
Level 1100
13 days 5 hours ago (Last edited 13 days 5 hours ago)

Hello everybody

I would like to make a suggestion to improve the wizard and shaman, currently there are almost no wizards and shamans in the game, they are almost extinct, I believe it is because of their mechanics, not just anyone can handle and tame the class correctly, unlike the pyro where the player just needs to walk around.

But anyway, I would like you to evaluate the possibility of looking at Zezenia's shaman as the oldest druid in Tibia and comparing the two, you will see that it is a big difference and you will be able to see that you can improve, add 1 more area spell for the wizard, like currently the warlock combo for hunting in Hunt, and used the cross and Whirlwind, Whirlwind is a great spell but it is not a wizard class, and I see that the shaman has 2 area spells, the pyro has 4 spells of area, while the warlock only has 1 area spell, please, I'm not trying to say that I want to be better than the barbarian and pyrotechnician in XP per hour.

I'm asking for the opinion of whoever manages this game to look at these classes, which almost don't exist in the game currently, and they are great classes they just need some adjustments.
Arcy Mag

Level 372
12 days 13 hours ago (Last edited 12 days 13 hours ago)

yyyy a lot of classes are gone because of Pyro.. depend what you want :) exp?high level? quick? ... Pyro

Every class have something better. You can deal a lot of damage on Warlock and Barbarian. Nice playing(def and DMG) with Marksman and Rogue, beautiful blocking with Paladin. That's what I said, if you need fast bigger exp only without skilling.. go easy way with Pyro :D

PS. Shaman necessary only in quest etc.. -> rubbish

Level 1100
12 days 7 hours ago

So as I said, I don't want to be the best class in the game, I just want the team to consider putting a new spell in the area for the warlocks, and to improve the shamans a lot, that's all. My goal in this game is just to enjoy it, I no longer play to level up like a crazy person, I've already had 2 nerfs, 1 nerf in the past that destroyed the pyro, and now I nerf the warlock again, I no longer have the desire to be the best class and to be the top xp on the wolrd table.