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3rd December 2024 15:38:26 Administration View post »

25th November 2024 10:15:12 (Last edited 25th November 2024 10:16:38)

Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot

Zezenia Season Seven is almost through! Here is a list of questions & answers on what will happen after the season ends:

End of Season

The season ends on December 3rd 19:00 (UTC). At this time the Triton game world will shut down, and characters will become transferable to Elysium or Pharos at www.zezeniaonline.com shortly after. The Season Points Shop will be open for business with brand new and familiar deals on Outfit Scrolls, Pet Scrolls, Premium Items & more!

Personal Checklist

To make sure that you’re ready to transfer, complete the following steps:

Equipment Transfer

If your character has a Total Level (including Rebirth) of 100 or above it is eligible to transfer one set of equipment to permanent game worlds.

Equip the set to be transferred in your equipment slots before the season ends. Please log in and log out to confirm your selection after reading this message.

Please note that placing non-equipment, non-transferable items in the equipment slots will have no effect. In addition, each piece of equipment must be usable by the character being transferred.

The following equipment may NOT be transferred and will always be lost on season end:

Axe of Destruction,
Cerberus Sword,
Noble Zezenian Sword,
Noble Zezenian Bow,
Hellish Crossbow,
Cerberus Bow,
Aeon's End,
The Demonslayer,
Cerberus Shield,
Pavise of the Bloody Rose Order,
Cerberus Helmet,
Bushido Helmet,
Noble Zezenian Boots,
Cerberus Boots,
Noble Zezenian Legs,
Legendary Legs,
Cerberus Legs,
Cerberus Armor,
Cape of Merciless Schemer,
Cerberus Staff,
Ivy Rod,
Sinister Eyes,
Noble Zezenian Amulet,
Noble Zezenian Rings,
Noble Zezenian Bracers,
Noble Zezenian Gauntlets,
Noble Zezenian Spellbook,
Noble Zezenian Quiver,
Devilish Eyes,
Cerberus Spellbook,
Devilish Quiver,
Cerberus Bag

Seasonal Rewards

Redeem all seasonal rewards from NPC Rewardo outside the Ellaria depot before the season ends. Seasonal rewards such as the outfit or pet may be kept for use after transfer or redeemed during the season.

Cash Transfer

Deposit any gold & diamonds in your inventory or house into the bank. Up to five (5) million gold in balance will be kept on transfer. Balance above this cap will be converted into noble Zezenian coins at a rate of 300 000 gold.

Items Transfer

Most inventory contents will be lost on transfer. In addition to equipment transfers detailed above, the list of items that MAY be transfered in the inventory and depot is:

