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Level 326
3rd November 2024 23:06:17

Quoting Sataniele:
Administration Isn't it time for you to do something?

About this bug abuse. Which is what this post is about.

Hopefully they do something!

Level 453
3rd November 2024 23:06:31

Quoting Ranger Goat:
Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot

Let's talk about bug abuser.....

Today I was hunting in Magus and find out this player Tessem, who already had namelocked and still doing wrong things in game, keep abusing bugs on game like this spot.

I hope some staff do something about this guys, because it's not only about pornographic names in game but serios messages inside game insulting with racism, calling brazilian people "monkeys" and so on......

First of all, you were not hunting there, i was hunting there and you just showed up to stand there. Matter of fact, you dont even take any experience when i am in ur spawn. Either way, you're lying about the situation and you want to force it on bug abuse lmao. If you took the picture moments before that, you couldve seen that the only way for me to "get out" in the spawn is to kill the monsters this way, it did not harm you in any way and there was no pvp involved as you dont pvp in spawns with people (all you do is run in pz and teleport out).

But i do agree with you that those protection zones need to be removed. Everything down to the stairs in zombies should be pvp zone, its ridiculous theres 100 protecction zones in one spawn lmao. Its simply a mapping issue that should be fixed as soon as possible.


The first time could be an accident, the second time is on purpose. Nobody closes the game client in pvp situations. This is why tibia removed that lag protection bullshit because people would just plug their net and be "safe" from death. That is the only reason why you guys are doing it, its because you don't die.

@racism critism;

Are you a monkey? No? Why are you offended? Nobody in your screenshot has called you a monkey. You're just holding on to the idea people reffer to you when they mention the word monkey, but theyre not. Learn to read.

Level 151
3rd November 2024 23:06:36

Quoting Sataniele:
Administration Isn't it time for you to do something?

About you "guys" bug abusing? YES please, it should have been done 2 seasonals ago when you lot bug abused in Culthan ruins magus...

Level 300
3rd November 2024 23:08:44

Quoting Captain Fuzzy Piddle:
I love being Racist! however abusing bugs is just shameful...

Administration Please, do something about this racist.
Lord Buffel

Level 308
3rd November 2024 23:11:00

Don't you ever say I just walked away
I will always want you
Lord Buffel

Level 308
3rd November 2024 23:13:18

And instead of using force
I guess I should've let you win
I never meant to start a war
I just wanted you to let me in
I guess I should've let you win
The Top Mage

Level 376
3rd November 2024 23:13:19

Quoting Captain Fuzzy Piddle:
I love being Racist! however abusing bugs is just shameful...

Now it's serious. We in Brazil fight every day to overcome this issue. One thing is fight in game, other is to say that you said.

Love being racist? You should be arrested! People everyday die because of this and have no point what you are trying to write here.

Before you start insulting and being racist in game, please go and look at mirror.....who you think you are?

I'm not going to rest until zezenia staff ban you because what you said. This most end right now!!
The Top Mage

Level 376
3rd November 2024 23:17:40

Quoting Tessem:
Quoting Ranger Goat:
Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot

Let's talk about bug abuser.....

Today I was hunting in Magus and find out this player Tessem, who already had namelocked and still doing wrong things in game, keep abusing bugs on game like this spot.

I hope some staff do something about this guys, because it's not only about pornographic names in game but serios messages inside game insulting with racism, calling brazilian people "monkeys" and so on......

First of all, you were not hunting there, i was hunting there and you just showed up to stand there. Matter of fact, you dont even take any experience when i am in ur spawn. Either way, you're lying about the situation and you want to force it on bug abuse lmao. If you took the picture moments before that, you couldve seen that the only way for me to "get out" in the spawn is to kill the monsters this way, it did not harm you in any way and there was no pvp involved as you dont pvp in spawns with people (all you do is run in pz and teleport out).

But i do agree with you that those protection zones need to be removed. Everything down to the stairs in zombies should be pvp zone, its ridiculous theres 100 protecction zones in one spawn lmao. Its simply a mapping issue that should be fixed as soon as possible.


The first time could be an accident, the second time is on purpose. Nobody closes the game client in pvp situations. This is why tibia removed that lag protection bullshit because people would just plug their net and be "safe" from death. That is the only reason why you guys are doing it, its because you don't die.

@racism critism;

Are you a monkey? No? Why are you offended? Nobody in your screenshot has called you a monkey. You're just holding on to the idea people reffer to you when they mention the word monkey, but theyre not. Learn to read.

Did you read what your friend said here about what he loves? We started this topic for things that need be corrected in game but we cross a line to talk about digital crimes openly....

I'm not going to fight 3v1 or 4v1 like you guys always do. So be my guess to lose you precious time trying to sneak me
Lord Buffel

Level 308
3rd November 2024 23:20:21

Det var en gång en gul och en grön banan som var ute och gick. Plötsligt springer den gröna iväg och gömmer sig, och när den gula kommer dit hoppar den gröna fram och säger “Bu!”, “Åhhh vad du är omogen” svarar den gula.
Captain Fuzzy Piddle

Level 214
3rd November 2024 23:23:49

Quoting Ranger Goat:
Quoting Captain Fuzzy Piddle:
I love being Racist! however abusing bugs is just shameful...

Now it's serious. We in Brazil fight every day to overcome this issue. One thing is fight in game, other is to say that you said.

Love being racist? You should be arrested! People everyday die because of this and have no point what you are trying to write here.

Before you start insulting and being racist in game, please go and look at mirror.....who you think you are?

I'm not going to rest until zezenia staff ban you because what you said. This most end right now!!

Hey Ranger Goat, be careful what you wish for as I've said nothing wrong & here you are demanding I be banned which is actually illegal.. I am nothing more than a poor American jealous perhaps that Brazilians are able to afford a lifestyle of 15+ hour shifts on Zezenia Online
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