiary. Items that used to cost around 15 to 20kk are now easily priced at 100 to 120kk, such as the Noble Zezenian Amulet, among others. To help control this inflation, I suggest we consider increasing the cost of the Bestiary's Loot Boost by 25% and reducing the drop rate provided by this boost by 50%. This way, we could contain item inflation while still offering an advantage to those willing to invest in this system. Additionally, this will encourage players who want to increase their profits to invest more in passives like Loot Boost on their items. Premium Cards In almost the entire history of Zezenia, Premium Cards have been used in most cases as a medium of exchange. Today, with the implementation of the card store within the game, this has increased even more, as our Premium Cards are almost exclusively used as a currency. Why not make this official? I suggest that we transform the Premium Cards into an official currency, with the possibility of renaming them to Zezenian Card. Additionally, it would be interesting to implement a balance system for these cards, similar to what happens with Tibia Coins in Tibia. However, we could add the functionality for withdrawing and depositing the cards, allowing players to receive the physical item in their inventory when they withdraw. This would facilitate exchanges between players, just as it happens currently. The balance of Zezenian Cards could be used by any character on the account, including those on other servers. This balance would be linked to the new card system implemented on the website, which could potentially increase purchases on the platform and reduce the number of cards accumulated in players' accounts within the game. By decreasing the number of cards in circulation, we could increase the demand for purchasing the cards on the website, contributing to the movement of the game's economy. Website Store 1. Tradable Items in the Game: Currently, items like Outfits and Pets can be traded within the game, as their purchase generates a Scroll for the buyer. It would be interesting to expand this system to other features, such as subclass swaps, training dolls, and cauldrons. 2. World Character Transfer: Another valuable addition would be the option to transfer characters between worlds. Although this task involves many variables, an automatic system, similar to that used in seasonal servers, could facilitate this process. I propose that this transfer only occurs from PvP worlds to Non-PvP worlds, as transferring in the opposite direction could lead to advantages and abuses of the system. For example, a player could create a character in Elysium, where they face no risk of being defeated by other players, and then transfer it to Pharos with significant advantages. To balance this transfer, I suggest that when moving characters from Pharos to Elysium, a fixed adjustment to Skills be applied, according to the increased speed in Pharos, along with a fixed experience adjustment considering the XP rate increase in Pharos, with an additional 20% on the total experience. This logic is based on the fact that high-level characters gain more experience than low-level characters, making this differentiation reasonable. 3. Character Transfers Between Accounts: Finally, it would be interesting to allow players to transfer characters from one account to another for a fee on the website. This could be done by adding a unique ID for each account, visible when accessing the site. Thus, when transferring a character, the player would only need to enter the destination account ID, and the character would be moved. These last two options would not only increase the economic movement within the game, making transfers more common, but also provide more useful options for us players. Everyone benefits! 😉 Pet System 1. Pet Skin: I suggest that instead of selling various individual pets, you consider offering a base pet with a simple skin and the option to acquire additional skins for that pet. For example, when purchasing the base pet in the store, it could come with the skin of a common animal, such as a dog or cat. Later, players would have the freedom to choose alternative skins, like that of a Dragon, Chicken, or Spellweaver. This approach aligns better with the new pet evolution system, as the progress to level up is slow. Thus, players could customize the appearance of their pets without needing to evolve a new pet each time. 2. Pet Passives and Bonuses: Although the new leveling system for pets is interesting, I believe some improvements can be implemented. One proposal is to remove the temporary and random buffs that pets offer to players, allowing them to have their own talent tree, just like players. The buffs could become fixed, with pets earning a talent point every 5 levels, totaling 10 points at level 50. In the talent tree, it would be possible to include buffs such as increased damage, evasion, speed, and critical hit chance. The increase of these attributes doesn’t need to be significant to avoid unbalancing the game, but should be useful enough for players who invest time in leveling up their pets to feel rewarded. Examples of buffs could include +5% magic resistance, +5% life steal, or +5% dodge. Dungeons 1. Parallel Dungeons: I suggest adding at least 2 clones for each dungeon. This would allow another team to access a different room in the same dungeon if one team or player is already occupying it, without having to wait for the first team to finish. 2. Safe Zones Near Levers: While safe zones after exiting the dungeon are helpful, it would be even more beneficial to implement safe areas near the dungeon levers. This would ensure the safety of characters while they wait for the reentry timer to expire. 