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Level 118
8th November 2024 09:38:20

Hueheueheueheue br?

Level 576
8th November 2024 15:41:45

Quoting King Healer:
Quoting Godzilla:
It's the same shit everytime, this game needs an owner who cares lmao. Set aside the bug abuses, these don't get fixed for weeks, months if not years. Eventhough its against the rules, nothing gets done about it.

- You have people power abusing in Pharos, where you can't do anything unless you comply to some idiots and their "rules".
- You cannot sell items in Pharos WITHOUT asking the guild Pharos first:smartass:
- You have an "illegal" market on facebook for nearly anything you can wish for. People don't even hide it, openly replying in game "owner not here, i'm on service".
Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot
- Bots are still a massive issue, possibly the old kazebot that went private as it was for sale at some point.

I feel bad for the Elysium players, but this game needs a full reset and rebranding. Change of ownership to someone who really cares and works on the game.

I don't think I've ever seen a person as hypocritical as you.

You must be the person who abused bots the most in this entire game, for many years. You have always used bots and come to the forum to speak against them, I find this very impressive, it is a bizarre falsehood.

Do you want to reset pharos because you can no longer play on the server, go back to Elysium, because I heard that you bought several items on Facebook to play there again, another hypocrisy, right??? Every space you have on the forum is asking to reset or create another server and when the reset was created, why didn't it stay there? The new server that you requested so much closed due to lack of players, crazy isn't it???

Stand up and stop running to the forum, play the game.
In addition to being a shitty person, he is also a thief.

It's not hypocritism, it's te truth. I've been banned for breaking the rules and i have stopped breaking them. The last time i broke the game rules and got banned for it, was at the beginning of Zera, and i have not played the game other then seasonal servers since. I am no saint, i wont tell you i am one, but im not two faced like yourself.

The reason im saying this game needs a hard reset is because Pharos is dead. It's the same group of people who play the game who don't support the game financially and buy everything from facebook market.

All you have to say is personal bullshit, you can't come back at me with reasons why the current game worlds should be kept online. There are so many people waiting to come back to this game (WITH A FRESH START) and hope for better balancing changes before it happends.

Maybe if you guys would financially support the game, pharos wouldnt have been at its current state. I bet, if a new full 2x exp full pvp server would be introduced to go live 2 months after the current seasonal, with the proper advertisement and balancing changes, pharos would be dead in a heartbeat. You would be the only one online paying zaka services for gaining some experience while you just sit back and watch the pharos highscores be turned to dust.
Wyhual Apelao

Level 1104
9th November 2024 05:41:55

Quoting Godzilla:
Quoting King Healer:
Quoting Godzilla:
It's the same shit everytime, this game needs an owner who cares lmao. Set aside the bug abuses, these don't get fixed for weeks, months if not years. Eventhough its against the rules, nothing gets done about it.

- You have people power abusing in Pharos, where you can't do anything unless you comply to some idiots and their "rules".
- You cannot sell items in Pharos WITHOUT asking the guild Pharos first:smartass:
- You have an "illegal" market on facebook for nearly anything you can wish for. People don't even hide it, openly replying in game "owner not here, i'm on service".
Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot
- Bots are still a massive issue, possibly the old kazebot that went private as it was for sale at some point.

I feel bad for the Elysium players, but this game needs a full reset and rebranding. Change of ownership to someone who really cares and works on the game.

I don't think I've ever seen a person as hypocritical as you.

You must be the person who abused bots the most in this entire game, for many years. You have always used bots and come to the forum to speak against them, I find this very impressive, it is a bizarre falsehood.

Do you want to reset pharos because you can no longer play on the server, go back to Elysium, because I heard that you bought several items on Facebook to play there again, another hypocrisy, right??? Every space you have on the forum is asking to reset or create another server and when the reset was created, why didn't it stay there? The new server that you requested so much closed due to lack of players, crazy isn't it???

Stand up and stop running to the forum, play the game.
In addition to being a shitty person, he is also a thief.

