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7 days 18 hours ago (Last edited 7 days 18 hours ago)

Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot
Dear Adventurers,

The Grand Tree event has come to a close and Santa Claus has left Ellaria for the year! We would like to extend our congratulations to all players that participated. As promised, here are all the events for this month of January as a reward:

Collective Server Wide Rewards

The Double Experience Events will be held on the following dates:

- New Year’s Double Experience Weekend: all players will receive 2x experience from Friday January 3rd 12:00 (UTC) to Monday January 6th 12:00 (UTC).

- Double Experience Midweek Event: participating players who completed the Santa's Little Helper achievement will receive 2x experience from Tuesday January 14th 12:00 (UTC) to Thursday January 16th 12:00 (UTC).

- End of the Month Double Experience Weekend: all players will receive 2x experience from Friday January 24th 12:00 (UTC) to Monday January 27th 12:00 (UTC).

A redeemable one time double experience token will be made available after these events on participating characters. Stay tuned for more information.

Rare Rewards

Players who found the rarest decorations of all will receive the following buffs for the month of January:

- Evil Snowman Peace Negotiator: +50% walking speed buff. Disabled while in PvP combat.
- Bubu’s Resurrector: global Rapid Respawn debuff for killed monsters.
- Ancient Sword: global +15% damage buff in PvE combat.
- Sacred Ornament: global +10% loot buff.

Personal Gift Boxes

Santa Claus is about to leave one final present in the depot of participating players! The contents will vary depending on your level of participation. Stay tuned for this present later today.

We wish you a Happy New Year! Stay tuned for the updates coming to Zezenia in the coming months.

Zezenia Staff

Level 200
7 days 16 hours ago

Double xp for a whole month almost?!






9999999999kkkk PER SECOND U WILL MAKE 999999999999999kkkk PER MILLISEC.


Level 156
7 days 16 hours ago


Level 423
7 days 16 hours ago (Last edited 7 days 16 hours ago)

Anything new incoming?

You might aswell just merge all existing servers after these double exp events, u should cut down on the easy HCs - theyre waaaay too easy for such extreme exp you can do, game felt easy before all the HCs - now its turning into a joke.

Im not saying this to be an *** , its just a true fact and wont make anyone play the existing servers - it just pushes everything to die faster than it should.

Good idea with this christmas event, we all sure appreciate the event in particular but the rewards are another topic considering the state the game is in at the moment.

Hoping for something new, like a PLAYABLE SERVER (good to have in games) with new challenges ahead forcing you to put in some effort, lower the HCs xp contribution - leave good exp to HCs that are actually hard (new monsters?).

Level 1092
7 days 13 hours ago (Last edited 7 days 12 hours ago)


Gostaria de parabenizar a staff em 2024.

Fizeram diversas mudanças boas no jogo e isso não pode ser negado, um evento surpreendente para nós jogadores, acostumados com a mesmice de sempre. O zezenia é um grande jogo, não é atoa que pessoas jogam isso tem 15 anos como eu e nunca pararam e os que pararam estão comentando no fórum coçando para se jogar. Vocês acertaram em MUITAS coisas em 2024, a quantidade de hunts feita, mudança na dinâmica de fortalecer os personagens, até Quest nova foi feita, é de aplaudir realmente.

Estou esperançoso para 2025, sei que sempre que vocês fazem alguma coisinha a mais, cria expectativa em todos e normalmente nada muda. Depois dessa quest, dessas atualizações de mapa, hunts novas, mecânicas de evolução de itens, muita gente voltou a jogar. Pharos e Elysium estavam com uma média de 30 pessoas e isso é surpreendente. Vocês tem qualidade para melhorar e eu sei disso, o jogo tem capacidade de ter em média 200 players ativos facilmente.

Tem jogos e otserver lixos com média de 100 players, mas por que? Porque eles estão traçando um caminho correto também. Eu falo essas coisas porque já joguei Tibia, Medivia, Bloodstone, Zezenia e só de Zezenia são 15 anos.

Acredito que são poucos detalhes pro Zezenia ter um crescimento absurdo. Vou listar alguns para ser bem específico.
1- Falta de investimento correto. O que quero dizer com isso? O zezenia investe muito mal, já vi várias propagandas do Zezenia em Facebook e Instagram, mas acredito fortemente que hoje em dia, esse não é o melhor meio para divulgação de um jogo 2D. EU investiria em youtubers de tibia Brasileiros, Poloneses e um manowar da vida. Faria um contrato baseado em clicks no link deles. Pessoas que clicassem no link deles e upassem.

2 - Pagaria um Youtuber do zezenia mesmo para divulgar todas as quests, desde Eidos até a quest lvl 400 por exemplo. Incluindo atualizações no Wiki.

3- Colocaria uma pessoa ou se responsabilizaria por responder o fórum, por que isso? Porque o fórum do zezenia é MUITO movimentado, praticamente a cada dois dias tem pessoas criando tópicos dando ideias ou falando sobre algo dentro do game, reportando bugs, falando sobre pagamentos e NADA é respondido para essas pessoas, dando a entender que o jogo é parcialmente abandonado e o contato com a comunidade é irrelevante.
Exemplos básicos do último mês, lançaram um evento com alguns erros, que foi demorado para ser consertado, colocaram itens completamente errados na recompensa na quest, a wand do Cerberus nem animação de attack tem. A legs do ranger que é pra ser a quest mais forte do jogo, é pior do que um item dropado de bicho normal, tudo isso é reportado e os jogadores não tem NENHUMA resposta. Nem um "estamos ciente e será resolvido nas próximas atualizações", uma frase simples para mostrar que está ciente e que o jogador está sendo visto.

