Buff Ranger Premium ![]()
Level 35
9th May 2024 14:08:10
Season starts tomorrow and still no updates regarding balancing. What is the plan?
Razotto Xan Player ![]()
Level 44
9th May 2024 15:33:49
Will it be possible to enchant quivers?
Coca Apelao Player ![]()
Level 1579
9th May 2024 19:14:11
My feedback on the pyromancer, testing portal dk and yahgan barb
Portal DK: In pharos I can make from 75kk/h to 77kk/h (no scroll), on the test server at the end of the hunt the exp was 195kk/h (no scroll), but the server is 5x, in pharos it would be 78kk/h. My set has a 27% exp bonus, I only used exp potion in this hunt, both on the test server and in pharos. So there was an increase of 1.3% to 4%. Yahgan barb: In pharos I can make from 96kk/h to 100kk/h, on the test server at the end of the hunt the exp was 247kk/h, in pharos it would be 98.8kk/h. In both cases I used scroll + exp potion, if there was an increase, it would have been at most 2.92%. The increase in radial damage didn't change much in terms of exp/h, the 14/14% buff made the class a bit less worse. Final opinion on the small changes: we can only consider that there was an improvement in the buff, if you want to make the class stronger just improve the pyro's AOE damage (reverse this "Reduced damage of Inferno by approximately 10%, and by 20% towards edges.", first, you should have observed how the Pyromancer would fare, since in the same update that buffed all classes, you nerfed Pyro significantly), if you don't want to increase the class's damage, remove the nerf on life steal (this affects many players without a good set with enchantments, players with a good set don't make as much difference) and fix the buff to at least 16/12%. Taking advantage of the topic, how about giving some usefulness to the spells Mortal Melody (shaman) and Heat Wave (pyromancer)? The Mortal Melody spell is the most useless spell possible, hitting only 2 sqm in front of the character, while the Heat Wave spell hits 4 sqm in front of the character. Player Ron made a good suggestion about the Mortal Melody spell (only the cooldown which I believe should be shorter). As for the Heat Wave spell, if it were at least 4x3 (4 lines by 3 columns), it would be much more useful, especially in group hunts |
Onefiveonefourfive Player ![]()
Level 200
9th May 2024 19:58:26 Quoting Frostitude: Quoting Zero Damage: My few class suggestions. Marksman; A new spell called rapid fire(think of wows rapid fire) it will do 3 additional hits of 75%->50%->25% with a 5 second cooldown ( this would hit 25%->25%->25% in PVP). Dex/Lethal ambush would be on a 2 second cooldown but have a second hit for 100% 1 second after the initial hit. Remove spread shot Taunt should be 25% of their MAX mana instead of 33% of their current mana. Split arrow (the 300 talent) should be replaced to reduce the cooldown of rapid fire by 1 second and add another hit for 25% OR reduce the cooldown by 2 seconds. Rogue; Barbed arrow should reset if the target dies with barbed arrow active. Traps 300 talent shouldn't reduce the damage it does. Ruthless execution should reset if the monster dies due to that attack (could be within 1 second of casting that attack) reduce Vengence to a 1 minute 30 cooldown. To make it so rangers dont need level 600 to actually have some OK talents add multistrike and expertise together OR weapon boost and multistrike. Shaman; Change heal friend to 2 seconds and make it heal the initial 100% and a second heal 1 second later of 50% (this could be boosted to 125% for the level 300 talent) Add a wave spell where it will hit all monsters in it for the damage of current hailstorm but heal anyone inside it for 200% of the damage done. EDIT: Make Life steal less OP in AOE by making it heal for the initial % and any other monster hit by 20% of your current life steal for example if you have 20% life steal you will get 1 hit of 20% and all other monsters hit you get 4% from each So currently having 20% and hitting 10 monsters for 100 will heal for 200 overall, with the changes you would get 56 overall. SECOND EDIT: I don't seem to have any characters on my account on the test server. THIRD EDIT: Maybe you should reduce the boosts some as they're now all personal. Because of it all being personal it will still be a massive gold sink compared before as a team hunts now will need 3-5x the amount of coins (I assume it will be based on last hitting for the ones that happen on respawn) Honestly, I think most idea's stated above could work! IMO shaman should get a wave spell aswell what will deal dmg to the monsters and the same dmg will heal the partymemeber. TO be usefull aswell besides just standing there and press healfriend. Perhaps we can try to see what would happen if rangers bow's atk are allinged with barbs? Since they lack the current AEO meta they should be compensated in some sort imo. I think the idea of making rangers weapons on the same page as barbarian is a really good start to helping them! Should definitely try this. |
Gugoo Player ![]()
Level 198
9th May 2024 20:01:13
Guess it's going to be a warlock centric server again, RIP.
