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Level 956
10th November 2024 13:46:12

On Triton I raised a secondary char up to level 100, and I got only 500 seasonal points reward instead of 1000.

Is that a bug, or is it some tweak you introduced to limit abusing ?

Such limitation is probably a good idea, but I wish we were warned :D

Question : are unopened Seasonal Seven goodie bags transferable at end of season ? They are kinda containers but aren't tagged that way, so I begin doubt it.

Level 215
10th November 2024 13:47:48

Triton is over
Lets talk about development.

Level 30
11th November 2024 01:48:46

All you high levels or "experienced players" are so negative, so doubtful on the game and staff. You bash them, you bash each other... you call this fun? You guys mean to tell me you work your 9-5 jobs and then come here to cry and act like children that didn't get what they wanted for Christmas back when they were 10 years old. Like come on. You guys really need to just quit the game and stop posting your nonsense here. It's always negative, it's beyond constructive criticism and it makes it so less appealing to any new players to come here and see this kind of toxic behavior and talk on the forums.

You cry cry cry so much on the forums and in the game of how things should be, who did this, who did that, who said what to who.... just shut up and play or just leave. Why do you continue to play a game that makes you nothing but angry? Do you guys know how stupid you must be to continue playing something that does nothing but hurt your feelings and ego, make you cry in the forums, make you say outrageous things to each other, make you stoop to levels of stupidity and hypocrisy. If this is what is "fun" in your eyes, to anyone at that... you should re-evaluate why you play games in the first place. Why do you guys play Zezenia if it's so bad in so many aspects? I am just curious.

It seems to be a trend how you guys continue to blame each other and the staff for how bad it is. So why are you people still here after so long of posting so negative about the game? Just leave? I don't know? What seems logical to do in this situation?

I'm just going by with what I have been reading here to make such questions towards you guys.

Lets hear it.
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