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Level 215
11th November 2024 23:05:54

Its balanced
Stop complaing
Fox Taime

Level 184
11th November 2024 23:06:15

Quoting Tessem:
Can we focus on balancing rather than new content?

Mages are currently the most tank in this game, which is stupid... in my opinion;
- Remove HP talent for mages
- Adjust shamans buff to 15% hp 5% negation
- Adjust pyromancer buff to 20% from mana
- Adjust Warlock to 20% negation
- Increase rangers weapon attack by ALOT, like barb weapons
- Increase Paladins negation 6>15% and hp 10>15%
- Lower the spell dmg of Paladin in PVP
- Give Rangers a spell like Last Stand / Mystic Guard
- Adjust throwing a barrel cooldown to 20seconds
- Adjust duration of a thrown barrel to dissapear after 10 seconds
- Adjust throwing explosion powder to 10 seconds
- After a barrel is removed, 3seconds cooldown on sqm for a new barrel
- Make account sharing illegal again (wait for account trading until the official zezenia bazar is out before selling accounts)
- Remove the ability to use multi-client
- add an idle timer that kicks you offline after 10 minutes of idle time.

It's time to fight against bots and bring an end to mage era, its disgusting how bad warriors/rangers are.
(in elysium its mostly warrios cuz it takes no effort to stand still and use spells, sorry)

This is an extremely relevant balancing proposal. This point should even be discussed further in other topics apart from this thread.

After the release of enchantments, more specifically enchantable equipment, mages who already negated a lot of damage became even stronger, since they were previously the class with the highest AoE DPS.

Therefore, their buff spells should be drastically reduced in terms of damage negation, which should essentially be an advantage for paladins.

It makes no sense for a paladin to negate 10% damage with their buff and a warlock to negate more than double -> 24% (+10% hp steal from another buff - dark gathering), the same for pyromancers negating 16% damage in addition to 12% through the mana shield.

In terms of damage negation, paladins buff (Fortification) should be increased from 10% to 20% removing its hp bonus (10%).

For mages, remove their negation of damage from all mages buff spells changing them to:

• Shamans buff (Fortitude Growth) - hp bonus can be increased from 35% to 50% adding 5% physical resistance.

• Warlocks buff (Dark Gathering) - increase hp steal from 10% to 20% removing Absorbing Aura.

• Pyromancers buff (Fire Shield) - increase mana shield from 12% to 18% adding 10% magic level bonus.

Level 151
11th November 2024 23:16:08 (Last edited 11th November 2024 23:22:16)

Quoting Amunra:
Its balanced
Stop complaing

There are massive imbalances between classes.
This is my damage with 94 + 44 distance and a bow with 25.4 attack and 15 talent points in weapon boost(+4.5 attack, 29.9 attack total.)

His WAND is doing more than a rangers arrow....
My spells are doing 180 on him too cause mages get natural resistance (It seems like both magic and physical).
In spawns against a warlock I get around 30% LESS exp, there is NOTHING balanced about classes atm.

When a Shaman is more tanky than a Paladin you have major problems.

Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot

Level 102
11th November 2024 23:26:15

Quoting Bardlledoo:
Quoting Amunra:
Its balanced
Stop complaing

There are massive imbalances between classes.
This is my damage with 94 + 44 distance and a bow with 25.4 attack and 15 talent points in weapon boost(+4.5 attack, 29.9 attack total.)

His WAND is doing more than a rangers arrow....
My spells are doing 180 on him too cause mages get natural resistance (It seems like both magic and physical).
In spawns against a warlock I get around 30% LESS exp, there is NOTHING balanced about classes atm.

When a Shaman is more tanky than a Paladin you have major problems.

Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot

That's the point, sir!

Shamans may have extra hp, but they never negate all damage types. Same for wl and pyros.

Mages are really unbalanced, being more tanky than paladins and dealing damage in large areas or massive area damage in the case of pyromancers.

Level 453
11th November 2024 23:28:39

Quoting Disturbed Maverick:
Quoting Tessem:
Can we focus on balancing rather than new content?