Quoting Items:
a 24 hours premium time scroll
a 30 days premium time scroll
a 7 days premium time scroll
a 90 days premium time scroll
a huge present box
a backpack
a bag
a bag of yahgan pepper
a bag with mysterious pills
a beetle shell
a Berserker Outfit Scroll
a blackberry
a Blood Panther Pet Scroll
a boar fang
a bone fishing rod
a bottle of rage elixir
a box
a brewing bag
a broken templar shield
a bronze fishing trophy
a bronze ore
a bush terrror shell
a candy cane
a candy in blue paper
a candy in golden paper
a candy in red paper
a chocolate
a christmas elf doll
a christmas gloves
a christmas hat
a clawed boots
a closed pearl oyster
a Colosseum goodie bag
a crab claw
a crystal dragon heart
a crystal dragon wing
a cursed eye
a cursed scythe
a damaged backpack
a dark knight cape
a death doll
a Demon Huntress Outfit Scroll
a demonic berry
a demonic wooden plank
a devastating beetle blade
a devil huntress doll
a devilish horn
a devilish mask
a devilish paw
a devilish skin
a devilkin doll
a Devilkin Pet Scroll
a diabolic fruit
a diabolic poisonous berry
a dire boar mane
a doll of friendship
a dragon bone
a dragon heart
a Dragon Pet Scroll
a dragon wing
a dreadlord beak
a dungeon entry ticket
a dungeon gift
a dwarf beard
a dwarf magician beard
a Fairy Pet Scroll
a female Berserker Scroll
a female Smuggler Outfit Scroll
a fish whisperer
a fishing bag
a geck'zah edge
a geck'zah mask
a geck'zard eye
a gelid goblin ear
a gelid hebatog ear
a ginger bread
a glowing crystal
a glowing snowflake
a goblin berserker ear
a goblin ear
a goblin sage ear
a goblin treasure map
a golden fishing trophy
a golem heart
a gooseberry
a Gorilla Pet Scroll
a Grag Hound Pet Scroll
a grappling hook
a grylith dragon tail
a grylith dragon wing
a gummy
a halberdier blade
a halloween armor
a halloween bow
a halloween hat
a Hardcore Hunting Zone entry ticket
a harvested soul
a hebatog ear
a hellish archangel head
a hellish magus head
a hemlock boletus
a home brewing cauldron
a home teleport scroll
a home Training Doll
a huge black pearl
a huge blue pearl
a huge pink pearl
a huge present box
a huge white pearl
a Juris' necklace
a Ladybug Pet Scroll
a letter to Elle
a lighter tail
a lince ghost soul
a lion mane
a lion tail
a lizard guardian claw
a lizard guardian tail
a lizard spellweaver claw
a lizard spellweaver eye
a Lizard Spellweaver Pet Scroll
a lizard spellweaver tail
a lizard warrior tail
a lollipop
a lone eye leg
a lone eye shell
a magical candy cane
a magician's purse
a male Smuggler Outfit Scroll
a mammoth tusk
a marine champion
a medal of honour
a message in a bottle
a mighty werebear mask
a Mortie Pet Scroll
a mug of Furhman's beer
a mummy doll
a murderous cave crab claw
a murderous cave crab shell
a mystical Norrlun herb
a nocturne hand
a one day premium card
a one hour golden glow potion
A package for Jake Hawthorne
a Panda Pet Scroll
a parcel
a pearl necklace
a Phoenix Pet Scroll
a piece of azure dragon skin
a piece of cobra skin
a piece of crystal dragon skin
a piece of cursed skin
a piece of demon lord skin
a piece of demon skin
a piece of demonic matter
a piece of dragon skin
a piece of dreadlord skin
a piece of dwarf armory
a piece of geck'zard skin
a piece of lizard warrior skin
a piece of orc skin
a piece of punisher skin
a piece of rabid rat skin
a piece of snake skin
a piece of warg fur
a piece of warthog fur
a piece of xyioquan dragon skin
a piece of yeti skin
a pig tailed doll
a playing card
a plush gold pot
a plush penguin
a plush reindeer
a poisonous ivy leaf
a poisonous mustached herb
a poisonous privet twig
a poisonous tailflower
a poisonous toadstool
a poisonous yew twig
a present box
a quiver
a radioactive arsenopyrite
a ragged bag
a ranger's satchel
a raspberry
a Rat Pet Scroll
a rat tail
a referral medal
a Retro Soldier Outfit Scroll
a Retro Villager Outfit Scroll
a Rockworm Pet Scroll
a rotten cheese
a rotten fish
a rotten meat
a Royal Archeress Outfit Scroll
a sand terror blade
a Scorpion Pet Scroll
a scorpion tail
a scrap of poisonous apple
a screw
a screwou eye
a scroll
a sea inquisitor
a Season Seven goodie bag
a Seasonal goodie bag
a Seasonal Outfit Scroll
a seed of diabolic fruit
a separated cursed eye
a separated evil eye
a shovel
a silver fishing trophy
a silver ore
a small black pearl
a small blue pearl
a small pink pearl
a small present box
a small white pearl
a soul devourer hand
a soul harvester hood
a soul harvester scythe
a sparkler
a special backpack
a spider leg
a spooky candy cane
a spooky doll
a Spooky Pet Scroll
a stamina scroll
a stamped parcel
a strong quiver
a teddy bear
a templar priest staff
a three hour experience boost
a three hour experience boost scroll
a torturer mask
a towel
a training scroll
a Turtle Pet Scroll
a two hour experience scroll
a utility rope
a valkyrie braid
a vampire cape
a vampire doll
a vampire mask
a very special backpack
a volcanic golem heart
a wanu doll
a warg paw
a warrior doll
a warrior's rucksack
a water nymph
a werebear paw
a werewolf paw
a wicked witch doll
a Wildling Female Outfit Scroll
a Wildling Male Outfit Scroll
a wolf paw
a wooden plank
a xyioquan dragon meat
a xyioquan dragon wing
a yeti beard
a yeti doll
a yeti horn
a zombie doll
a zwakstone ore
Adriano's package
an ancient stone
an angler friend
an armadillork tail
an assassin doll
an Assassin Outfit Scroll
an aurochs antlers pair
an azure dragon heart
an azure dragon meat
an azure dragon wing
an elder wizard doll
an Elder Wizard Outfit Scroll
an enchanter staff
an ice demon bone
an ice golem heart
an icy heart
an icy plank
an icy shard
an one hour experience boost scroll
an opened empty pearl oyster
an opened pearl oyster
an orc head
an ornamented quiver
an unholy dreadlord horn
an yahgan occultist cape
an yahgan shaman mask
Antler Dagger
devilish eyes
Empty Nectar Vial
goblin treasure map #1
goblin treasure map #2
goblin treasure map #3
goblin treasure map #4
important orc notes
Isaac's Necklace
mighty magician werebear belt
mighty magician werebear paw
mighty werebear paw
mug of Golden Liquid
mug of Greenie Ale
Mysterious Goblin Orb
rabid rat incisors
vampire fangs
vampire lord fangs
Vial of Nectar
Vyrmiss tooth
Xmas Bow
Xmas Wand

Character Transfers

The character level is capped at level 200 on Elysium and level 300 on Pharos. Skills cap at level 100. Magic level caps at level 75.

Season Points are deposited to your account and available for use on the Season Points Shop.

