Godzilla Player ![]()
Level 576
12th November 2024 20:25:48 Quoting Mazool: Quoting Godzilla: Quoting Maatheuzinhoo: Quoting Tessem: Quoting Maatheuzinhoo: Quoting Explosive: Quoting Bardlledoo: Quoting Amunra: Its balanced Stop complaing There are massive imbalances between classes. This is my damage with 94 + 44 distance and a bow with 25.4 attack and 15 talent points in weapon boost(+4.5 attack, 29.9 attack total.) His WAND is doing more than a rangers arrow.... My spells are doing 180 on him too cause mages get natural resistance (It seems like both magic and physical). In spawns against a warlock I get around 30% LESS exp, there is NOTHING balanced about classes atm. When a Shaman is more tanky than a Paladin you have major problems. ![]() That's the point, sir! Shamans may have extra hp, but they never negate all damage types. Same for wl and pyros. Mages are really unbalanced, being more tanky than paladins and dealing damage in large areas or massive area damage in the case of pyromancers. Mages tank more than a paladin? Where did you get that from, my friend? What nonsense are you talking? I've been playing pyromancer for a long time and I can assure you that a paladin tanks much more than me. What you're saying doesn't make sense. Get a level 1000 pyro and go hunting in the Templar portal or Geck portal and try to tank something, then you'll see that you're completely wrong. We need to get back in the era where you actually needed a paladin + shaman to hunt strong monsters on mages. Its stupid a mage can go hunt anywhere AND have the best exp in the game, mainly because of their tankyness. The only issue i could see is the mana drain on geckzards, that damage taken shouldnt be an issue at your level.. My examples could be a bit dramatic and over the top, but something has to change. I suggest they should open up a test server and tweak classes every week or something, we have to start somewhere.. It should atleast be somewhat balanced before a new permanent servers. These seasonal servers could be the ultimate way to test class balancing properly. How is it that the damage is not a problem? In the geck portal, besides the mana drain, the amount of monsters is also a problem. There are about 15 to 20 gecks per wave and each geck hits me for 700 to 800. I have 7205 HP. You just have to do the math. In the templar portal, each templar hits me for 1100+. How do you say that a mage is a tank? You're not only exaggerating, but your suggestions don't make sense. Level up a pyromancer to level 1200 and see for yourself how wrong you are. Good game. Give me your account and I値l show you how to play pyromancer, haha. Not a chance I値l level to 1200 where everything unlocks after level 500. This game is made for pvp, not nonpvp. Made for PvP? Lol. Its far from balanced in any aspect for PVP. You talk like PVP is all the people in the "Tibia/Open Tibia" community do... You are so wrong. There is a massive community of actual people who play games to enjoy them and prefer NONPVP. Not for the reasons you guys play games for. WHAT A SHOCKER.... there are other people in this world besides you 25 people that are split amongst 2 teams fighting isn't it? If the staff launched a new non pvp server (something they have never ever done I have noticed), you would be surprised of its numbers and revenue it would bring in. You always think you guys who play are the core structure of this games income. Its only you guys here playing so of course it seems that way, right? You can go ahead and say I am wrong all you want, but you have no proof or anything to back that up. You your own words said if it wasn't for Elysium, this game would be dead, correct? The staff here have tried countless times to cater to your pathetic needs and launch pvp server after pvp server after pvp server.... thus all with the exact same outcome. All trash servers with trash toxic people playing them. That play games to get at peoples feelings, or in their heads, or to bash their races, or to flood forums with useless toxic child talk. I think if the staff didn't listen to you power hungry lil gamers, that don't truly care for the future of this game, you just care for what's now in the moment that's there for you to abuse and use against each other in horrible manners. Please staff stop listening to the same group that has destroyed PVP for your game. That have no idea how a game should be played. They only look at it from their point of view that can benefit them. They truly don't care about anyone or anything else. If you keep choosing to listen to the same people that are flooding the forums with such toxic behavior, your game will be stuck the way it has been for 10 years and counting. Make changes, stop catering to the same individuals who play this game for the wrong reasons. Ignore the PVP junkies, better your game, launch a new non pvp. Let numbers speak and prove points. Other then that, the pvp has shown nothing but bad. Look at your forums, look at the years and years of new pvp servers that haven't gotten anywhere. You listen to pvp players that don't care about your game but only care about hurting eachother. Its proven. Take action and make changes that actually better the future of this gem of a game. Stop with the pvp crap for now until you balance classes further. So many people crying this season on both teams how unbalanced pvp is for some classes. "this game is for pvp" Yeah okay Godzilla. I just showed you how its not, you cant say its not for non pvp. you have nothing really backing that "theory". For me though, I didn't theorize in my brain the things I spoke on pvp about.... Its all here in the forums for every single person to see, new or returning or current players. All here over the course of each failing pvp server there was, each and every single one of them. All here to see. When/If they ever do launch a new non pvp server, if it fails. I'd 100% own the fact I was wrong. But I can 99.9% guarantee it will do better then any pvp server that has launched over the past decade ![]() ![]() You said so much, but actually so little. The inbalance is there in all servers, but theyre absurd in pvp. This game was made with PvP servers only, elysium wasnt even a server until 5 years after release. PvP isnt dead because of the "failure" pvp servers, it died because people were able to bot 24/7 for years and people quit the game. I logged in into Elysium some weeks ago and the first private msg i get from a random dude is a discord link with a new bot.. great community bro. We all get it you people play elysium for the thrill of killing monsters, but you can't stand there and telling everyone this game isn't orignally made for pvp. People left the game because botting was "free" and "account trading" became legal aslong you didn't promote it ingame/forums. Nearly all spells are meant for pvp, i wonder what you will use paralyze, drunk, last hope, excluded prisoner, curse etc for in elysium.. "its a non pvp game bro" - Yeah right. Current game worlds do not profit, everything is sold/bought from a facebook market. The only reason this game is still alive is because of seasonals (which are mainly pvp ![]() Just on this seasonal server me, and my team have bought over 3k premium cards, every character has a pet.. What do you mean non-pvp is the way to go haha. |
Amunra Player ![]()
Level 215
12th November 2024 22:08:55
Go to work staff.