It's not hypocritism, it's te truth. I've been banned for breaking the rules and i have stopped breaking them. The last time i broke the game rules and got banned for it, was at the beginning of Zera, and i have not played the game other then seasonal servers since. I am no saint, i wont tell you i am one, but im not two faced like yourself.

The reason im saying this game needs a hard reset is because Pharos is dead. It's the same group of people who play the game who don't support the game financially and buy everything from facebook market.

All you have to say is personal bullshit, you can't come back at me with reasons why the current game worlds should be kept online. There are so many people waiting to come back to this game (WITH A FRESH START) and hope for better balancing changes before it happends.

Maybe if you guys would financially support the game, pharos wouldnt have been at its current state. I bet, if a new full 2x exp full pvp server would be introduced to go live 2 months after the current seasonal, with the proper advertisement and balancing changes, pharos would be dead in a heartbeat. You would be the only one online paying zaka services for gaining some experience while you just sit back and watch the pharos highscores be turned to dust.

No, you didn't stop using it because you learned from the mistake, you stopped using it because the bot, as everyone knows, stopped being made.

You were talking about Pharos before I even spoke again, saying that Cream killed the server and you couldn't even play there. We fight and take Cream away and the excuse is always the same. Why did Zera die? Why did Tipitaka die? Why did Everath die? Why did Platon die? It will always be the same excuse saying that whoever is dominating is killing the server and that's not the truth, it's just a lack of investment in publicity.

I buy cards monthly in Pharos on the website, I spent more than a minimum wage on this seasonal, all to strengthen Zezenia, I already paid streamers my money to promote the game and you didn't do a tenth of what I've already done to try to help this game .
Greg On Three

Level 116
9th November 2024 14:54:12

Quoting King Healer:
Quoting Godzilla:
Quoting King Healer:
Quoting Godzilla:
It's the same shit everytime, this game needs an owner who cares lmao. Set aside the bug abuses, these don't get fixed for weeks, months if not years. Eventhough its against the rules, nothing gets done about it.

- You have people power abusing in Pharos, where you can't do anything unless you comply to some idiots and their "rules".
- You cannot sell items in Pharos WITHOUT asking the guild Pharos first:smartass:
- You have an "illegal" market on facebook for nearly anything you can wish for. People don't even hide it, openly replying in game "owner not here, i'm on service".
Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot
- Bots are still a massive issue, possibly the old kazebot that went private as it was for sale at some point.

I feel bad for the Elysium players, but this game needs a full reset and rebranding. Change of ownership to someone who really cares and works on the game.

I don't think I've ever seen a person as hypocritical as you.

You must be the person who abused bots the most in this entire game, for many years. You have always used bots and come to the forum to speak against them, I find this very impressive, it is a bizarre falsehood.

Do you want to reset pharos because you can no longer play on the server, go back to Elysium, because I heard that you bought several items on Facebook to play there again, another hypocrisy, right??? Every space you have on the forum is asking to reset or create another server and when the reset was created, why didn't it stay there? The new server that you requested so much closed due to lack of players, crazy isn't it???

Stand up and stop running to the forum, play the game.
In addition to being a shitty person, he is also a thief.

It's not hypocritism, it's te truth. I've been banned for breaking the rules and i have stopped breaking them. The last time i broke the game rules and got banned for it, was at the beginning of Zera, and i have not played the game other then seasonal servers since. I am no saint, i wont tell you i am one, but im not two faced like yourself.

The reason im saying this game needs a hard reset is because Pharos is dead. It's the same group of people who play the game who don't support the game financially and buy everything from facebook market.

All you have to say is personal bullshit, you can't come back at me with reasons why the current game worlds should be kept online. There are so many people waiting to come back to this game (WITH A FRESH START) and hope for better balancing changes before it happends.

Maybe if you guys would financially support the game, pharos wouldnt have been at its current state. I bet, if a new full 2x exp full pvp server would be introduced to go live 2 months after the current seasonal, with the proper advertisement and balancing changes, pharos would be dead in a heartbeat. You would be the only one online paying zaka services for gaining some experience while you just sit back and watch the pharos highscores be turned to dust.