Season Hall of Fame

The Hall of Fame winners will be announced shortly after the season is over.

Zezenia Staff

Level 397
25th November 2024 11:39:52

This seasonal is by far the most succesful in a long time, mainly because of pvp.

Will there be a new pvp server shortly after this seasonal? Maybe its smart to keep the players hooked instead of being gone for god knows how long before finally returning to this game.

Level 127
27th November 2024 23:38:54


Level 1100
28th November 2024 14:50:07

Hey guys
Once again congratulations on the almost constant developments each month.
But our community is getting smaller and smaller, this is due to the new tasks we have nowadays like dg lvl 400 and boss cerberus, why am I mentioning these two? the calculation is simple to explain, you left the boss with very high healing, and the 2 dg we have as an option were exaggeratedly large, on Tuesday, I hunted for 2 hours and we got 5 dg and a lvl 1000 barbarian, I only got 1 rope.
so what I mean by that is that you shouldn't make new content almost inaccessible, this causes the player to lose total interest, and that's what's happening, this week ELYSIUM had the lowest spike in players it's been in a long time. It's been a while since there weren't so few players like that.
So in my point of view, keep investing in new content, but don't make things difficult for the players, the BOSS CERBERUS AND DG LVL 400 ARE ABANDONED, no one has the slightest interest in trying to do this, understand that your community is extremely small and the few players who have it can easily lose interest and that's what happens eventually. Another point is also that the DG lvl 400 and being for lvl 400 and a pt of 5 lvl 400 or more I guarantee that it doesn't work, that is, if we are lvl 1k + we are having difficulty imagine a pt of lvl 400 think better about it.

Level 57
28th November 2024 15:03:54

Quoting Sanoman:
Hey guys
Once again congratulations on the almost constant developments each month.
But our community is getting smaller and smaller, this is due to the new tasks we have nowadays like dg lvl 400 and boss cerberus, why am I mentioning these two? the calculation is simple to explain, you left the boss with very high healing, and the 2 dg we have as an option were exaggeratedly large, on Tuesday, I hunted for 2 hours and we got 5 dg and a lvl 1000 barbarian, I only got 1 rope.
so what I mean by that is that you shouldn't make new content almost inaccessible, this causes the player to lose total interest, and that's what's happening, this week ELYSIUM had the lowest spike in players it's been in a long time. It's been a while since there weren't so few players like that.
So in my point of view, keep investing in new content, but don't make things difficult for the players, the BOSS CERBERUS AND DG LVL 400 ARE ABANDONED, no one has the slightest interest in trying to do this, understand that your community is extremely small and the few players who have it can easily lose interest and that's what happens eventually. Another point is also that the DG lvl 400 and being for lvl 400 and a pt of 5 lvl 400 or more I guarantee that it doesn't work, that is, if we are lvl 1k + we are having difficulty imagine a pt of lvl 400 think better about it.


Level 215
28th November 2024 18:01:41

We only have one CM lol

Level 576
28th November 2024 18:21:35

Quoting Sanoman:
Hey guys
Once again congratulations on the almost constant developments each month.
But our community is getting smaller and smaller, this is due to the new tasks we have nowadays like dg lvl 400 and boss cerberus, why am I mentioning these two? the calculation is simple to explain, you left the boss with very high healing, and the 2 dg we have as an option were exaggeratedly large, on Tuesday, I hunted for 2 hours and we got 5 dg and a lvl 1000 barbarian, I only got 1 rope.
so what I mean by that is that you shouldn't make new content almost inaccessible, this causes the player to lose total interest, and that's what's happening, this week ELYSIUM had the lowest spike in players it's been in a long time. It's been a while since there weren't so few players like that.
So in my point of view, keep investing in new content, but don't make things difficult for the players, the BOSS CERBERUS AND DG LVL 400 ARE ABANDONED, no one has the slightest interest in trying to do this, understand that your community is extremely small and the few players who have it can easily lose interest and that's what happens eventually. Another point is also that the DG lvl 400 and being for lvl 400 and a pt of 5 lvl 400 or more I guarantee that it doesn't work, that is, if we are lvl 1k + we are having difficulty imagine a pt of lvl 400 think better about it.

do a team, also with paladin, warlock, phyro, ranger (marksman), maybe you can do it.

Why pharos can , and elysium can't?

But i understand your point, you are right in some points.

Level 201
1st December 2024 11:39:17

Quick question:

Itens needed to complete a certain quest will be lost on transfer?

I started the smugglers quest and I have a key that Sadie give us needed to open a door in Ellaria Castle. Since I need to do this part on Wednesday, I won't be able to finish it before the transfer. As a result, I am worried that I will lose this key, which will make it impossible to finish the quest.

Level 347
1st December 2024 18:14:44 (Last edited 1st December 2024 18:23:24)


im up of Zartyx question. I already collect 3 artifact for Smart Trader quest:
Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot

3rd December 2024 15:38:26

This quest will be reset on transfer.

Zezenia Staff
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