3. Anti-Blocking: I acknowledge that this may seem like a complaint, but I have experienced negative situations during dungeon events where players position themselves on the platforms to block access after completing their dungeons. This prevents other players from activating the dungeon lever. It would be advantageous to implement a restriction that prevents players in cooldown from occupying the dungeon platforms, allowing access to the levers only when their cooldown has finished. Marksman Upgrade! Recently, with the changes implemented in various classes of the game, I noticed an excellent balance between Warriors and Mages. Although some may disagree, I believe that Paladins and Barbarians are well-adjusted, fulfilling their designated roles: Barbarians are brutal and deal high damage, while Paladins offer moderate damage and excel as excellent tanks. Mages are also in a good position, especially with the reduction of area damage from Warlocks and the enhancements made to Shamans. However, I feel that Rangers are somewhat forgotten, and their mechanics seem confusing. Allow me to explain further: as a player with many years of experience, I have always participated in discussions about the Rogue and Marksman subclasses. Historically, the Rogue class has been quite useful in PvP situations, while the Marksman was more recommended for players focused on PvE. Unfortunately, the current situation is somewhat confusing. We observe that many Rangers are opting for the Rogue class, and this is due to a simple reason: the Rogue class stands out in almost every aspect. Rogues have two camouflage abilities, can remove the target that is attacking them, and have the ability to drastically increase their attack speed, dealing large amounts of damage in a short time. Ruthless Execution allows them to deal significant damage to creatures with low health, and their traps deal continuous damage to enemies that cross their path. Additionally, they have options in their special talents to add poisoning (effective against bosses and single targets) or increase the size of their traps (excellent for PvE). On the other hand, the Marksman seems to be a "bland," neutral, and irrelevant subclass, where the player hardly has fun and has few gameplay options. Their special talent focuses only on increasing the size of "Piercing Shot," but armor breaking remains restricted to the central arrow. The option to extend the duration of "Critical Continuum" is not very useful unless the player is focusing on gear that provides "Critical Boost." The only viable option for Marksmans to hunt with lure creatures is the spell "Hellish Volley," which, besides not being very effective, is not exclusive to Marksmans, as Rogues can also use it. What is the point of this? Why make the Marksman such an insignificant class? Isn’t it time to take action regarding this? Here are some suggestions for improvements that, while not exhaustive, could bring a little more attention to Marksmans: 1. Enhance the special talent "Split Arrow": Increase the damage of "Piercing Shot" by 10% and allow all arrows (not just the central one) to break the armor of creatures. 2. Increase the duration of "Critical Continuum": Extend the standard time to 30 seconds and, in the special talent, increase it to 45 seconds, in addition to adding a +5% buff to Distance Skill based on the player's skill. 3. Reduce the cooldown of the spell "Spread Shot": Decrease it to 2 seconds and increase its damage by 10%, allowing for continuous combination of "Hellish Volley" and "Spread Shot," increasing the effectiveness of Marksman players with blockers. 4. Make the spell "Hellish Volley" exclusive to Marksmans: Remove this ability from the Rogues' arsenal. I believe that these changes could significantly contribute to improving the experience of players who choose the Marksman class. I spent a few days collecting suggestions and dedicated some hours to elaborate on this topic. I hope the Zezenia team can consider the ideas presented here. I thank you in advance for all the recent changes in the game, it is truly evolving in many aspects, and you all deserve congratulations! "When the light fails and hope fades, my whisper brings the truth of the inevitable farewell." ~~Deathwhisper It's okay that you want to improve your subclass but don't go overboard on how much damage you want to do to the marksman if they increased the damage of his magic x2 and then increased it again and you want it increased again and eliminate Hellish Volley for the rogue practice They make it a single target subclass knowing that the rogue must have more area spell than the marksman, which is a single target subclass and if they put critical I continue at 30 they will have to put the evasion that lasts 15s and the short escape that lasts 30s what you are looking for is the benefit for your subclass not the balance, and how are you going to say that the magicians are knowing that the shaman is not producing anything |
Cevarosky Player ![]()
Level 500
24th September 2024 12:04:35
Thieves have no place to speak on this forum. If it's difficult for you who use bots, imagine it for players who play by hand. You are responsible for stealing hundreds of accounts in this game. Because of your attitudes, you are a player who lives hidden in the shadows, without being able to hunt. You are so characterless that you steal from people who come to your house. After all, in your character's title Rubstic, you assume you are a hacker. I don't understand why complain about inflation in the market price when your entire set was acquired in a dirty way. There is no adjective to express what a bad person you are.
Deathwhisper, Soul Annihilator and Rubstic they are the same person. |
Askja Player ![]()
Level 958
24th September 2024 12:15:10
Wow that's a long text, nice effort.