Lanseloot Premium ![]()
Level 73
12th November 2024 23:34:50
good update. We look forward to more :)
Mazool Player ![]()
Level 30
13th November 2024 08:36:35 (Last edited 13th November 2024 09:40:05) Quoting Godzilla: Quoting Mazool: Quoting Godzilla: Quoting Maatheuzinhoo: Quoting Tessem: Quoting Maatheuzinhoo: Quoting Explosive: Quoting Bardlledoo: Quoting Amunra: Its balanced Stop complaing There are massive imbalances between classes. This is my damage with 94 + 44 distance and a bow with 25.4 attack and 15 talent points in weapon boost(+4.5 attack, 29.9 attack total.) His WAND is doing more than a rangers arrow.... My spells are doing 180 on him too cause mages get natural resistance (It seems like both magic and physical). In spawns against a warlock I get around 30% LESS exp, there is NOTHING balanced about classes atm. When a Shaman is more tanky than a Paladin you have major problems. ![]() That's the point, sir! Shamans may have extra hp, but they never negate all damage types. Same for wl and pyros. Mages are really unbalanced, being more tanky than paladins and dealing damage in large areas or massive area damage in the case of pyromancers. Mages tank more than a paladin? Where did you get that from, my friend? What nonsense are you talking? I've been playing pyromancer for a long time and I can assure you that a paladin tanks much more than me. What you're saying doesn't make sense. Get a level 1000 pyro and go hunting in the Templar portal or Geck portal and try to tank something, then you'll see that you're completely wrong. We need to get back in the era where you actually needed a paladin + shaman to hunt strong monsters on mages. Its stupid a mage can go hunt anywhere AND have the best exp in the game, mainly because of their tankyness. The only issue i could see is the mana drain on geckzards, that damage taken shouldnt be an issue at your level.. My examples could be a bit dramatic and over the top, but something has to change. I suggest they should open up a test server and tweak classes every week or something, we have to start somewhere.. It should atleast be somewhat balanced before a new permanent servers. These seasonal servers could be the ultimate way to test class balancing properly. How is it that the damage is not a problem? In the geck portal, besides the mana drain, the amount of monsters is also a problem. There are about 15 to 20 gecks per wave and each geck hits me for 700 to 800. I have 7205 HP. You just have to do the math. In the templar portal, each templar hits me for 1100+. How do you say that a mage is a tank? You're not only exaggerating, but your suggestions don't make sense. Level up a pyromancer to level 1200 and see for yourself how wrong you are. Good game. Give me your account and I値l show you how to play pyromancer, haha. Not a chance I値l level to 1200 where everything unlocks after level 500. This game is made for pvp, not nonpvp. Made for PvP? Lol. Its far from balanced in any aspect for PVP. You talk like PVP is all the people in the "Tibia/Open Tibia" community do... You are so wrong. There is a massive community of actual people who play games to enjoy them and prefer NONPVP. Not for the reasons you guys play games for. WHAT A SHOCKER.... there are other people in this world besides you 25 people that are split amongst 2 teams fighting isn't it? If the staff launched a new non pvp server (something they have never ever done I have noticed), you would be surprised of its numbers and revenue it would bring in. You always think you guys who play are the core structure of this games income. Its only you guys here playing so of course it seems that way, right? You can go ahead and say I am wrong all you want, but you have no proof or anything to back that up. You your own words said if it wasn't for Elysium, this game would be dead, correct? The staff here have tried countless times to cater to your pathetic needs and launch pvp server after pvp server after pvp server.... thus all with the exact same outcome. All trash servers with trash toxic people playing them. That play games to get at peoples feelings, or in their heads, or to bash their races, or to flood forums with useless toxic child talk. I think if the staff didn't listen to you power hungry lil gamers, that don't truly care for the future of this game, you just care for what's now in the moment that's there for you to abuse and use against each other in horrible manners. Please staff stop listening to the same group that has destroyed PVP for your game. That have no idea how a game should be played. They only look at it from their point of view that can benefit them. They truly don't care about anyone or anything else. If you keep choosing to listen to the same people that are flooding the forums with such toxic behavior, your game will be stuck the way it has been for 10 years and counting. Make changes, stop catering to the same individuals who play this game for the wrong reasons. Ignore the PVP junkies, better your game, launch a new non pvp. Let numbers speak and prove points. Other then that, the pvp has shown nothing but bad. Look at your forums, look at the years and years of new pvp servers that haven't gotten anywhere. You listen to pvp players that don't care about your game but only care about hurting eachother. Its proven. Take action and make changes that actually better the future of this gem of a game. Stop with the pvp crap for now until you balance classes further. So many people crying this season on both teams how unbalanced