4- Diversos pedidos de balanceamento porque realmente as classes precisam de ajustes.
Entendo que vocês não tem como dar ouvido para ambos as pessoas, porque tem gente level 200 reclamando da EXP de um lvl 1300, sendo que essa pessoa nunca tentou encantar os itens, testar hunts baseado na exp/h. Porém acho correto vocês tentarem ver as maiores reclamações e fazer test servers, ouvir a opinião da comunidade, pois é ela que joga o jogo.

Mudanças que EU faria para o jogo.
1 - Mudaria o sistema de party e colocaria baseado no esquema do Tibia mesmo, porque isso? Porque praticamente todos os jogadores preferem caçar solo do que uma PT, pois fazem mais EXP sozinhos. Isso é completamente errado, porque distancia a comunidade e faz com que seja necessário ter mais hunts para abranger mais players. Dito isso, colocaria para pegar exp fora da tela, ou seja, se a pessoa está lurando, ela continua ganhando exp e colocaria % a mais baseada em vocações diferentes.
Totalizando 4 a 6 pessoas no máximo.

2 - Mudaria o sistema das Harcores baseado no que vocês fizeram com as dungeons. Por que isso? Porque isso não faria que vocês tivessem que ficar criando hunt atrás de hunt. Isso colocaria várias hunts que não são utilizadas novamente no jogo. Com a opção de ao clicar e ter que escolher o nível de HC, apareça uma observação caso ja tenha pessoas nela. Apenas para comunicar ao player que já tem gente naquele lugar.

3 - Rework em hunts antigas / novas, por que? Porque foram testadas e se checarem, pouquissimas vezes sao feitas, ou anuladas.

*Yaghan Occultist - New continent (Não são caçadas) - Colocaria mais monstros, uma volta completa.

*Hc Cheeno, muito espaçada para uma hc, pouco utilizada.

*HC Unholy - Pouco utilizada, modificações necessárias.

*HC Murderous - Eu mudaria ela bastante, colocaria bastante Murderous, por que? Por conta do buff de Murderous de 10% as vezes e modificando ela, seria muito bem vinda e utilizada, sei que ela já sofreu um rework, porém colocaria bem mais murderous.

4 - Balanceamento de classes - Assunto polémico, porém necessário.

Já joguei em todas as classes desse jogo e sei do que estou falando baseado em experiência do jogo e sobre conversar individualmente com cada jogador de cada classe.

*Bárbaro - Tiraria a possibilidade dele usar escudo.

*Paladin - Cleave batendo igualmente em toda área. Magia de single target para atrair o bicho.
TALVEZ colocasse um reflect baixo de 1% no fortification para teste.

*Ranger - Mudaria o sistema de arrow volley. Colocando o ranger para bater em área ou uma magia de 1s baseada no skill.
Mudaria o dano das armas igualando a ideia do bárbaro.
Colocaria um esquema de que se o ranger atacasse o kina que está blocando, o reflect funcionasse, porém o dano de 100% fosse em algum bicho próximo.

*Shaman - Mudaria a mortal melody, colocando ela para bater em uma área igual a do hailstorm, Por que? Porque isso faria o shaman ser uma classe jogável solo.

*Shaman e Warlock - tiraria o caplvl do souladvanced para teste.

*Mudança nos mages- A wand hoje em dia da hit físico. Mudaria isso para dano mágico, por que?Porque é bizarro ver um mage hitando mais na wand do que um ranger na flecha com skill bom.

*Mudança de magias - Colocaria as magias com 4 opções: Target, aonde você quiser tacar e em si próprio ou para frente. Quais magias deveriam ter esse esquema? Todas que pudessem. Porque digo isso? Vocês já caçaram de warlock? Vocês ja caçaram de marksman? Vocês não tem ideia o quão ruim é ficar virando a cada 2 segundos seu personagem e isso traria uma qualidade de jogabilidade absurda para as pessoas.

Shaman usaria hailstorm e mortal melody no target, ou em si próprio ( isso traria uma qualidade de vida absurda pra um shaman com um kina por exemplo)
Warlock - Cross em target ou em si próprio.
Entre outras magias de outras classes.
Trap do rogue em si próprio também, etc...

5 - Bestiary.
Sim, é necessário uma mudança no bestiary, por que? Por que faria o jogador ter mais um motivo de ficar matando bichos que ele nunca mataria, isso é um RPG interessante, quais recompensas? Runas ou pontos.
Quais recompensas traria? Aumentar o damage, chance de critar com magia, aumentar a defesa entre muitas outras coisas que poderiam ser feitas.

6 - Opções de configuração.
Ter a opção de claridade do game, ou seja, você pode deixar full claro sua tela.
Ter a opção de deixar APENAS sua magia aparecendo e tirar a dos bichos. Por que?
Vocês já caçaram lizard spellweaver, geck zah, lince ghost? É uma poluição visual e uma dor de cabeça absurda.