I won't comment everything, sorry, there would be many things to discuss ! I just throw what I think about various things : Marksman buff : sure they need buff comparing to rogues. Other classes well balanced : hum, no ofc no. Shamans need urgently some love (and paladins need, in a way or another, to be definitively "wall walk" free) Parallel dungeons : +1 Character transfers between different servers : no way ! Reworking pet bonuses system : obviously ![]() About game economy, I don't catch your point at all ![]() Sure we got huge inflation, but decreasing loot rate won't solve anything, on the contrary it would make prices still higher. I think you are wrong in the reasons you give. In my opinion, inflation do result from a combination of : - premium cards price on market is not bounded anymore (so seller do try to sell high price, and ... it more or less works) - enchanting system is not well thought, and it's such a pain to obtain a good legendary item that people sell them very expensive to compensate. |
Toretto Player ![]()
Level 10
24th September 2024 16:18:37
Yes, they need changes. Hellish Volley needs to be kept for both ranger subclasses. Then it's easier increase another AoE, Arrow Volley to 3x3 sqm and enable it to be a target spell. Paladin Cleave's damage of all 8 sqm should be the same. Reason is the attack of one handed weapon (paladin's weapon) is lower than barbarian's (two handed weapons). So there's no problem to increase its damage for only 3 sqm at back side because it'll always be much lower than the damage of barbarians. Shaman A small change is okay for this subclass. Just enlarging the shape of mortal melody to a triangle shape ( < ). Something like that is enough to complete this balancing. |
Deathwhisper Player ![]()
Level 213
24th September 2024 16:43:18 Quoting Cevarosky: Thieves have no place to speak on this forum. If it's difficult for you who use bots, imagine it for players who play by hand. You are responsible for stealing hundreds of accounts in this game. Because of your attitudes, you are a player who lives hidden in the shadows, without being able to hunt. You are so characterless that you steal from people who come to your house. After all, in your character's title Rubstic, you assume you are a hacker. I don't understand why complain about inflation in the market price when your entire set was acquired in a dirty way. There is no adjective to express what a bad person you are. Deathwhisper, Soul Annihilator and Rubstic they are the same person. I understand that it must be difficult for you to get the attention you so desperately seek, after all, flies buzzing near the ear only get swatted, not affection. Even though you're irrelevant, I'll take a few seconds to respond. It's amusing that you're accusing me of cheating and using a bot, especially considering you're one of the few who used the old Zezenia bot and didn't get banned. In fact, the character you're using now Cevarosky is the same one that reached level 500 with a bot. When the Zezenia team started banning, you created a new character Magical Warlock and played with it for months while Cevarosky stayed offline, out of fear of being banned. I even have two screenshots of the chat in Portuguese, where you clearly admitted to using a bot. Now, tell me: why should your opinion matter to me? ![]() ![]() This topic was created to discuss improvements in the game — the same game that you, I, and many others play. As annoying as it is to hear your buzzing, at least try to contribute. If you have a complaint about me, create your own thread and deal with it there. Don't disrupt a space meant to improve our game. |
Deathwhisper Player ![]()
Level 213
24th September 2024 16:56:02 Quoting Askja: Wow that's a long text, nice effort. I won't comment everything, sorry, there would be many things to discuss ! I just throw what I think about various things : Marksman buff : sure they need buff comparing to rogues. Other classes well balanced : hum, no ofc no. Shamans need urgently some love (and paladins need, in a way or another, to be definitively "wall walk" free) Parallel dungeons : +1 Character transfers between different servers : no way ! Reworking pet bonuses system : obviously ![]() About game economy, I don't catch your point at all ![]() Sure we got huge inflation, but decreasing loot rate won't solve anything, on the contrary it would make prices still higher. I think you are wrong in the reasons you give. In my opinion, inflation do result from a combination of : - premium cards price on market is not bounded anymore (so seller do try to sell high price, and ... it more or less works) - enchanting system is not well thought, and it's such a pain to obtain a good legendary item that people sell them very expensive to compensate. I agree that the server's inflation has multiple causes, not just the Loot Boost. However, I firmly believe that the Loot Boost was the main factor behind this drastic inflation. Here's why: Just like in inefficient governments in the real world, if you devalue your currency and increase its circulation, it loses so much value that, in extreme cases, it becomes more practical to clean up after yourself with your country's banknotes than to gather large amounts of it to buy toilet paper. Without getting into politics, the same logic applies to the game. With the introduction of the Loot Boost on items and the Bestiary Boost, some Hardcores became extremely profitable. Personally, in 2 hours of Boost in the Dark Knights Hardcore, I could make a profit of 15~20kk. This completely changes the economy. Players who used to sell Zezenian items for 20~30kk now find that price undervalued because they think: "My item is worth more than two Hardcore Boosts. It took me a long time to get it or complete the quest, so the price should be higher." When it becomes easy to accumulate large amounts of money, item prices skyrocket because no one wants to sell something valuable for an amount that can be earned in just a few hours of Boost, as in the Dark Knights example. Making it easier to obtain money inevitably leads to a widespread price increase, triggering uncontrollable inflation. |
Briareu Sage ![]()
Level 973
24th September 2024 17:54:38 (Last edited 24th September 2024 18:02:24)
Well lets start, congrats on the effort to write all these. Almost all those propositions are nice.