Mages are currently the most tank in this game, which is stupid... in my opinion;
- Remove HP talent for mages
- Adjust shamans buff to 15% hp 5% negation
- Adjust pyromancer buff to 20% from mana
- Adjust Warlock to 20% negation
- Increase rangers weapon attack by ALOT, like barb weapons
- Increase Paladins negation 6>15% and hp 10>15%
- Lower the spell dmg of Paladin in PVP
- Give Rangers a spell like Last Stand / Mystic Guard
- Adjust throwing a barrel cooldown to 20seconds
- Adjust duration of a thrown barrel to dissapear after 10 seconds
- Adjust throwing explosion powder to 10 seconds
- After a barrel is removed, 3seconds cooldown on sqm for a new barrel
- Make account sharing illegal again (wait for account trading until the official zezenia bazar is out before selling accounts)
- Remove the ability to use multi-client
- add an idle timer that kicks you offline after 10 minutes of idle time.

It's time to fight against bots and bring an end to mage era, its disgusting how bad warriors/rangers are.
(in elysium its mostly warrios cuz it takes no effort to stand still and use spells, sorry)

This is an extremely relevant balancing proposal. This point should even be discussed further in other topics apart from this thread.

After the release of enchantments, more specifically enchantable equipment, mages who already negated a lot of damage became even stronger, since they were previously the class with the highest AoE DPS.

Therefore, their buff spells should be drastically reduced in terms of damage negation, which should essentially be an advantage for paladins.

It makes no sense for a paladin to negate 10% damage with their buff and a warlock to negate more than double -> 24% (+10% hp steal from another buff - dark gathering), the same for pyromancers negating 16% damage in addition to 12% through the mana shield.

In terms of damage negation, paladins buff (Fortification) should be increased from 10% to 20% removing its hp bonus (10%).

For mages, remove their negation of damage from all mages buff spells changing them to:

• Shamans buff (Fortitude Growth) - hp bonus can be increased from 35% to 50% adding 5% physical resistance.

• Warlocks buff (Dark Gathering) - increase hp steal from 10% to 20% removing Absorbing Aura.

• Pyromancers buff (Fire Shield) - increase mana shield from 12% to 18% adding 10% magic level bonus.

the main problem on mages is HP, they have too much. 500hp on warlock, 750 on pyromancer and shaman from the talent. This is especially broken on a shaman. They will continuesly get tankier and tankier the higher level they get, as their buff scales with hp. On top of that, mages gain natural magic resistance in PVP from levels, meaning you negate 45% on gear, 6% on potions, (+24% warlock) (+28% on pyromancer) (+10% on shaman).

To clearify the natural magic resistance, it scales with level. The higher level you are the more NMR you get vs other mages. This has the biggest effect with a bigger level difference, meaning a high level mage vs a semi-leveled mage, will simply don't do any damage.

This is also the main reason Pharos is dead, newcomers or older playes have no chance against those level 1k mages, theyll do less dmg than a demon lmao.

Everything mentioned above, in combination with the heavy botting issue... mages are too strong.

This game needs more attention on balancing AND the botting issue, because its an HUGE issue.
Ever Est

Level 20
11th November 2024 23:54:39 (Last edited 12th November 2024 00:24:23)

Quoting Tessem:
Quoting Disturbed Maverick:
Quoting Tessem:
Can we focus on balancing rather than new content?

Mages are currently the most tank in this game, which is stupid... in my opinion;
- Remove HP talent for mages
- Adjust shamans buff to 15% hp 5% negation
- Adjust pyromancer buff to 20% from mana
- Adjust Warlock to 20% negation
- Increase rangers weapon attack by ALOT, like barb weapons
- Increase Paladins negation 6>15% and hp 10>15%
- Lower the spell dmg of Paladin in PVP
- Give Rangers a spell like Last Stand / Mystic Guard
- Adjust throwing a barrel cooldown to 20seconds
- Adjust duration of a thrown barrel to dissapear after 10 seconds
- Adjust throwing explosion powder to 10 seconds
- After a barrel is removed, 3seconds cooldown on sqm for a new barrel
- Make account sharing illegal again (wait for account trading until the official zezenia bazar is out before selling accounts)
- Remove the ability to use multi-client
- add an idle timer that kicks you offline after 10 minutes of idle time.