No, you didn't stop using it because you learned from the mistake, you stopped using it because the bot, as everyone knows, stopped being made.

You were talking about Pharos before I even spoke again, saying that Cream killed the server and you couldn't even play there. We fight and take Cream away and the excuse is always the same. Why did Zera die? Why did Tipitaka die? Why did Everath die? Why did Platon die? It will always be the same excuse saying that whoever is dominating is killing the server and that's not the truth, it's just a lack of investment in publicity.

I buy cards monthly in Pharos on the website, I spent more than a minimum wage on this seasonal, all to strengthen Zezenia, I already paid streamers my money to promote the game and you didn't do a tenth of what I've already done to try to help this game .

You are delusional, you didn't fight and take cream team (my team) away, we simply stopped playing due to lack of content in the game then sold your whole team the chars because you guys never wanted to fight and just sit pz so we gifted you the server for free due to no updates, you're welcome.

Level 576
9th November 2024 16:07:17

Quoting King Healer:
Quoting Godzilla:
Quoting King Healer:
Quoting Godzilla:
It's the same shit everytime, this game needs an owner who cares lmao. Set aside the bug abuses, these don't get fixed for weeks, months if not years. Eventhough its against the rules, nothing gets done about it.

- You have people power abusing in Pharos, where you can't do anything unless you comply to some idiots and their "rules".
- You cannot sell items in Pharos WITHOUT asking the guild Pharos first:smartass:
- You have an "illegal" market on facebook for nearly anything you can wish for. People don't even hide it, openly replying in game "owner not here, i'm on service".
Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot
- Bots are still a massive issue, possibly the old kazebot that went private as it was for sale at some point.

I feel bad for the Elysium players, but this game needs a full reset and rebranding. Change of ownership to someone who really cares and works on the game.

I don't think I've ever seen a person as hypocritical as you.

You must be the person who abused bots the most in this entire game, for many years. You have always used bots and come to the forum to speak against them, I find this very impressive, it is a bizarre falsehood.

Do you want to reset pharos because you can no longer play on the server, go back to Elysium, because I heard that you bought several items on Facebook to play there again, another hypocrisy, right??? Every space you have on the forum is asking to reset or create another server and when the reset was created, why didn't it stay there? The new server that you requested so much closed due to lack of players, crazy isn't it???

Stand up and stop running to the forum, play the game.
In addition to being a shitty person, he is also a thief.

It's not hypocritism, it's te truth. I've been banned for breaking the rules and i have stopped breaking them. The last time i broke the game rules and got banned for it, was at the beginning of Zera, and i have not played the game other then seasonal servers since. I am no saint, i wont tell you i am one, but im not two faced like yourself.

The reason im saying this game needs a hard reset is because Pharos is dead. It's the same group of people who play the game who don't support the game financially and buy everything from facebook market.

All you have to say is personal bullshit, you can't come back at me with reasons why the current game worlds should be kept online. There are so many people waiting to come back to this game (WITH A FRESH START) and hope for better balancing changes before it happends.

Maybe if you guys would financially support the game, pharos wouldnt have been at its current state. I bet, if a new full 2x exp full pvp server would be introduced to go live 2 months after the current seasonal, with the proper advertisement and balancing changes, pharos would be dead in a heartbeat. You would be the only one online paying zaka services for gaining some experience while you just sit back and watch the pharos highscores be turned to dust.

No, you didn't stop using it because you learned from the mistake, you stopped using it because the bot, as everyone knows, stopped being made.

You were talking about Pharos before I even spoke again, saying that Cream killed the server and you couldn't even play there. We fight and take Cream away and the excuse is always the same. Why did Zera die? Why did Tipitaka die? Why did Everath die? Why did Platon die? It will always be the same excuse saying that whoever is dominating is killing the server and that's not the truth, it's just a lack of investment in publicity.