80% of the proposals are in game or in the way to completion; *You can buy card and use then at the account and deviler it to server if you want. *Theres a character bazar on the way, character trading. *There are 2 dungeons of each ( implemented long time ago ) *You can sell training doll and caudrons ingame to other players already I liked the "pet skin" proposal. Thats a nice one! Nerf loot will only hurt newcomers, ppl that are strong in the game already have gold. ( do not get scared of market prices, ppl can ask the price they want, most are way too expensive. the seller just want to show off) I hardly disagree at the character transfer, specially the part Pharos to Elysium. Just remember that Pharos has no pvp actions in years! So the server is basicaly a no-pvp with 2x exp AND, lots os characters came from servers with 10x exp, arriving at Pharos at level 500+. Pharos and Elysium should never mix, either in characters transfer or market. Rangers are getting a lot of attention, and deserved, any other changes needs to be very careful not to create a complete monster. OFF TOPIC: To the community, do not click or download any link this player send you, and so to Soul Annihilator and Rustic. |
Askja Player ![]()
Level 958
24th September 2024 18:16:16
Ok I got it about loot boost argument, good point.
Still at that point I do think it's more numerous HCs themselves that explain things more than loot boost ... and I see no good reason to cancel them ![]() By the way, hunt profit is also a serious balance problem, despite almost nobody talk about it : when a class A makes double exp than a class B, it roughly means A makes double profit too (twice more kills). @Briareu : - I do agree about rangers, I warned about that when "balance work" was done, and I'm afraid rogues are on that way (without being completely sure about that, I miss experience in playing them). - do you mean 2 different teams can run the "same" dg (one and its copy) in the same time ? For all dg ? I doubt it, at least not for all. I got "someone is inside the dg" message this week, and I would swear only one team was running it. Ofc I may be wrong and it would be awesome. |
Deathwhisper Player ![]()
Level 213
24th September 2024 18:34:57 Quoting <font style="vertical-align: inherit;"></font>: Well lets start, congrats on the effort to write all these. Almost all those propositions are nice. 80% of the proposals are in game or in the way to completion; *You can buy card and use then at the account and deviler it to server if you want. *Theres a character bazar on the way, character trading. *There are 2 dungeons of each ( implemented long time ago ) *You can sell training doll and caudrons ingame to other players already I liked the "pet skin" proposal. Thats a nice one! Nerf loot will only hurt newcomers, ppl that are strong in the game already have gold. ( do not get scared of market prices, ppl can ask the price they want, most are way too expensive. the seller just want to show off) I hardly disagree at the character transfer, specially the part Pharos to Elysium. Just remember that Pharos has no pvp actions in years! So the server is basicaly a no-pvp with 2x exp AND, lots os characters came from servers with 10x exp, arriving at Pharos at level 500+. Pharos and Elysium should never mix, either in characters transfer or market. Rangers are getting a lot of attention, and deserved, any other changes needs to be very careful not to create a complete monster. OFF TOPIC: To the community, do not click or download any link this player send you, and so to Soul Annihilator and Rustic. Hello, perhaps some points were not entirely clear, so I'll recap: 1. The idea behind the cards was that they would have a balance integrated with the game, not just with the website, and that this balance would be synchronized with the website’s balance. This way, it would be possible to top up the balance using physical cards, which is currently not possible. At the moment, the only way to increase the balance is by purchasing new cards. 2. Regarding the sale of characters being implemented, I’ve heard about it, but my suggestion would be to allow direct character transfers between accounts without having to go through the marketplace. Listing the character in the marketplace just for an "internal" transfer could risk someone else buying it by offering a higher price than yours, for instance. 3. About the dungeons, there might have been a misunderstanding. When I talk about "parallelizing" dungeons, I’m referring to the possibility of 2 or 3 groups entering the same dungeon but in different instances simultaneously, without having to wait for another group to finish. So far, I’ve only seen this in the Mighty Balmor dungeon. Dungeons like Dragons 90+ and Demons 120+ still don’t have this system. 4. Regarding training dummies and cauldrons, I’ve never seen any trading of these items nor anyone trying to buy or sell them. That’s why I thought it wasn’t possible. I apologize if I was mistaken on this point. 5. As for Rangers, my criticism wasn’t aimed at the class as a whole, but at the Marksman subclass, which has been quite neglected and is clearly inferior to Rogues, both in PvP and PvE. In the past, there was a clear distinction: Rogues for PvP and Marksman for PvE. However, nowadays, Rogues outperform Marksman in everything, which doesn’t make sense. 6. Regarding personal offenses, hate speech, or any type of comment about me, I kindly ask that you create a separate topic for that. This space was created exclusively for discussing improvements to the game, so please stay focused on the proposed topic. Briareu Thank you for your understanding! |