7- Detalhes.

*Quivers- colocar apenas a possibilidade de colocar flecha dentro, por que é zoado caçar um bicho que dropa quiver e depois você ter que ficar abrindo umas 30 quivers dentro de quivers para saber onde está o item.

*Gold pounch - Por que não colocar um item compravel na store que voce consegue transformar uma bag que voce quer em infinto slots? Por que isso, é algo bobo mas imagina o quanto de dinheiro voces poderia ganhar se colocasse? Eu particulamente já compraria facilmente 3, uma pra collects, outra para itens e outra para dinheiro. Mudará algo no jogo? Sim, você não vai carregar 4564 backpacks apenas.

*Recompensa por horas online, baseado em IP. Por que? Atrai muito os players ver a quantidade de gente online, com isso, incentivar os players a ficarem online, chamaria mais e mais players.

*Analyser- Já vi pessoas próximas fazerem analyser para Medivia e outros jogos. Implementar isso dentro do game seria MUITO interessante, ver qual player da PT está dando mais dano, recebendo mais dano, qual tipo de dano para saber se a hunt X utiliza Set de defesa fisica ou não, lucro da hunt

*Cosmédicos como mudança na coloração do seu pet.

*Training Doll de vários tipos

Level 1092
7 days 13 hours ago (Last edited 7 days 12 hours ago)


I’d like to congratulate the staff for their work in 2024.

You’ve made several great changes to the game, and this cannot be denied—a surprising event for us players, who are so used to the same old things. Zezenia is a great game; it’s no coincidence that people have been playing it for 15 years like I have, without stopping, and even those who did quit are now commenting on the forum, itching to come back. You got MANY things right in 2024—the number of hunts, the shift in character strengthening mechanics, and even the addition of a new quest. Truly applaudable.

I’m hopeful for 2025. I know that whenever you do something extra, it creates expectations for everyone, though usually nothing changes. However, after this quest, these map updates, new hunts, and item evolution mechanics, many players have returned to the game. Pharos and Elysium averaged 30 players online, which is surprising. You have the quality to improve, and I know it. The game has the potential to maintain an average of 200 active players easily.

There are trash games and OT servers with an average of 100 players—why? Because they’re also heading in the right direction. I say this as someone who has played Tibia, Medivia, Bloodstone, and Zezenia (for 15 years alone).

I believe Zezenia only needs a few tweaks to experience massive growth. I’ll list some to be specific:

1. Lack of Proper Investment
What do I mean? Zezenia invests poorly. I’ve seen several ads for Zezenia on Facebook and Instagram, but I strongly believe that these are no longer the best platforms to promote a 2D game. I would invest in Brazilian, Polish, and even Manowar-style Tibia YouTubers. I’d make a contract based on clicks on their links, rewarding players who clicked their links and leveled up.

2. Hiring a Zezenia YouTuber
Hire a Zezenia YouTuber to showcase all the quests, from Eidos to the level 400 quest, for example, and to include updates to the Wiki.

3. Assign Someone to Respond to the Forum
Why? Because Zezenia’s forum is VERY active. Almost every two days, people create threads with ideas, discuss in-game matters, report bugs, or talk about payments. NONE of these are responded to, giving the impression that the game is partially abandoned and community engagement is irrelevant.
Examples from the last month: an event was launched with errors that took time to fix. Items were completely wrong in quest rewards. The Cerberus wand doesn’t even have an attack animation. The ranger legs, meant to be from the game’s strongest quest, are worse than a drop from regular monsters. All of this gets reported, yet players receive NO response. Not even a simple "We’re aware, and it’ll be resolved in upcoming updates." Such a statement would show awareness and that players are being acknowledged.

4. Balancing Requests
There have been many calls for class balancing because adjustments are truly needed. I understand you can’t cater to everyone—for example, a level 200 player complaining about EXP gains for level 1300 players, without having enchanted items or tested hunts based on exp/hour. Still, I think you should address the biggest complaints, create test servers, and listen to the community—they’re the ones playing the game.

Changes I Would Make to the Game

1. Party System
I’d change it to a Tibia-style system. Why? Because nearly all players prefer hunting solo as they earn more EXP that way. This is completely wrong because it distances the community and increases the need for more hunting areas to accommodate more players. I’d make it so players gain EXP even off-screen (e.g., when someone is luring monsters). I’d add a percentage bonus based on different vocations, totaling a maximum of 4 to 6 people.

2. Hardcore Hunts
I’d redesign these based on what you did with dungeons. Why? This would eliminate the need to constantly create new hunts. Instead, it would revive many underutilized hunting areas. When selecting the level of Hardcore (HC) difficulty, include a notification if there are already people in that area. This would simply inform the player that the spot is occupied.

3. Rework Old/New Hunts
Why? Because these have been tested, and very few are frequently used.

*Yaghan Occultist (New Continent): Not hunted. I’d add more monsters and a full circuit.

*HC Cheeno: Too sparse for a hardcore area and underused.

*HC Unholy: Underutilized; needs adjustments.

*HC Murderous: I’d add many more Murderous monsters. Why? Their 10% buff makes them desirable, and tweaking this area would make it popular. Although it has already been reworked, adding more Murderous monsters would make it even better.

