Markzman Player ![]()
Level 10
12th January 2025 21:57:13 (Last edited 12th January 2025 22:02:53) Quoting Box: Arrow Volley is an useless marksmen spell nowadays, it's rarely used by marksmen due to its difficulty in hitting targets, although its damage is about 25% higher than that of Hellish Volley. So, this spell is much like the Mortal Melody was before the last balancing changes for shamans, after that update Mortal Melody become really useful, a spell that previously only took up space and did not help the subclass it belongs to. Today, Arrow Volley has only 5 sqm and it's interesting to change some spells like it to make them useful, especially for a subclass that needs something new because it's so far below the others in terms of PvE damage. Rogues have the Traps spell that help them slow down mobs and make them take constant damage. So my proposal is around Arrow Volley because this spell also reduces the speed of monsters, making it easier to hit their waves spells, especially Piercing Shot. Another issue caused by low damage is marksmen are rarely seek for party hunts what discourages most players who like to hunt in a group to stay in this subclass or new players/characters to choose it for their own. Marksman's damage per second is considerably below that of the others 'damage subclasses' that's the reason it needs a few improvements to make marksmen gameplay as viable as rogues' gameplay has become today, i mean pleasant and efficient. So my proposal to Arrow Volley is: 1) Decrease the cooldown from 5 seconds to 3 seconds. 2) Expand the area from the 5 sqm on cross shape to 3x3 around the target. 3) Enable for this spell to be a targeted spell. 4) Keep the main target / center of the volley slowed down by 40% and all the other tiles slowed down by 20% (as it already works today). 5) Maintain its damage since it's around 25% above hellish volley damage to focus on increasing the AoE damage of the marksman subclass. Congratulations on your idea. One thing is quite clear: --> marksman has no unique characteristics, much less any that sets him apart to the point that whoever chooses to play with this subclass feels that something benefits them compared to others, as happens with the other subclasses. Critical hits are not effective, since attacks from bows are not enough, ricochet percentages are very low and critical continuum duration is small. Still about non unique features, everyone can see on rogues good unique features but marksmen haven't it, why? Reason is around the goal of breaking targets defense and straight line spells: It is extremely tiring to have to turn every 2 seconds to hit the straight spells, besides that the marksman spells hit very little compared to rogues and have a high cooldown. Warlock's gameplay through straight line spells is also tiring but it's compensated by their fair and great damage. A bunch of factors combined, mainly no goal in game and non unique features (no great damage, no constant critical hits, no functional system of breaking defenses, no speed boost major than others), they gradually generated enough wear and tear for this subclass to be abandoned, just like the paladins were. Let's hope something is done to improve it again. |
Captain Fuzzy Piddle Player ![]()
Level 214
13th January 2025 20:47:17
there has been a million good request to fix marksman Staff simply is not interested
Godot Player ![]()
Level 348
13th January 2025 23:10:37
Like I said: the staff is lazy.
And they will not proove me wrong, you can bet on that. Marksman is irrelevant, the new continent on benq is a non finished update... what about them saying that about the rat season mount: that is a new style of animation that we will use on new features, new mobs, bla bla bla.... ok, where are those ? I dont see new mobs, quests, citys, builds... What about the fact that they destroyed the value of 4k task point weapons ? Nevermind, look, everything feels right cuz theres a new hardcore hunting area with the good old mobs as always, and also some new exp boosts. Sweet. ![]() |
Methanol Player ![]()
Level 12
14th January 2025 04:02:31 Quoting Godot: Like I said: the staff is lazy. And they will not proove me wrong, you can bet on that. Marksman is irrelevant, the new continent on benq is a non finished update... what about them saying that about the rat season mount: that is a new style of animation that we will use on new features, new mobs, bla bla bla.... ok, where are those ? I dont see new mobs, quests, citys, builds... What about the fact that they destroyed the value of 4k task point weapons ? Nevermind, look, everything feels right cuz theres a new hardcore hunting area with the good old mobs as always, and also some new exp boosts. Sweet. ![]() Yes!!! You wrote precisely what has been done... It seems the Staff doesn't care with many well-thought proposals regarding subclasses that require significant changes because they are completely out of place in the game... Marksman is excluded from game!!! he does not gain exp alone nor can he contribute to a hunting group due to none advantageous ability among all spells he has! In short, nothing is consistent if putting to analyze the set of spells he currently holds... Come on Staff, make a new balancing update!!! |
Box Player ![]()
Level 124
21st January 2025 23:14:03 (Last edited 21st January 2025 23:18:45)
Thank you to everyone who gave feedback on this thread !
We hope that someday and somehow the Staff will carefully read our proposals and improve the Marksman subclass before we give up hope on this because it is urgently needed. ![]() See you in the game. |
Fox Taime Player ![]()
Level 184
23rd January 2025 05:14:48
CMs have been missing from responding on the Forum for weeks.
Lots of great ideas and no response from the Staff |
Swayzell Player ![]()
Level 193
23rd January 2025 14:33:16
I love seeing all these great ideas to make the marksman shine. Nice to see everyone coming together to give such proposals.
![]() but I can say that the staff do see these proposals, and they aren't going unnoticed. (They have also mentioned this I think somewhere) You guys are awesome :) keep ideas flowing from all aspects in regards to classes. |
Henricus The Loner Player ![]()
Level 215
31st January 2025 08:27:59
marksman has been near useless for a long time now pve and pvp wise, only thing they have is a drunk and slow but rouges can evade and use traps to slow. Rouge is 100% better in every aspect of the game.
Captain Fuzzy Piddle Player ![]()
Level 214
31st January 2025 15:47:31 Quoting Henricus The Loner: marksman has been near useless for a long time now pve and pvp wise, only thing they have is a drunk and slow but rouges can evade and use traps to slow. Rouge is 100% better in every aspect of the game. They don't even really have the drunk spell.. everyone knows a simple map click and the spell is bugged with no effect. The creators of this game have dropped the ball for years Lame ass game |
Ruthless Execution Premium ![]()
Level 111
2nd February 2025 21:08:42
Marksmen are far below rogues in pve and pvp, as everyone has said. There is nothing fair to consider choosing marksman as main character. So marksman certainly need a rework soon as possible.
Another point is in the talent tree. In both trees, from marksman and rogue, Resistance is in the third row, while Healing is in the second row. In the trees of all mages and both warriors, it is the opposite, Resistance in the second row and Healing in the third row. This can be switched to provide a defensive option to rangers in early game because magic resistance is essential as main defense in game. |