I buy cards monthly in Pharos on the website, I spent more than a minimum wage on this seasonal, all to strengthen Zezenia, I already paid streamers my money to promote the game and you didn't do a tenth of what I've already done to try to help this game .

Kazebot still around at the time I quit the game, matter of fact, my latest banishment had nothing to do with kazebot since I didn’t use it, your dear friend, the creator, the destroyer of Zezenia, could confirm that aswell.

You don’t even come close to what we spend on this game, haha. Your monthly wages are dogshit compared to ours, don’t act big now haha. You’ve got discounted prices on this game and you don’t even use that method outside seasonals. You didn’t win a single war, one of you guys bought all the accounts of the opposing team due to lack of pvp content. You forget that I’ve been on your team and know exactly how you guys roll, I’m not going into detail, but you guys are like cockroaches and hard to get rid off, hard to “deal” with in terms of ignorance and stupidity. You shout from the highest buildings how you “conquered” Pharos from Cream, while one of you, who is somewhat wealthy for your country, who bought all the higher levels. Even your characters right now, none of them have been leveled by urself, its been account shared to fuck and only after 5 years of no pvp, you achieved that level. Congratulations bro8)

P.s. maybe if you didn’t pay someone to level your account on Teuton, you would’ve spend maybe 30$ on just a training dummy and pet scroll, haha. You choose to spend that money on someone else levelling your characters, you don’t support this game. You’re cancer to this game, a bunch of bug abusing rats that play victim 24/7, hence why ur country/begaviours is like it is today.

Level 118
9th November 2024 17:33:50

We are all losers playign this shit game xD
Wyhual Apelao

Level 1104
9th November 2024 17:34:52

Quoting Godzilla:
Quoting King Healer:
Quoting Godzilla:
Quoting King Healer:
Quoting Godzilla:
It's the same shit everytime, this game needs an owner who cares lmao. Set aside the bug abuses, these don't get fixed for weeks, months if not years. Eventhough its against the rules, nothing gets done about it.

- You have people power abusing in Pharos, where you can't do anything unless you comply to some idiots and their "rules".
- You cannot sell items in Pharos WITHOUT asking the guild Pharos first:smartass:
- You have an "illegal" market on facebook for nearly anything you can wish for. People don't even hide it, openly replying in game "owner not here, i'm on service".
Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot
- Bots are still a massive issue, possibly the old kazebot that went private as it was for sale at some point.

I feel bad for the Elysium players, but this game needs a full reset and rebranding. Change of ownership to someone who really cares and works on the game.

I don't think I've ever seen a person as hypocritical as you.

You must be the person who abused bots the most in this entire game, for many years. You have always used bots and come to the forum to speak against them, I find this very impressive, it is a bizarre falsehood.

Do you want to reset pharos because you can no longer play on the server, go back to Elysium, because I heard that you bought several items on Facebook to play there again, another hypocrisy, right??? Every space you have on the forum is asking to reset or create another server and when the reset was created, why didn't it stay there? The new server that you requested so much closed due to lack of players, crazy isn't it???

Stand up and stop running to the forum, play the game.
In addition to being a shitty person, he is also a thief.

It's not hypocritism, it's te truth. I've been banned for breaking the rules and i have stopped breaking them. The last time i broke the game rules and got banned for it, was at the beginning of Zera, and i have not played the game other then seasonal servers since. I am no saint, i wont tell you i am one, but im not two faced like yourself.

The reason im saying this game needs a hard reset is because Pharos is dead. It's the same group of people who play the game who don't support the game financially and buy everything from facebook market.

All you have to say is personal bullshit, you can't come back at me with reasons why the current game worlds should be kept online. There are so many people waiting to come back to this game (WITH A FRESH START) and hope for better balancing changes before it happends.