4. Class Balancing
A controversial but necessary topic. I’ve played every class in this game and am speaking from experience and discussions with players from each class.

*Barbarian: Remove the ability to use a shield.

*Paladin: Adjust cleave to deal consistent damage across the area. Add a single-target spell for pulling mobs. Maybe add a small 1% reflect effect to Fortification for testing.

*Ranger: Change the arrow volley system to deal area damage or create a 1-second skill-based spell. Adjust weapon damage to align with the Barbarian’s model. If a ranger attacks a knight that’s blocking, the reflect should work, but the full 100% damage should apply to a nearby mob.

*Shaman: Change Mortal Melody to deal area damage like Hailstorm. This would make Shaman a viable solo class.

*Shaman & Warlock: Remove the souladvanced level cap for testing.

5. Bestiary
The bestiary needs changes. Why? It would give players more reasons to hunt creatures they wouldn’t normally kill, adding an interesting RPG element. Rewards? Runes or points. Possible benefits: increased damage, higher crit chance for spells, enhanced defense, etc.

6. Game Settings

*Add a brightness option to make the screen fully clear.

*Allow only the player’s magic effects to appear, hiding those from mobs. Why? Anyone who’s hunted Lizard Spellweaver, Geck Zah, or Lince Ghost knows how visually overwhelming and headache-inducing it can be.

7. Miscellaneous

*Quivers: Only allow arrows to be placed inside. It’s absurd to hunt monsters that drop quivers and then have to open 30 nested quivers to find an item.

*Gold Pouch: Add a store item to transform a bag into one with infinite slots. Why? It’s a small change, but imagine the revenue potential. Personally, I’d buy three: one for collectibles, one for items, and one for gold.

*Rewards for Time Spent Online - Base rewards on IP address. Why? Players are attracted by seeing a high number of people online. Encouraging players to stay online would bring in more and more players.

*Analyzer- I’ve seen people create analyzers for Medivia and other games. Implementing this directly in the game would be VERY interesting. Players could see which party member is dealing the most damage, taking the most damage, and the types of damage dealt. This could help determine if a specific hunt requires a physical defense set or not, as well as track the profit of the hunt.
The Top Mage

Level 376
7 days 13 hours ago

Quoting Archerxz:

I’d like to congratulate the staff for their work in 2024.

You’ve made several great changes to the game, and this cannot be denied—a surprising event for us players, who are so used to the same old things. Zezenia is a great game; it’s no coincidence that people have been playing it for 15 years like I have, without stopping, and even those who did quit are now commenting on the forum, itching to come back. You got MANY things right in 2024—the number of hunts, the shift in character strengthening mechanics, and even the addition of a new quest. Truly applaudable.

I’m hopeful for 2025. I know that whenever you do something extra, it creates expectations for everyone, though usually nothing changes. However, after this quest, these map updates, new hunts, and item evolution mechanics, many players have returned to the game. Pharos and Elysium averaged 30 players online, which is surprising. You have the quality to improve, and I know it. The game has the potential to maintain an average of 200 active players easily.

There are trash games and OT servers with an average of 100 players—why? Because they’re also heading in the right direction. I say this as someone who has played Tibia, Medivia, Bloodstone, and Zezenia (for 15 years alone).

I believe Zezenia only needs a few tweaks to experience massive growth. I’ll list some to be specific:

1. Lack of Proper Investment
What do I mean? Zezenia invests poorly. I’ve seen several ads for Zezenia on Facebook and Instagram, but I strongly believe that these are no longer the best platforms to promote a 2D game. I would invest in Brazilian, Polish, and even Manowar-style Tibia YouTubers. I’d make a contract based on clicks on their links, rewarding players who clicked their links and leveled up.

2. Hiring a Zezenia YouTuber
Hire a Zezenia YouTuber to showcase all the quests, from Eidos to the level 400 quest, for example, and to include updates to the Wiki.

3. Assign Someone to Respond to the Forum
Why? Because Zezenia’s forum is VERY active. Almost every two days, people create threads with ideas, discuss in-game matters, report bugs, or talk about payments. NONE of these are responded to, giving the impression that the game is partially abandoned and community engagement is irrelevant.
Examples from the last month: an event was launched with errors that took time to fix. Items were completely wrong in quest rewards. The Cerberus wand doesn’t even have an attack animation. The ranger legs, meant to be from the game’s strongest quest, are worse than a drop from regular monsters. All of this gets reported, yet players receive NO response. Not even a simple "We’re aware, and it’ll be resolved in upcoming updates." Such a statement would show awareness and that players are being acknowledged.

4. Balancing Requests
There have been many calls for class balancing because adjustments are truly needed. I understand you can’t cater to everyone—for example, a level 200 player complaining about EXP gains for level 1300 players, without having enchanted items or tested hunts based on exp/hour. Still, I think you should address the biggest complaints, create test servers, and listen to the community—they’re the ones playing the game.

Changes I Would Make to the Game

1. Party System
I’d change it to a Tibia-style system. Why? Because nearly all players prefer hunting solo as they earn more EXP that way. This is completely wrong because it distances the community and increases the need for more hunting areas to accommodate more players. I’d make it so players gain EXP even off-screen (e.g., when someone is luring monsters).

