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Level 300
6th November 2024 16:47:47

It is with great sadness that I come to announce the end of the war, unfortunately our enemies ran and are cowards.

Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot
Anti Para

Level 221
6th November 2024 17:21:05 (Last edited 6th November 2024 17:23:41)

Quoting Healkor:
It is with great sadness that I come to announce the end of the war, unfortunately our enemies ran and are cowards.

Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot

You have the cheek to post this after losing 2 guild wars?
Constant bug abusing, botting, character sharing, having makers, people out of guild war in fights and servicing.

It's a good job the Admins do not give a shit otherwise half your team would be banned like Rnger Chips was.

BRs never cease to amaze me :D:D

Level 300
6th November 2024 18:12:54

Quoting Anti Para:
Quoting Healkor:
It is with great sadness that I come to announce the end of the war, unfortunately our enemies ran and are cowards.

Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot

You have the cheek to post this after losing 2 guild wars?
Constant bug abusing, botting, character sharing, having makers, people out of guild war in fights and servicing.

It's a good job the Admins do not give a shit otherwise half your team would be banned like Rnger Chips was.

BRs never cease to amaze me :D:D

For a guy who calls himself neutral and doesn't like war, he seems very participative and tuned in hehehe

Level 303
7th November 2024 04:19:27

Quoting Anti Para:
Quoting Healkor:
It is with great sadness that I come to announce the end of the war, unfortunately our enemies ran and are cowards.

Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot

You have the cheek to post this after losing 2 guild wars?
Constant bug abusing, botting, character sharing, having makers, people out of guild war in fights and servicing.

It's a good job the Admins do not give a shit otherwise half your team would be banned like Rnger Chips was.

BRs never cease to amaze me :D:D

Do you believe the things you say?

Level 118
7th November 2024 05:42:22

Brs for the win!
Super Soaker

Level 200
7th November 2024 14:41:30

Quoting Healkor:
It is with great sadness that I come to announce the end of the war, unfortunately our enemies ran and are cowards.

Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot

I hate to ruin Shadowzin's Thread to reply...

You've lost two guild wars and finally on winning numbers on the third. But we did not run. We are still here, we are still leveling alot, we are still seeking fights. We are still killing targets. The only thing we stopped doing is complying to your wishes/needs.

The only reason that guild war is in your favor is because we CHOOSE to fight your max team with our smaller team. We are with 8 people at most. You are with 12 (Not counting the ones who left the guild to exp in peace).

We are competing with bots, makers, sharers and bug abusers... You can dissagree all you want be we all know the truth... Xlogging to run from pvp, macro on characters to gain advantage over others on house training dummies.

You always play the victim but some friendly advise, start looking into the mirror before crying on the forums.
The Top Mage

Level 376
7th November 2024 16:02:02

Quoting Toxotai:
Quoting Healkor:
It is with great sadness that I come to announce the end of the war, unfortunately our enemies ran and are cowards.

Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot

I hate to ruin Shadowzin's Thread to reply...

You've lost two guild wars and finally on winning numbers on the third. But we did not run. We are still here, we are still leveling alot, we are still seeking fights. We are still killing targets. The only thing we stopped doing is complying to your wishes/needs.

The only reason that guild war is in your favor is because we CHOOSE to fight your max team with our smaller team. We are with 8 people at most. You are with 12 (Not counting the ones who left the guild to exp in peace).

We are competing with bots, makers, sharers and bug abusers... You can dissagree all you want be we all know the truth... Xlogging to run from pvp, macro on characters to gain advantage over others on house training dummies.

You always play the victim but some friendly advise, start looking into the mirror before crying on the forums.

OMG! You guys are suck a heroes.......ops, almosft forgot acts of racism, makers in the middle of the war when you start to lose the battle of last war modes (We cancelled them because you guys exp out of the guild and put a lot of makers in the middle of pvp, we did not lose but if you prefer bealive that it's fine). But it all is past

In the PRESENT, we always fight in your tearms and the local your team choose, because if it's not, your ppl refuse to fight (like always). You guys says we have more people but if you look the exp of last week, you have much more people active than us,,,,,

Stop playing victim here and just accept the facts.


Level 576
7th November 2024 18:54:57 (Last edited 7th November 2024 18:56:02)

It's the same shit everytime, this game needs an owner who cares lmao. Set aside the bug abuses, these don't get fixed for weeks, months if not years. Eventhough its against the rules, nothing gets done about it.

- You have people power abusing in Pharos, where you can't do anything unless you comply to some idiots and their "rules".
- You cannot sell items in Pharos WITHOUT asking the guild Pharos first:smartass:
- You have an "illegal" market on facebook for nearly anything you can wish for. People don't even hide it, openly replying in game "owner not here, i'm on service".
Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot
- Bots are still a massive issue, possibly the old kazebot that went private as it was for sale at some point.

I feel bad for the Elysium players, but this game needs a full reset and rebranding. Change of ownership to someone who really cares and works on the game.

Level 303
8th November 2024 01:05:09

Quoting Toxotai:
Quoting Healkor:
It is with great sadness that I come to announce the end of the war, unfortunately our enemies ran and are cowards.

Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot

I hate to ruin Shadowzin's Thread to reply...

You've lost two guild wars and finally on winning numbers on the third. But we did not run. We are still here, we are still leveling alot, we are still seeking fights. We are still killing targets. The only thing we stopped doing is complying to your wishes/needs.

The only reason that guild war is in your favor is because we CHOOSE to fight your max team with our smaller team. We are with 8 people at most. You are with 12 (Not counting the ones who left the guild to exp in peace).

We are competing with bots, makers, sharers and bug abusers... You can dissagree all you want be we all know the truth... Xlogging to run from pvp, macro on characters to gain advantage over others on house training dummies.

You always play the victim but some friendly advise, start looking into the mirror before crying on the forums.

In the first guild war, my team won by a lot; 90% of your team left the guild (breaking our agreement). In the second, we lost by an 8-kill difference... In the third, we are currently winning
Wyhual Apelao

Level 1104
8th November 2024 04:26:51

Quoting Godzilla:
It's the same shit everytime, this game needs an owner who cares lmao. Set aside the bug abuses, these don't get fixed for weeks, months if not years. Eventhough its against the rules, nothing gets done about it.

- You have people power abusing in Pharos, where you can't do anything unless you comply to some idiots and their "rules".
- You cannot sell items in Pharos WITHOUT asking the guild Pharos first:smartass:
- You have an "illegal" market on facebook for nearly anything you can wish for. People don't even hide it, openly replying in game "owner not here, i'm on service".
Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot
- Bots are still a massive issue, possibly the old kazebot that went private as it was for sale at some point.

I feel bad for the Elysium players, but this game needs a full reset and rebranding. Change of ownership to someone who really cares and works on the game.

I don't think I've ever seen a person as hypocritical as you.

You must be the person who abused bots the most in this entire game, for many years. You have always used bots and come to the forum to speak against them, I find this very impressive, it is a bizarre falsehood.

Do you want to reset pharos because you can no longer play on the server, go back to Elysium, because I heard that you bought several items on Facebook to play there again, another hypocrisy, right??? Every space you have on the forum is asking to reset or create another server and when the reset was created, why didn't it stay there? The new server that you requested so much closed due to lack of players, crazy isn't it???

Stand up and stop running to the forum, play the game.
In addition to being a shitty person, he is also a thief.
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