Onefiveonefourfive Player ![]()
Level 200
9th May 2024 20:42:17
Yeah... It's sad but I already said it on the forum, staff doesn't care at all about anything. Just searching for a quick buck from another seasonal. It will be all warlocks/barbs/paladins. I am going to play ranger just to go against the grain and be different. But after testing yesterday, warlocks are still stupid op from life steal. Same with barbs. Lifesteal in general needs nerfed for aoe classes. It is useless on single target classes (rangers, shamans) but super op on aoe classes. Warlocks can hunt top tier mobs and not even use their heal spell, they stay alive from life steal alone while hunting. Yet they have the strongest combo out of all 3 mages in pvp. Deathblow hits harder than inferno does even if you are standing beside the target on a pyro AND they have a better buff than pyro. It makes 0 sense. Warlocks shine in pvp and pve while most other classes struggle to be mediocre in just one of those aspects.
Erfort Sage ![]()
Level 170
9th May 2024 20:57:51
It's literally 22 hours before realese. Are you gonna do something more or we will need to play with overpowered lifesteal, useless rangers and mages who will be forced to choose warlock as they're broken compared to pyros. Please don't disappoint us again!
Apokalyps Player ![]()
Level 623
9th May 2024 21:32:32 Quoting Black Huntress: My feedback on the pyromancer, testing portal dk and yahgan barb Portal DK: In pharos I can make from 75kk/h to 77kk/h (no scroll), on the test server at the end of the hunt the exp was 195kk/h (no scroll), but the server is 5x, in pharos it would be 78kk/h. My set has a 27% exp bonus, I only used exp potion in this hunt, both on the test server and in pharos. So there was an increase of 1.3% to 4%. Yahgan barb: In pharos I can make from 96kk/h to 100kk/h, on the test server at the end of the hunt the exp was 247kk/h, in pharos it would be 98.8kk/h. In both cases I used scroll + exp potion, if there was an increase, it would have been at most 2.92%. The increase in radial damage didn't change much in terms of exp/h, the 14/14% buff made the class a bit less worse. Final opinion on the small changes: we can only consider that there was an improvement in the buff, if you want to make the class stronger just improve the pyro's AOE damage (reverse this "Reduced damage of Inferno by approximately 10%, and by 20% towards edges.", first, you should have observed how the Pyromancer would fare, since in the same update that buffed all classes, you nerfed Pyro significantly), if you don't want to increase the class's damage, remove the nerf on life steal (this affects many players without a good set with enchantments, players with a good set don't make as much difference) and fix the buff to at least 16/12%. Taking advantage of the topic, how about giving some usefulness to the spells Mortal Melody (shaman) and Heat Wave (pyromancer)? The Mortal Melody spell is the most useless spell possible, hitting only 2 sqm in front of the character, while the Heat Wave spell hits 4 sqm in front of the character. Player Ron made a good suggestion about the Mortal Melody spell (only the cooldown which I believe should be shorter). As for the Heat Wave spell, if it were at least 4x3 (4 lines by 3 columns), it would be much more useful, especially in group hunts +1 |
Onefiveonefourfive Player ![]()
Level 200
9th May 2024 21:57:00
Still not a word back to anybody when several people asking to be able to lose your bag again.
Hollenber Player ![]()
Level 10
9th May 2024 22:28:10
Dang , this is what happens when you try and make balances 2 days before release. Now they will make some unbalanced changes without testing :(
Dont know if its worth playing or not . gg |