2. Hardcore Hunts
I’d redesign these based on what you did with dungeons. Why? This would eliminate the need to constantly create new hunts. Instead, it would revive many underutilized hunting areas.

3. Rework Old/New Hunts
Why? Because these have been tested, and very few are frequently used.

*Yaghan Occultist (New Continent): Not hunted. I’d add more monsters and a full circuit.

*HC Cheeno: Too sparse for a hardcore area and underused.

*HC Unholy: Underutilized; needs adjustments.

*HC Murderous: I’d add many more Murderous monsters. Why? Their 10% buff makes them desirable, and tweaking this area would make it popular. Although it has already been reworked, adding more Murderous monsters would make it even better.

4. Class Balancing
A controversial but necessary topic. I’ve played every class in this game and am speaking from experience and discussions with players from each class.

*Barbarian: Remove the ability to use a shield.

*Paladin: Adjust cleave to deal consistent damage across the area. Add a single-target spell for pulling mobs. Maybe add a small 1% reflect effect to Fortification for testing.

*Ranger: Change the arrow volley system to deal area damage or create a 1-second skill-based spell. Adjust weapon damage to align with the Barbarian’s model. If a ranger attacks a knight that’s blocking, the reflect should work, but the full 100% damage should apply to a nearby mob.

*Shaman: Change Mortal Melody to deal area damage like Hailstorm. This would make Shaman a viable solo class.

*Shaman & Warlock: Remove the souladvanced level cap for testing.

5. Bestiary
The bestiary needs changes. Why? It would give players more reasons to hunt creatures they wouldn’t normally kill, adding an interesting RPG element. Rewards? Runes or points. Possible benefits: increased damage, higher crit chance for spells, enhanced defense, etc.

6. Game Settings

*Add a brightness option to make the screen fully clear.

*Allow only the player’s magic effects to appear, hiding those from mobs. Why? Anyone who’s hunted Lizard Spellweaver, Geck Zah, or Lince Ghost knows how visually overwhelming and headache-inducing it can be.

7. Miscellaneous

*Quivers: Only allow arrows to be placed inside. It’s absurd to hunt monsters that drop quivers and then have to open 30 nested quivers to find an item.

*Gold Pouch: Add a store item to transform a bag into one with infinite slots. Why? It’s a small change, but imagine the revenue potential. Personally, I’d buy three: one for collectibles, one for items, and one for gold

Brota Apelao

Level 742
7 days 12 hours ago

Quoting Archerxz:

I’d like to congratulate the staff for their work in 2024.

You’ve made several great changes to the game, and this cannot be denied—a surprising event for us players, who are so used to the same old things. Zezenia is a great game; it’s no coincidence that people have been playing it for 15 years like I have, without stopping, and even those who did quit are now commenting on the forum, itching to come back. You got MANY things right in 2024—the number of hunts, the shift in character strengthening mechanics, and even the addition of a new quest. Truly applaudable.

I’m hopeful for 2025. I know that whenever you do something extra, it creates expectations for everyone, though usually nothing changes. However, after this quest, these map updates, new hunts, and item evolution mechanics, many players have returned to the game. Pharos and Elysium averaged 30 players online, which is surprising. You have the quality to improve, and I know it. The game has the potential to maintain an average of 200 active players easily.

There are trash games and OT servers with an average of 100 players—why? Because they’re also heading in the right direction. I say this as someone who has played Tibia, Medivia, Bloodstone, and Zezenia (for 15 years alone).

I believe Zezenia only needs a few tweaks to experience massive growth. I’ll list some to be specific:

1. Lack of Proper Investment
What do I mean? Zezenia invests poorly. I’ve seen several ads for Zezenia on Facebook and Instagram, but I strongly believe that these are no longer the best platforms to promote a 2D game. I would invest in Brazilian, Polish, and even Manowar-style Tibia YouTubers. I’d make a contract based on clicks on their links, rewarding players who clicked their links and leveled up.

2. Hiring a Zezenia YouTuber
Hire a Zezenia YouTuber to showcase all the quests, from Eidos to the level 400 quest, for example, and to include updates to the Wiki.

3. Assign Someone to Respond to the Forum
Why? Because Zezenia’s forum is VERY active. Almost every two days, people create threads with ideas, discuss in-game matters, report bugs, or talk about payments. NONE of these are responded to, giving the impression that the game is partially abandoned and community engagement is irrelevant.
Examples from the last month: an event was launched with errors that took time to fix. Items were completely wrong in quest rewards. The Cerberus wand doesn’t even have an attack animation. The ranger legs, meant to be from the game’s strongest quest, are worse than a drop from regular monsters. All of this gets reported, yet players receive NO response. Not even a simple "We’re aware, and it’ll be resolved in upcoming updates." Such a statement would show awareness and that players are being acknowledged.

4. Balancing Requests
There have been many calls for class balancing because adjustments are truly needed. I understand you can’t cater to everyone—for example, a level 200 player complaining about EXP gains for level 1300 players, without having enchanted items or tested hunts based on exp/hour. Still, I think you should address the biggest complaints, create test servers, and listen to the community—they’re the ones playing the game.