Maybe if you guys would financially support the game, pharos wouldnt have been at its current state. I bet, if a new full 2x exp full pvp server would be introduced to go live 2 months after the current seasonal, with the proper advertisement and balancing changes, pharos would be dead in a heartbeat. You would be the only one online paying zaka services for gaining some experience while you just sit back and watch the pharos highscores be turned to dust.

No, you didn't stop using it because you learned from the mistake, you stopped using it because the bot, as everyone knows, stopped being made.

You were talking about Pharos before I even spoke again, saying that Cream killed the server and you couldn't even play there. We fight and take Cream away and the excuse is always the same. Why did Zera die? Why did Tipitaka die? Why did Everath die? Why did Platon die? It will always be the same excuse saying that whoever is dominating is killing the server and that's not the truth, it's just a lack of investment in publicity.

I buy cards monthly in Pharos on the website, I spent more than a minimum wage on this seasonal, all to strengthen Zezenia, I already paid streamers my money to promote the game and you didn't do a tenth of what I've already done to try to help this game .

Kazebot still around at the time I quit the game, matter of fact, my latest banishment had nothing to do with kazebot since I didn’t use it, your dear friend, the creator, the destroyer of Zezenia, could confirm that aswell.

You don’t even come close to what we spend on this game, haha. Your monthly wages are dogshit compared to ours, don’t act big now haha. You’ve got discounted prices on this game and you don’t even use that method outside seasonals. You didn’t win a single war, one of you guys bought all the accounts of the opposing team due to lack of pvp content. You forget that I’ve been on your team and know exactly how you guys roll, I’m not going into detail, but you guys are like cockroaches and hard to get rid off, hard to “deal” with in terms of ignorance and stupidity. You shout from the highest buildings how you “conquered” Pharos from Cream, while one of you, who is somewhat wealthy for your country, who bought all the higher levels. Even your characters right now, none of them have been leveled by urself, its been account shared to fuck and only after 5 years of no pvp, you achieved that level. Congratulations bro8)

P.s. maybe if you didn’t pay someone to level your account on Teuton, you would’ve spend maybe 30$ on just a training dummy and pet scroll, haha. You choose to spend that money on someone else levelling your characters, you don’t support this game. You’re cancer to this game, a bunch of bug abusing rats that play victim 24/7, hence why ur country/begaviours is like it is today.

I'm not going to waste my time arguing, honestly. In Pharos when we returned you were not a war and said that it was impossible to dominate Pharos again. Join the guy who robbed you and took you off the server for years. For you, starting today, no payments.

Level 593
9th November 2024 17:40:50 (Last edited 9th November 2024 17:41:26)

Quoting King Healer:
For you, starting today, no payments.

have payment for me? I very friendly 8)

I miss Pharos very much, can we go back to the old days? before level 1k and when 300 was considered HIGH level....

Level 576
9th November 2024 17:42:38

Quoting King Healer:
Quoting Godzilla:
Quoting King Healer:
Quoting Godzilla:
Quoting King Healer:
Quoting Godzilla:
It's the same shit everytime, this game needs an owner who cares lmao. Set aside the bug abuses, these don't get fixed for weeks, months if not years. Eventhough its against the rules, nothing gets done about it.

- You have people power abusing in Pharos, where you can't do anything unless you comply to some idiots and their "rules".
- You cannot sell items in Pharos WITHOUT asking the guild Pharos first:smartass:
- You have an "illegal" market on facebook for nearly anything you can wish for. People don't even hide it, openly replying in game "owner not here, i'm on service".
Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot
- Bots are still a massive issue, possibly the old kazebot that went private as it was for sale at some point.

I feel bad for the Elysium players, but this game needs a full reset and rebranding. Change of ownership to someone who really cares and works on the game.

I don't think I've ever seen a person as hypocritical as you.

You must be the person who abused bots the most in this entire game, for many years. You have always used bots and come to the forum to speak against them, I find this very impressive, it is a bizarre falsehood.

Do you want to reset pharos because you can no longer play on the server, go back to Elysium, because I heard that you bought several items on Facebook to play there again, another hypocrisy, right??? Every space you have on the forum is asking to reset or create another server and when the reset was created, why didn't it stay there? The new server that you requested so much closed due to lack of players, crazy isn't it???