It's time to fight against bots and bring an end to mage era, its disgusting how bad warriors/rangers are.
(in elysium its mostly warrios cuz it takes no effort to stand still and use spells, sorry)

This is an extremely relevant balancing proposal. This point should even be discussed further in other topics apart from this thread.

After the release of enchantments, more specifically enchantable equipment, mages who already negated a lot of damage became even stronger, since they were previously the class with the highest AoE DPS.

Therefore, their buff spells should be drastically reduced in terms of damage negation, which should essentially be an advantage for paladins.

It makes no sense for a paladin to negate 10% damage with their buff and a warlock to negate more than double -> 24% (+10% hp steal from another buff - dark gathering), the same for pyromancers negating 16% damage in addition to 12% through the mana shield.

In terms of damage negation, paladins buff (Fortification) should be increased from 10% to 20% removing its hp bonus (10%).

For mages, remove their negation of damage from all mages buff spells changing them to:

• Shamans buff (Fortitude Growth) - hp bonus can be increased from 35% to 50% adding 5% physical resistance.

• Warlocks buff (Dark Gathering) - increase hp steal from 10% to 20% removing Absorbing Aura.

• Pyromancers buff (Fire Shield) - increase mana shield from 12% to 18% adding 10% magic level bonus.

the main problem on mages is HP, they have too much. 500hp on warlock, 750 on pyromancer and shaman from the talent. This is especially broken on a shaman. They will continuesly get tankier and tankier the higher level they get, as their buff scales with hp. On top of that, mages gain natural magic resistance in PVP from levels, meaning you negate 45% on gear, 6% on potions, (+24% warlock) (+28% on pyromancer) (+10% on shaman).

To clearify the natural magic resistance, it scales with level. The higher level you are the more NMR you get vs other mages. This has the biggest effect with a bigger level difference, meaning a high level mage vs a semi-leveled mage, will simply don't do any damage.

This is also the main reason Pharos is dead, newcomers or older playes have no chance against those level 1k mages, theyll do less dmg than a demon lmao.

Everything mentioned above, in combination with the heavy botting issue... mages are too strong.

This game needs more attention on balancing AND the botting issue, because its an HUGE issue.

Agree! Well, based on this, Staff could make some adjustment to health points gain per level, keeping 5 for mages and 15 for rangers and increasing warriors to 20. About mana points, increasing mages to 15 and rangers to 10, keeping 5 for warriors.

**Rangers may receive +20% in attack stats for ranged weapons.

Level 303
12th November 2024 03:49:44

Quoting Tessem:
Can we focus on balancing rather than new content?

Mages are currently the most tank in this game, which is stupid... in my opinion;
- Remove HP talent for mages
- Adjust shamans buff to 15% hp 5% negation
- Adjust pyromancer buff to 20% from mana
- Adjust Warlock to 20% negation
- Increase rangers weapon attack by ALOT, like barb weapons
- Increase Paladins negation 6>15% and hp 10>15%
- Lower the spell dmg of Paladin in PVP
- Give Rangers a spell like Last Stand / Mystic Guard
- Adjust throwing a barrel cooldown to 20seconds
- Adjust duration of a thrown barrel to dissapear after 10 seconds
- Adjust throwing explosion powder to 10 seconds
- After a barrel is removed, 3seconds cooldown on sqm for a new barrel
- Make account sharing illegal again (wait for account trading until the official zezenia bazar is out before selling accounts)
- Remove the ability to use multi-client
- add an idle timer that kicks you offline after 10 minutes of idle time.

It's time to fight against bots and bring an end to mage era, its disgusting how bad warriors/rangers are.
(in elysium its mostly warrios cuz it takes no effort to stand still and use spells, sorry)

Did you think about it, or did you just write it?