Changes I Would Make to the Game

1. Party System
I’d change it to a Tibia-style system. Why? Because nearly all players prefer hunting solo as they earn more EXP that way. This is completely wrong because it distances the community and increases the need for more hunting areas to accommodate more players. I’d make it so players gain EXP even off-screen (e.g., when someone is luring monsters). I’d add a percentage bonus based on different vocations, totaling a maximum of 4 to 6 people.

2. Hardcore Hunts
I’d redesign these based on what you did with dungeons. Why? This would eliminate the need to constantly create new hunts. Instead, it would revive many underutilized hunting areas. When selecting the level of Hardcore (HC) difficulty, include a notification if there are already people in that area. This would simply inform the player that the spot is occupied.

3. Rework Old/New Hunts
Why? Because these have been tested, and very few are frequently used.

*Yaghan Occultist (New Continent): Not hunted. I’d add more monsters and a full circuit.

*HC Cheeno: Too sparse for a hardcore area and underused.

*HC Unholy: Underutilized; needs adjustments.

*HC Murderous: I’d add many more Murderous monsters. Why? Their 10% buff makes them desirable, and tweaking this area would make it popular. Although it has already been reworked, adding more Murderous monsters would make it even better.

4. Class Balancing
A controversial but necessary topic. I’ve played every class in this game and am speaking from experience and discussions with players from each class.

*Barbarian: Remove the ability to use a shield.

*Paladin: Adjust cleave to deal consistent damage across the area. Add a single-target spell for pulling mobs. Maybe add a small 1% reflect effect to Fortification for testing.

*Ranger: Change the arrow volley system to deal area damage or create a 1-second skill-based spell. Adjust weapon damage to align with the Barbarian’s model. If a ranger attacks a knight that’s blocking, the reflect should work, but the full 100% damage should apply to a nearby mob.

*Shaman: Change Mortal Melody to deal area damage like Hailstorm. This would make Shaman a viable solo class.

*Shaman & Warlock: Remove the souladvanced level cap for testing.

5. Bestiary
The bestiary needs changes. Why? It would give players more reasons to hunt creatures they wouldn’t normally kill, adding an interesting RPG element. Rewards? Runes or points. Possible benefits: increased damage, higher crit chance for spells, enhanced defense, etc.

6. Game Settings

*Add a brightness option to make the screen fully clear.

*Allow only the player’s magic effects to appear, hiding those from mobs. Why? Anyone who’s hunted Lizard Spellweaver, Geck Zah, or Lince Ghost knows how visually overwhelming and headache-inducing it can be.

7. Miscellaneous

*Quivers: Only allow arrows to be placed inside. It’s absurd to hunt monsters that drop quivers and then have to open 30 nested quivers to find an item.

*Gold Pouch: Add a store item to transform a bag into one with infinite slots. Why? It’s a small change, but imagine the revenue potential. Personally, I’d buy three: one for collectibles, one for items, and one for gold.

*Rewards for Time Spent Online - Base rewards on IP address. Why? Players are attracted by seeing a high number of people online. Encouraging players to stay online would bring in more and more players.

*Analyzer- I’ve seen people create analyzers for Medivia and other games. Implementing this directly in the game would be VERY interesting. Players could see which party member is dealing the most damage, taking the most damage, and the types of damage dealt. This could help determine if a specific hunt requires a physical defense set or not, as well as track the profit of the hunt.


Level 612
7 days 12 hours ago

Quoting Archerxz:

I’d like to congratulate the staff for their work in 2024.

You’ve made several great changes to the game, and this cannot be denied—a surprising event for us players, who are so used to the same old things. Zezenia is a great game; it’s no coincidence that people have been playing it for 15 years like I have, without stopping, and even those who did quit are now commenting on the forum, itching to come back. You got MANY things right in 2024—the number of hunts, the shift in character strengthening mechanics, and even the addition of a new quest. Truly applaudable.

I’m hopeful for 2025. I know that whenever you do something extra, it creates expectations for everyone, though usually nothing changes. However, after this quest, these map updates, new hunts, and item evolution mechanics, many players have returned to the game. Pharos and Elysium averaged 30 players online, which is surprising. You have the quality to improve, and I know it. The game has the potential to maintain an average of 200 active players easily.

There are trash games and OT servers with an average of 100 players—why? Because they’re also heading in the right direction. I say this as someone who has played Tibia, Medivia, Bloodstone, and Zezenia (for 15 years alone).

I believe Zezenia only needs a few tweaks to experience massive growth. I’ll list some to be specific:

1. Lack of Proper Investment
What do I mean? Zezenia invests poorly. I’ve seen several ads for Zezenia on Facebook and Instagram, but I strongly believe that these are no longer the best platforms to promote a 2D game. I would invest in Brazilian, Polish, and even Manowar-style Tibia YouTubers. I’d make a contract based on clicks on their links, rewarding players who clicked their links and leveled up.

2. Hiring a Zezenia YouTuber
Hire a Zezenia YouTuber to showcase all the quests, from Eidos to the level 400 quest, for example, and to include updates to the Wiki.