Stand up and stop running to the forum, play the game.
In addition to being a shitty person, he is also a thief.

It's not hypocritism, it's te truth. I've been banned for breaking the rules and i have stopped breaking them. The last time i broke the game rules and got banned for it, was at the beginning of Zera, and i have not played the game other then seasonal servers since. I am no saint, i wont tell you i am one, but im not two faced like yourself.

The reason im saying this game needs a hard reset is because Pharos is dead. It's the same group of people who play the game who don't support the game financially and buy everything from facebook market.

All you have to say is personal bullshit, you can't come back at me with reasons why the current game worlds should be kept online. There are so many people waiting to come back to this game (WITH A FRESH START) and hope for better balancing changes before it happends.

Maybe if you guys would financially support the game, pharos wouldnt have been at its current state. I bet, if a new full 2x exp full pvp server would be introduced to go live 2 months after the current seasonal, with the proper advertisement and balancing changes, pharos would be dead in a heartbeat. You would be the only one online paying zaka services for gaining some experience while you just sit back and watch the pharos highscores be turned to dust.

No, you didn't stop using it because you learned from the mistake, you stopped using it because the bot, as everyone knows, stopped being made.

You were talking about Pharos before I even spoke again, saying that Cream killed the server and you couldn't even play there. We fight and take Cream away and the excuse is always the same. Why did Zera die? Why did Tipitaka die? Why did Everath die? Why did Platon die? It will always be the same excuse saying that whoever is dominating is killing the server and that's not the truth, it's just a lack of investment in publicity.

I buy cards monthly in Pharos on the website, I spent more than a minimum wage on this seasonal, all to strengthen Zezenia, I already paid streamers my money to promote the game and you didn't do a tenth of what I've already done to try to help this game .

Kazebot still around at the time I quit the game, matter of fact, my latest banishment had nothing to do with kazebot since I didn’t use it, your dear friend, the creator, the destroyer of Zezenia, could confirm that aswell.

You don’t even come close to what we spend on this game, haha. Your monthly wages are dogshit compared to ours, don’t act big now haha. You’ve got discounted prices on this game and you don’t even use that method outside seasonals. You didn’t win a single war, one of you guys bought all the accounts of the opposing team due to lack of pvp content. You forget that I’ve been on your team and know exactly how you guys roll, I’m not going into detail, but you guys are like cockroaches and hard to get rid off, hard to “deal” with in terms of ignorance and stupidity. You shout from the highest buildings how you “conquered” Pharos from Cream, while one of you, who is somewhat wealthy for your country, who bought all the higher levels. Even your characters right now, none of them have been leveled by urself, its been account shared to fuck and only after 5 years of no pvp, you achieved that level. Congratulations bro8)

P.s. maybe if you didn’t pay someone to level your account on Teuton, you would’ve spend maybe 30$ on just a training dummy and pet scroll, haha. You choose to spend that money on someone else levelling your characters, you don’t support this game. You’re cancer to this game, a bunch of bug abusing rats that play victim 24/7, hence why ur country/begaviours is like it is today.

I'm not going to waste my time arguing, honestly. In Pharos when we returned you were not a war and said that it was impossible to dominate Pharos again. Join the guy who robbed you and took you off the server for years. For you, starting today, no payments.
You’re all a bunch of robbers, your whole country is a fraud lmao, it’s ur nature. Ignorance is bliss my guy, enjoy Pharos for as long as it may last.
Wyhual Apelao

Level 1104
9th November 2024 18:08:32

Quoting Agron:
Quoting King Healer:
For you, starting today, no payments.

have payment for me? I very friendly 8)

I miss Pharos very much, can we go back to the old days? before level 1k and when 300 was considered HIGH level....

Unfortunately, I don't know who is on your account, but you are one of the few outside the team that I have respect and friendship with, a guy who has always kept his word.
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