It seems like you want to play Tibia; you're in the wrong game

Level 40
12th November 2024 03:50:27

Quoting Tessem:
Can we focus on balancing rather than new content?

- Adjust throwing a barrel cooldown to 20seconds
- Adjust duration of a thrown barrel to dissapear after 10 seconds
- Adjust throwing explosion powder to 10 seconds
- After a barrel is removed, 3seconds cooldown on sqm for a new barrel
- Make account sharing illegal again (wait for account trading until the official zezenia bazar is out before selling accounts)
- Remove the ability to use multi-client
- add an idle timer that kicks you offline after 10 minutes of idle time.

It's time to fight against bots and bring an end to mage era, its disgusting how bad warriors/rangers are.
(in elysium its mostly warrios cuz it takes no effort to stand still and use spells, sorry)

This points make no sense

Level 1381
12th November 2024 08:00:07

Quoting Tessem:
Can we focus on balancing rather than new content?

Mages are currently the most tank in this game, which is stupid... in my opinion;
- Remove HP talent for mages
- Adjust shamans buff to 15% hp 5% negation
- Adjust pyromancer buff to 20% from mana
- Adjust Warlock to 20% negation
- Increase rangers weapon attack by ALOT, like barb weapons
- Increase Paladins negation 6>15% and hp 10>15%
- Lower the spell dmg of Paladin in PVP
- Give Rangers a spell like Last Stand / Mystic Guard
- Adjust throwing a barrel cooldown to 20seconds
- Adjust duration of a thrown barrel to dissapear after 10 seconds
- Adjust throwing explosion powder to 10 seconds
- After a barrel is removed, 3seconds cooldown on sqm for a new barrel
- Make account sharing illegal again (wait for account trading until the official zezenia bazar is out before selling accounts)
- Remove the ability to use multi-client
- add an idle timer that kicks you offline after 10 minutes of idle time.

It's time to fight against bots and bring an end to mage era, its disgusting how bad warriors/rangers are.
(in elysium its mostly warrios cuz it takes no effort to stand still and use spells, sorry)

With all due respect, but these proposals don't make any sense. I've been playing pyromancer for some time now and I'm sure that pyromancer is not a tank. If you get a pyromancer at lvl 1000 and go to the Templar portal or the Geck portal, you'll see what I'm talking about. Pyromancers are very fragile even at lvl 1000. Anyone who plays pyro knows that. If I can't keep my mana full in many hunts with the current fire shield, imagine with 20%. You'll have to create a new mana potion that's much better than a mana flask. How do you talk about ending the era of mages if the most chosen subclass currently is barbarian, the most OP subclass in the game is barbarian, a lvl 600+ barbarian already tanks chenoo box, templar box, can already hunt solo in the geck portal, something that a pyro lvl 1200+ has a lot of difficulty with. Honestly I think you are trying to end the game with these suggestions because they don't make any sense.

Level 1381
12th November 2024 08:14:49

Quoting Explosive:
Quoting Bardlledoo:
Quoting Amunra:
Its balanced
Stop complaing

There are massive imbalances between classes.
This is my damage with 94 + 44 distance and a bow with 25.4 attack and 15 talent points in weapon boost(+4.5 attack, 29.9 attack total.)

His WAND is doing more than a rangers arrow....
My spells are doing 180 on him too cause mages get natural resistance (It seems like both magic and physical).
In spawns against a warlock I get around 30% LESS exp, there is NOTHING balanced about classes atm.

When a Shaman is more tanky than a Paladin you have major problems.

Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot

That's the point, sir!

Shamans may have extra hp, but they never negate all damage types. Same for wl and pyros.

Mages are really unbalanced, being more tanky than paladins and dealing damage in large areas or massive area damage in the case of pyromancers.

Mages tank more than a paladin? Where did you get that from, my friend? What nonsense are you talking? I've been playing pyromancer for a long time and I can assure you that a paladin tanks much more than me. What you're saying doesn't make sense. Get a level 1000 pyro and go hunting in the Templar portal or Geck portal and try to tank something, then you'll see that you're completely wrong.
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