3. Assign Someone to Respond to the Forum
Why? Because Zezenia’s forum is VERY active. Almost every two days, people create threads with ideas, discuss in-game matters, report bugs, or talk about payments. NONE of these are responded to, giving the impression that the game is partially abandoned and community engagement is irrelevant.
Examples from the last month: an event was launched with errors that took time to fix. Items were completely wrong in quest rewards. The Cerberus wand doesn’t even have an attack animation. The ranger legs, meant to be from the game’s strongest quest, are worse than a drop from regular monsters. All of this gets reported, yet players receive NO response. Not even a simple "We’re aware, and it’ll be resolved in upcoming updates." Such a statement would show awareness and that players are being acknowledged.

4. Balancing Requests
There have been many calls for class balancing because adjustments are truly needed. I understand you can’t cater to everyone—for example, a level 200 player complaining about EXP gains for level 1300 players, without having enchanted items or tested hunts based on exp/hour. Still, I think you should address the biggest complaints, create test servers, and listen to the community—they’re the ones playing the game.

Changes I Would Make to the Game

1. Party System
I’d change it to a Tibia-style system. Why? Because nearly all players prefer hunting solo as they earn more EXP that way. This is completely wrong because it distances the community and increases the need for more hunting areas to accommodate more players. I’d make it so players gain EXP even off-screen (e.g., when someone is luring monsters). I’d add a percentage bonus based on different vocations, totaling a maximum of 4 to 6 people.

2. Hardcore Hunts
I’d redesign these based on what you did with dungeons. Why? This would eliminate the need to constantly create new hunts. Instead, it would revive many underutilized hunting areas. When selecting the level of Hardcore (HC) difficulty, include a notification if there are already people in that area. This would simply inform the player that the spot is occupied.

3. Rework Old/New Hunts
Why? Because these have been tested, and very few are frequently used.

*Yaghan Occultist (New Continent): Not hunted. I’d add more monsters and a full circuit.

*HC Cheeno: Too sparse for a hardcore area and underused.

*HC Unholy: Underutilized; needs adjustments.

*HC Murderous: I’d add many more Murderous monsters. Why? Their 10% buff makes them desirable, and tweaking this area would make it popular. Although it has already been reworked, adding more Murderous monsters would make it even better.

4. Class Balancing
A controversial but necessary topic. I’ve played every class in this game and am speaking from experience and discussions with players from each class.

*Barbarian: Remove the ability to use a shield.

*Paladin: Adjust cleave to deal consistent damage across the area. Add a single-target spell for pulling mobs. Maybe add a small 1% reflect effect to Fortification for testing.

*Ranger: Change the arrow volley system to deal area damage or create a 1-second skill-based spell. Adjust weapon damage to align with the Barbarian’s model. If a ranger attacks a knight that’s blocking, the reflect should work, but the full 100% damage should apply to a nearby mob.

*Shaman: Change Mortal Melody to deal area damage like Hailstorm. This would make Shaman a viable solo class.

*Shaman & Warlock: Remove the souladvanced level cap for testing.

5. Bestiary
The bestiary needs changes. Why? It would give players more reasons to hunt creatures they wouldn’t normally kill, adding an interesting RPG element. Rewards? Runes or points. Possible benefits: increased damage, higher crit chance for spells, enhanced defense, etc.

6. Game Settings

*Add a brightness option to make the screen fully clear.

*Allow only the player’s magic effects to appear, hiding those from mobs. Why? Anyone who’s hunted Lizard Spellweaver, Geck Zah, or Lince Ghost knows how visually overwhelming and headache-inducing it can be.

7. Miscellaneous

*Quivers: Only allow arrows to be placed inside. It’s absurd to hunt monsters that drop quivers and then have to open 30 nested quivers to find an item.

*Gold Pouch: Add a store item to transform a bag into one with infinite slots. Why? It’s a small change, but imagine the revenue potential. Personally, I’d buy three: one for collectibles, one for items, and one for gold.

*Rewards for Time Spent Online - Base rewards on IP address. Why? Players are attracted by seeing a high number of people online. Encouraging players to stay online would bring in more and more players.

*Analyzer- I’ve seen people create analyzers for Medivia and other games. Implementing this directly in the game would be VERY interesting. Players could see which party member is dealing the most damage, taking the most damage, and the types of damage dealt. This could help determine if a specific hunt requires a physical defense set or not, as well as track the profit of the hunt.

Totaly UP.
This guys resume ALL we need and complaoins on many types of posts.

We want Zezenia with a Lot of ppl, bigger comunnit and balanced.

I also played a Lot of games. ZZnia ls so Fun.

Please take a look at This.
Ruthless Execution

Level 111
7 days 11 hours ago

Quoting Archerxz:

I’d like to congratulate the staff for their work in 2024.

You’ve made several great changes to the game, and this cannot be denied—a surprising event for us players, who are so used to the same old things. Zezenia is a great game; it’s no coincidence that people have been playing it for 15 years like I have, without stopping, and even those who did quit are now commenting on the forum, itching to come back. You got MANY things right in 2024—the number of hunts, the shift in character strengthening mechanics, and even the addition of a new quest. Truly applaudable.

I’m hopeful for 2025. I know that whenever you do something extra, it creates expectations for everyone, though usually nothing changes. However, after this quest, these map updates, new hunts, and item evolution mechanics, many players have returned to the game. Pharos and Elysium averaged 30 players online, which is surprising. You have the quality to improve, and I know it. The game has the potential to maintain an average of 200 active players easily.

