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Fox Taime

Level 184
31st December 2024 21:13:24 (Last edited 31st December 2024 22:42:52)

Make a Wish: Mine is some kind of improvement for Paladins and Shamans.

So these are my proposals:

For Paladins: Shields can receive a new bonus stat called Damage Reflection, which reflects between 1% and 15% of damage dealt by monsters (not players), returning the respective % of damage to the monster before deducting other % defensive stats from equipment, talent points, brewing potions and fortification damage negation.

Just like rangers got the Areal Attack as an unique bonus stat for ranged weapons.

I mean something not overpower but enough to improve paladins gameplay and their main function which is centered on blocking.

Thus may be valid for a paladin blocks constantly 8 creatures on solo hunts in case of his shield has this attribute on it.

So to make the best exp/h a paladin will need to hunt stronger monsters to also reflect more damage against them.

The % of Damage Reflection can be maximum (star) 1% - 5% for Ordinary items, 6% - 10% for Epic items and 11% - 15% for Legendary items.


For Shamans: Proposal to change Beast Call

Description: It allows shamans to summon two different monsters to aid them in battle. The summoner can choose only one at a time.

I - Tank summon which can have same speed and behavior of the new pets following shaman for everywhere as well teleporting to player's screen.

When the shaman attacks a monster the summon will surround it moving like a real mob without inflict any damage to the monster attacked or everyone else (other players).

Thus the shaman will be able to lure other mobs to attack the summon acting like a blocker, although even if the summon is attacking some mob it will ever be teleported for shaman's screen if its summoner runs away and lose sight of it, just like a pet's behavior of jump to player's screen.

Considering a hunting perspective, The shaman will need to lure all mobs, attack one and run around his summon to lure the mobs in order for it to act into a blocker in a real hunt.

About the tank summon features, it could be only based on Magic Level:

> Summon's Hp = Magic level x 70;
> Summon's Defenses - (% of magic and % of physical) or simply (% of negation of all damage) = Magic level / 2;
> The summon can automatic recover full life each 8s (autoheal);
> Able to be killed by players;
> Able to block sqm passages;
> Able to be healed by Areal Healing;
> Unable to attack players (pvp).

Example: A shaman with magic level 80, his tank summon will have 5600 hp, 40% magic resistance and 40% physical resistance (or 40% of damage negated) as only defense.

It'll need to block all damage for 8s until heals full life again or be partially healed if a shaman uses areal healing to recover its hp.


II - Attack summon which is invulnerable to any type of damage and invisible to monsters similar to the new pets, thinking into not be possible to be killed during hunts.

Same behavior and speed of tank summon following the summoner to his screen and it stops on a sqm when the summoner attacks some mob.

This way, on a solo hunt, shaman will need to run around lured monsters to kill all mobs with summon's help because the summon don't move when is attacking some mob.

Of course, this summon helps more in a party hunt increasing damage but can be benefit for solo hunts raising some exp/h.

When the shaman attacks a monster his summon will cast a spell:

> An AOE of 5x5 sqm;
> Every 5s it'll cast the attack spell again while its summoner keeps the target on any monster;
> Damage: shaman's level x 2.5;
> Unable to block sqm;
> Unable to attack players.


--> Suggestion of magic level required to cast: 50.

--> Mana amount to cast: shaman's level x 5.

--> Cooldown to disappear and choose another summon: 15 minutes.


Level 40
3rd January 2025 20:41:04

Hello, I have 2 Christmas wish.
Put in a system that turns 5 ampoules into 1 flask pot. (brewing potions)
Make pets become "Pet Skins" while maintaining the same level for all pets, so today, it doesn't make sense to have more than 1 pet per character.

Unban Hero

Level 226
5th January 2025 03:47:34

A Wish: is that all the hunted are forgiven and pharos is activated again
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