pvp is for some classes. "this game is for pvp" Yeah okay Godzilla. I just showed you how its not, you cant say its not for non pvp. you have nothing really backing that "theory". For me though, I didn't theorize in my brain the things I spoke on pvp about.... Its all here in the forums for every single person to see, new or returning or current players. All here over the course of each failing pvp server there was, each and every single one of them. All here to see. When/If they ever do launch a new non pvp server, if it fails. I'd 100% own the fact I was wrong. But I can 99.9% guarantee it will do better then any pvp server that has launched over the past decade ![]() ![]() You said so much, but actually so little. The inbalance is there in all servers, but theyre absurd in pvp. This game was made with PvP servers only, elysium wasnt even a server until 5 years after release. PvP isnt dead because of the "failure" pvp servers, it died because people were able to bot 24/7 for years and people quit the game. I logged in into Elysium some weeks ago and the first private msg i get from a random dude is a discord link with a new bot.. great community bro. We all get it you people play elysium for the thrill of killing monsters, but you can't stand there and telling everyone this game isn't orignally made for pvp. People left the game because botting was "free" and "account trading" became legal aslong you didn't promote it ingame/forums. Nearly all spells are meant for pvp, i wonder what you will use paralyze, drunk, last hope, excluded prisoner, curse etc for in elysium.. "its a non pvp game bro" - Yeah right. Current game worlds do not profit, everything is sold/bought from a facebook market. The only reason this game is still alive is because of seasonals (which are mainly pvp ![]() Just on this seasonal server me, and my team have bought over 3k premium cards, every character has a pet.. What do you mean non-pvp is the way to go haha. Again, proving my point further. Thanks for that. You are so twisted in your own world, you need to stop playing so much zezenia and give your head a shake. Let me say it one more time for you, you all want this game to grow in numbers, but it can't due to the players "breaking rules" or using a bot etc(which I'm not denying people do), buying things via facebook, the toxic behavior between you two teams on the forums, the fact you children keep ruining every single pvp server with everything you listed. Just goes to show the game needs a world where new players are actually welcomed and not puckered off by your stupidity and "DOMINANDO" bullshit. Grow up already. Sure the game is meant for pvp as well, but for you morons its not. You don't have the mental capacity to play without risk of your ego being crushed. So you feel the need to be hateful towards others and flood the forums with toxic bull. You try to flaunt off your team spends money and no one gives a crap. It can really use a new player base instead of the same old egotistical power driven junkies like yourself that still play. You call the staff trash, you call this game trash, yet your team spends 3k alone on a game you clearly dislike, due to what you mentioned above and other posts I have seen you complain and bitch about the game being so badly managed etc etc. Whose the dumbasses for spending 3k on a game they oh so much hate? You literally just made yourself look more stupid then you currently did. Its clearly better then you are putting it off to be. Or you wouldn't have spent what you guys did. So you are just lying to everyone and yourself in all your posts. ![]() Aren't you a dad? When is your logistics as an adult going to kick in? Stop acting like a child. Surly if the staff made 3k off you guys alone, I don't see a problem on launching two new servers then I guess right? What's the issue and holdup then? Launch a new pvp 1x like you and your team wants, and launch a non pvp server at the same time so new players can actually play and learn/enjoy the game? Lets all play how we want.. I mean you guys alone paid for it in reality ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Would love the staff to verify they made over 3kUSD from this season from you guys alone. Just so we are clear that there really are crazy and hurtful people (like yourselves) out there willing to spend whatever it takes to ruin other peoples time. Just want to be clear on that. Cause why else would you be here then? Just doesn't add up. Your team alone has some of the most discouraging posts on this website, in regards to the staff and how the game is in its current state. But yet you spend all this money? I can tell you this right now, the game will grow at a way better pace and consistently if you and your team left. That's just straight facts. The BR team at least just cries about you guys in return. Don't really see them bash the staff and game like you guys do. You speak about botters now like you have been against them forever. Yes you admit you use to use it, doesnt give you the right now to come bash and be hateful on the others that you know do, because you got caught. If you never got caught or banned for it, you'd still be using it too. It goes like this ....... "You and the people you know use the bot... You get caught... they dont... you get mad at the staff and throw your made enemies under the bus for using it when you did too????". You sound like a grumpy ogre, that just needs a nice belly rubbn's I need 5 hands and 16 toes and 2 woodies ![]() ![]() |