There are trash games and OT servers with an average of 100 players—why? Because they’re also heading in the right direction. I say this as someone who has played Tibia, Medivia, Bloodstone, and Zezenia (for 15 years alone).

I believe Zezenia only needs a few tweaks to experience massive growth. I’ll list some to be specific:

1. Lack of Proper Investment
What do I mean? Zezenia invests poorly. I’ve seen several ads for Zezenia on Facebook and Instagram, but I strongly believe that these are no longer the best platforms to promote a 2D game. I would invest in Brazilian, Polish, and even Manowar-style Tibia YouTubers. I’d make a contract based on clicks on their links, rewarding players who clicked their links and leveled up.

2. Hiring a Zezenia YouTuber
Hire a Zezenia YouTuber to showcase all the quests, from Eidos to the level 400 quest, for example, and to include updates to the Wiki.

3. Assign Someone to Respond to the Forum
Why? Because Zezenia’s forum is VERY active. Almost every two days, people create threads with ideas, discuss in-game matters, report bugs, or talk about payments. NONE of these are responded to, giving the impression that the game is partially abandoned and community engagement is irrelevant.
Examples from the last month: an event was launched with errors that took time to fix. Items were completely wrong in quest rewards. The Cerberus wand doesn’t even have an attack animation. The ranger legs, meant to be from the game’s strongest quest, are worse than a drop from regular monsters. All of this gets reported, yet players receive NO response. Not even a simple "We’re aware, and it’ll be resolved in upcoming updates." Such a statement would show awareness and that players are being acknowledged.

4. Balancing Requests
There have been many calls for class balancing because adjustments are truly needed. I understand you can’t cater to everyone—for example, a level 200 player complaining about EXP gains for level 1300 players, without having enchanted items or tested hunts based on exp/hour. Still, I think you should address the biggest complaints, create test servers, and listen to the community—they’re the ones playing the game.

Changes I Would Make to the Game

1. Party System
I’d change it to a Tibia-style system. Why? Because nearly all players prefer hunting solo as they earn more EXP that way. This is completely wrong because it distances the community and increases the need for more hunting areas to accommodate more players. I’d make it so players gain EXP even off-screen (e.g., when someone is luring monsters). I’d add a percentage bonus based on different vocations, totaling a maximum of 4 to 6 people.

2. Hardcore Hunts
I’d redesign these based on what you did with dungeons. Why? This would eliminate the need to constantly create new hunts. Instead, it would revive many underutilized hunting areas. When selecting the level of Hardcore (HC) difficulty, include a notification if there are already people in that area. This would simply inform the player that the spot is occupied.

3. Rework Old/New Hunts
Why? Because these have been tested, and very few are frequently used.

*Yaghan Occultist (New Continent): Not hunted. I’d add more monsters and a full circuit.

*HC Cheeno: Too sparse for a hardcore area and underused.

*HC Unholy: Underutilized; needs adjustments.

*HC Murderous: I’d add many more Murderous monsters. Why? Their 10% buff makes them desirable, and tweaking this area would make it popular. Although it has already been reworked, adding more Murderous monsters would make it even better.

4. Class Balancing
A controversial but necessary topic. I’ve played every class in this game and am speaking from experience and discussions with players from each class.

*Barbarian: Remove the ability to use a shield.

*Paladin: Adjust cleave to deal consistent damage across the area. Add a single-target spell for pulling mobs. Maybe add a small 1% reflect effect to Fortification for testing.

*Ranger: Change the arrow volley system to deal area damage or create a 1-second skill-based spell. Adjust weapon damage to align with the Barbarian’s model. If a ranger attacks a knight that’s blocking, the reflect should work, but the full 100% damage should apply to a nearby mob.

*Shaman: Change Mortal Melody to deal area damage like Hailstorm. This would make Shaman a viable solo class.

*Shaman & Warlock: Remove the souladvanced level cap for testing.

5. Bestiary
The bestiary needs changes. Why? It would give players more reasons to hunt creatures they wouldn’t normally kill, adding an interesting RPG element. Rewards? Runes or points. Possible benefits: increased damage, higher crit chance for spells, enhanced defense, etc.

6. Game Settings

*Add a brightness option to make the screen fully clear.

*Allow only the player’s magic effects to appear, hiding those from mobs. Why? Anyone who’s hunted Lizard Spellweaver, Geck Zah, or Lince Ghost knows how visually overwhelming and headache-inducing it can be.

7. Miscellaneous

*Quivers: Only allow arrows to be placed inside. It’s absurd to hunt monsters that drop quivers and then have to open 30 nested quivers to find an item.

*Gold Pouch: Add a store item to transform a bag into one with infinite slots. Why? It’s a small change, but imagine the revenue potential. Personally, I’d buy three: one for collectibles, one for items, and one for gold.

*Rewards for Time Spent Online - Base rewards on IP address. Why? Players are attracted by seeing a high number of people online. Encouraging players to stay online would bring in more and more players.

*Analyzer- I’ve seen people create analyzers for Medivia and other games. Implementing this directly in the game would be VERY interesting. Players could see which party member is dealing the most damage, taking the most damage, and the types of damage dealt. This could help determine if a specific hunt requires a physical defense set or not, as well as track the profit of the hunt.

I completely agree! That was an insightful and constructive comment.
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